Today we’re going to be spending some time in a very special garden. The place where Jesus fought a great battle. Our sixth stop on the tour is the Garden of Gethsemane. It’s located at the foot of the Mount…
Today we resume our tour of the Holy Land. We continue to walk by faith together. There is so much power in you and I just telling our stories, talking about what Jesus did for you and for me. Let’s…
I thought today it would be so fitting to read Psalm 91 together. It is a Psalm about faith and trusting the Lord. Remembering He is the Almighty God. He is our provider. He’s our protector. He’s taking care of…
You know how when worry rushes through your mind and heart? The Lord can stop that. It’s His faithfulness that stops it. His promises stop the floods of worry and the waves of anxiousness from taking over us. Join me…
It’s such a privilege to walk by faith with you this week, to believe in things that we cannot see, including a God who loves us so very much. Let’s continue our trip through the holy land together.
A lamp is placed on a stand where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. I want…
Hope you brought your swim trunks today because our destination is the Sea of Galilee! Let’s go on an adventure! Let’s go to the holy land by opening our bibles and visiting some of the places that Jesus visited, and…
There’s a beautiful verse in Isaiah chapter 61, that talks about how God gives beauty for ashes. I believe with a full heart, it is what he wants to give for you too. Your story does not end in sack…
What a calling Esther had on her life. What a calling you have on your life. God called Esther to be queen. He calls you and I to different roles at different times in our lives to accomplish the purposes…
Something deep in the heart of every human is this desire for things to be made right; in our worlds and in our own hearts and lives. Queen Esther is a story about how God uses ordinary people to accomplish…