God is so much bigger than our human lives. He exists and exists and exists. We’re never in this lifetime going to get to know every single thing about Him, but there are things that He tells us about that…
It’s easy to go back to old habits and routines that you’re used to as school is starting back up. But it’s a great time to think about what habits you have that are good for you and what are…
God Has a Plan! What are your dreams for your future? In dreaming, it’s important to remember that God has a perfect plan for each of us. While it’s good to have dreams and goals, God’s plan may differ from…
Be a Wrestler! I’m an action kind of person. If something goes sideways, I want to figure out a solution.
We are in a new series called “Footnotes”, and it’s about taking a look at people in the Bible who don’t always get the spotlight. Don’t always get the big notice, but who did some amazing and important things when…
Be a Bridge! The Pennybacker Bridge in Austin is iconic and one of my faves. This week we’re using the idea of how people can act as bridges in our lives, helping us connect with others and understand new concepts.
It’s that time again! I want you to tune your memory up because it’s time for a God on the Go Car quiz!
Focusing on what truly matters in life and avoiding distractions from minor details is a WIN in my book. I hosted a gathering where I got caught up in insignificant issues instead of seeing the importance of quality time together.…
Julie takes on the world of criticism, putting it under the microscope and showing us how it differs from helpful feedback. With a sprinkle of wisdom from her kids’ dance battles and scripture, she champions the art of staying strong…