Today we begin a brand new series called Holy Saturday. It’s all about waiting on the Lord. You probably have heard of Good Friday, and of course you know about Easter Sunday, but what happened in between? Faith grew! Find…
Remember that the same God who forgave Peter for denying that he even knew him is the same God who forgives you and me when we make a mistake. That’s something to celebrate today. Let’s soak up Psalm 51 together.
Peter left everything to follow Jesus. He declared him to be the Messiah, the son of the living God. He denied him, and now Peter is about to be recommissioned by Jesus. Don’t you love his story? We’re leaning into…
Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you’ll discover that He is the rock at the bottom. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show you…
We’ve been on a mountaintop and all of a sudden we are in the valley. We don’t even know how we got there, but life is a series of highs and lows. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends. His…
Jesus loved Peter when he was getting it wrong, and when he was getting it right. It’s the same with you and me, and that’s why I’m super excited to go on this journey with you. The road is going…
This is the day you and I set aside to celebrate the goodness of God; to remember you and I were made to praise him. And you know what? He is so worthy of our praise and our thanksgiving, so…
Early on Sunday morning while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. We’re opening our Bibles and walking through the stories that increase our faith.…
It’s why He lived a sinless life – So that He could die on the cross and pay for my sins and your sins and open the door to heaven for us to restore our relationship with God. It’s why…