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The Bonfire with Jesse Bradley

Do you want to experience more of God’s presence? How often do you feel stuck, stressed, empty, frustrated, unmotivated, alone but sense you have a greater purpose? What’s the passion that ignites your soul and makes your life vibrant?

God’s greatest gift to you is His presence.
God is love. God is light. God is a consuming fire.

The Bonfire is a place for gathering, celebrating, and refining. The Bonfire is a place for community. The Bonfire is a place to experience Jesus and learn to abide with Him. God will meet you right where you are. He brings embers together and builds a bonfire.

Follow this podcast and listen weekly.

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When you think about The Bonfire, there’s three elements I want to highlight.

  1. First, it’s about a place of God’s presence. God is love. God is light. God is a consuming fire, and our deepest need is God’s presence.
  2. The second part is that it’s a place of gathering. Embers on their own, they can fade. And what I’ve seen the last couple years is a lot of people are stuck. A lot of people are frustrated, sometimes silent and intimidated, but that’s not how God designed us. So, we come together, we know there’s a greater purpose, and God brings us alive again, and that happens in community.
  3. And then the last is growth. Because when you get in God’s presence and you gather together, we’re going to grow. And maybe you’re at a point where you were just discovering new things about God. See, I didn’t believe God existed. I had success on the outside, but there was an emptiness on the inside. Or maybe you’ve been distracted if you’re honest and you want to return home, or you’re devoted and you just know that you want to keep growing.

This is a place where we gather and we seek God. What you can do right now is subscribe so we can have these weekly conversations through The Bonfire. And remember, God’s greatest gift to you is His Presence.

Thanks again for listening and feel free to share this podcast with anyone you know, who might benefit from it. This podcast is part of Purposely, a podcast network designed with practical podcasts to help you find, and live in, God’s purpose for your life. Find more amazing podcasts at

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