Whoever you are angry at, whoever has hurt you, whatever has been done to you, may I encourage you right now to place that thing in the hands of the Lord. The Lord is a God of justice. We so…
This week is going to be so exciting as we see what God does in the life of one ordinary woman, who was called to do an extraordinary thing. And the thing that’s most impressive and most encouraging is that…
Enemies can take many forms. Sometimes it’s the anxiety that rises up in us; sometimes it is a real person who hurts us or who is out to get us. The common denominator we all have as believers in Jesus…
Not only were we made on purpose, for a purpose, we were also made for such a time as this. This is the time that you and I were appointed to live in. It’s not on accident. God has a…
We pick up the story today in Esther chapter three. Unfortunately, it’s time to meet the antagonist of our story.
I hope you fastened your seatbelt because we are getting ready to get back on this rollercoaster of a Bible story. Today we’re studying the life of Queen Esther. God created her and had big plans for her, and ditto…
We’re about to dive into the story of Queen Esther. It’s a battle story. It’s a story about faith under fire, and I believe with all my heart that your faith and my faith is going to increase after we…
You are right there with God all of the time. The greatest love story of all time is that Jesus who never sinned, not once in his life, gave his life for me and for you because he wanted to…
You know, all that love that Jesus gives us, it’s so extravagant. He lavishes us with his love. Surely we can share some love with those who don’t deserve it. We could never deserve God’s love. We can’t earn it.…
You can kind of see why it was so important to find the right wife for his son. Isaac. We are smack dab in the middle of an epic loved story in the Bible. I’m so glad to be on…