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Through The Lord, You Can Do No Common Act with Tauren Wells

Tauren Wells is a singer, song-writer, performer, husband, dad, and if you aren’t familiar with him yet we are so excited for you to get to know him. We absolutely love this quote of his,

“Criticism of them, limits growth in me. I can’t focus on what others are doing wrong, and what I need to do to be better at the same time.”

Powerful, right? God is looking for people who elevate Him, turn back to Him, and want to point to him. Take a listen to what Tauren is up to and be encouraged in your own journey.

Special thanks to Northwest University for sponsoring the Passion Meets Purpose Podcast!

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Tauren Wells: A lot of people know what they’re doing wrong, and they know where they fall short. So, if we’re gonna air on the side of something, let’s air on the side of that. Like Steve Trout. like you can do it. There’s potential in you. There’s possibility in your life and you never know where your words could take someone.

Sarah Taylor: That right there is Tauren Wells. And I was gonna do a big fancy introduction on his Dove awards and Grammy nominations and all of that, but when Tauren and I first started talking, it sounded like this: I guess, today is Tauren Wells blah blah…

Tauren Wells: Blah, blah, blah, put your hands together, ladies and gentlemen, Sandra… .

Sarah Taylor: I’m keeping that in. Before we jump into everything today, Tauren, you posted something on your Instagram and I laughed out loud. I wanna read it to you.

Tauren Wells: Oh no… Who knows?

Sarah Taylor: Your boys are back in school. They wanna wear basketball shorts every day to school, and so, you and your wife are telling him you have to wear real clothes and you wrote this; y’all know I can’t have Well’s kids running around as grown men who show up to a wedding or work event in slides.

Tauren Wells: Fact. I can’t do that. Here’s the thing, guys. I may be perhaps too focused on image and personal presentation. I feel like it was handed down from my dad. His dad was military, so, it was, you know, you gotta have the pants with a crease in them. The gig line has to be lined up for those of you that don’t know, that’s your zipper, your belt buckle, and your shirt buttons being all aligned. Everything was ironed. Shirts were starched. If I even thought about going outta the house and wrinkled clothes, it was like, you better get you up behind, down in that basement and iron those jeans. And so, we are not quite as strict as I grew up. But I think, you know, it’s just important. I want my kids to have a good sense of style and you don’t really learn how to match and put things together and all of that when you’re just wearing basketball shorts in your favorite camp, t-shirt to school every day. So, yeah, we’re trying to, to help ’em along a little bit and it it’s actually fun. And once they get out of the mindset, they actually enjoy putting the clothes together.

Sarah Taylor: I love the lineage that that desire comes from. You mentioned your grandfather, your father. Your father has a pretty powerful story. He has been with post serial for how many years?

Tauren Wells: Yeah. 40 years. Maybe no, maybe yeah. 40 something years.

Sarah Taylor: Is he still doing it?

Tauren Wells: Yes. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Sarah Taylor: Tell me a little bit about his work ethic and what that instilled in you.

Tauren Wells: Well, I grew up very blue collar. Battle Creek, Michigan, which our claim to fame is that it’s cereal city USA. The former home of Kellogg’s, Post, General Mills, Ralston… all the cereal. Actually, I’m gonna go too deep into this. You’re welcome. Back in the day before cereal was distributed nationally and internationally, you could actually only get cereal in Battle Creek, Michigan. So, this was back when it was like railroads that were taking people, and it was a major stop for people to stop in Battle Creek to have cereal, you know? Frosted flakes and corn flakes and fruity pebbles and all that. So, pretty cool history. I grew up going to the world’s longest breakfast table and, you know, things like that. But my dad has worked at Post cereal, and he instilled that work ethic in me, and in our family. And just, I have so much respect for him. It, it takes a lot to show up every day to a factory job. He had his own aspirations. When he was young in his twenties to go to Hollywood and pursue acting and all of that. He’s a very talented person with music. He taught me how to play keys and drums and sings and directed our church plays and all of that.

Super talented guy but made the decision when he found out that I was on the way to lay all of that down and do what he had to do to, to care for me and, and raise me and my sister. So, he’s the GOAT (Greatest of all time). I’m grateful for him. And now I use that work ethic and I tell ’em all the time, whatever people like about me is the shadow of you.

And I think sometimes we want to give the accolades away to the people who are the most visible, but just because you’re not the most visible doesn’t mean you’re not valuable. And he has added so much value to, to my life into so many others.

Sarah Taylor: What has it been like? What has he said to you with his words, about where you’ve ended up in your career if he had those similar aspirations?

Tauren Wells: Yeah. It’s, he’s been overwhelmingly supportive. First of all, let me just say that. But I think it is kind of difficult when you just grow up in one mode of thinking being from like a smaller town and stuff. There’s really no context for what I’m doing exactly. So, he equates it to like, you. Me being struck by a lightning bolt. It’s like, this is unbelievable what’s happened. And I feel the same way. I also do feel like I chased lightning though. And I think so many of us are afraid sometimes to pursue the things that God has called us to. And I just knew that for me, I wanted the work ethic, but I didn’t want the same environment. And because of the decisions my parents made, I actually had the liberty to go chase it. And it wasn’t easy. There were difficult times. There were times when I was essentially homeless. I had pawned pretty much everything that I owned for money to eat. I had a system worked out at Cordoba where I could get a $2 burrito, and that was what I had every day for months. No cell phone, no car, no nothing. And finally, one day, Leland, who’s a worship artist called me and asked me to come to Nashville. He introduced me to everyone. I ended up getting signed and getting a record deal. So, that’s a long story, short. It was definitely, you know, something that my family’s still trying to figure out as I am a as well, cuz God has blessed us exponentially beyond my wildest dreams.

Sarah Taylor: So many of us end up where we are because of a few key people along the way, so this work ethic that you learned from your dad. And then, I didn’t know, Leland was a lynchpin in this whole situation.

Tauren Wells: Yeah, major. I wouldn’t be here today without Leland. We were touring at the time. We were doing tons of shows mostly for free, or for pizza. And this was back when I was in my band, Royal Taylor, and we played a show in Baytown, Texas. There were about 25- 30 people there. And Leland happened to be there. It was his family’s church. It was like a Wednesday night youth thing. He had just gotten back from a mission’s trip and he was in the front row watching us. When we got done, he left and came back. He went to the ATM. He got $300 outta the ATM. Gave it to us, which was a lot of money for us at the time. Because when I say we didn’t get paid, that’s not an exaggeration. And so, it was amazing. And then we kind of stayed connected within the next four or five months, he reached out and said that he was wanting to bring us to, to Nashville for this week called GMA week. And it’s when all of the labels and music industry executives and booking agents and artists converged in Nashville for this week. And we went and he paid for our gas, for our hotels. He took us to the listening party for his album, Love Is On The Move. So, this kind of that gives you kind of the era.

We were sitting in the back of that label, just in awe of what we had stepped into. And when they got done with their album presentation, his mom, mama Cindy, came over and got the senior vice president of A & R and handed our terrible demo to him and said, these boys have a heart like my Leland. And that got his attention. We went back into the studio, raised money, recorded a little bit better version of those songs, five songs. Mailed it to the executive we met. Emailed every day for weeks and weeks and weeks until we got a meeting. And then we were signed to Sony. And then the real work began.

Sarah Taylor: The thing that stands out to me most is she didn’t hand that demo and say like, this is the best music I ever heard. She said, these boys have a heart like my Leland. Yes. There is so much inside of that statement.

Tauren Wells: Oh yeah, absolutely. And that’s what God elevates. God does not just elevate talent. He elevates heart. And I think the journey that I have been on has been a journey to refine my heart. It’s, you know, we see it all the time. People are a flash in the pan. They rise, they’re, everyone thinks they’re so great. And then, you know, two years later, you never hear from ’em again. And it’s because there is such a gift in going through the process. There is a heart development. And I remember actually that week that I was in Nashville. Leland brought us to, I got to go to a, an event called the Erase Event, and it was featuring Johnny Lang. And Johnny Lang is one of the greatest guitarists of our generation. One of the best of all time. And he had a radical conversion to Christianity, put out a Christian album, that was so good. He is just unbelievably talented. He’s really a prodigy. And we got to meet him through some mutual friends. And he actually took us out to eat afterwards. And he was aware of a song that I wrote in Bible college, which I was like, how do you, how do you know about that that even exists? But he said, I really believe that God is looking for people that he can trust. And he said, I really feel like you have a heart god can trust. Now, at that time in my life especially, I was incredibly imperfect, needing a lot of refinement, a lot of work of the holy spirit in my life. And by the grace of God, that is an ongoing process that continues to this day.

But I really feel like those of you out there listening, it’s not just about being the best at what you do. It’s not just about being the most talented. If that was the case, I wouldn’t be here. There are people far more talented than me. But I really do believe God is looking for people who constantly turn back to him, lean on him, elevate him, talk about him. And those are the people that we’re gonna see God rising up. David was an incredible person. Individual. He was on the backside of a field. On the outside, all of his brothers were more qualified, taller, more handsome, more skilled, older, probably wiser, and still the oil didn’t flow over their lives. The overflow happened when God found a man after his own talent. No skill. No ability. No heart.

It’s about heart. It’s about character integrity, the intangible things that can sustain you through a long life of fruitfulness.

Sarah Taylor: Reminds me of another quote you posted recently on your Instagram. Criticism of them…

Tauren Wells: Mmm, go ahead and talk about it, sister Sarah. So, you start, go ahead. Come on, go ahead.

Sarah Taylor: Criticism of them limits growth in me. I can’t focus on what others are doing wrong, and what I need to do to be better at the same time.

Tauren Wells: Oh my, oh my gosh. That’ll preach. I wrote that. That’s good. Yes. That’s so good. I mean, drop the mic. It’s true. We get so focused in this comparison driven world that we live in, that if, if you look at someone long enough, you go find something wrong with them. And ultimately if we’re focused on what God needs to do in us, we won’t have time to think or talk about them. Let God handle them. I know, for some reason on social media, trolls just love to come out and just hate on people. And of course, I’m no exception to that. People love to hate on me on social media. I’m like, I’m just trying to follow Jesus, but then I realize I can’t even critique their critiques of me. It’s not worth my time. There is so much that I have to give myself to. And so, shut off the comparison trap. Move away from that church over there, that family, can you believe they, because usually the people that are so focused on others have the most dysfunction present in their own lives. So, yeah, let God do the work in, in your heart.

Sarah Taylor: As we continue on the theme of people that have made an impact. We got your dad, we got Leland. One that I’m aware of, and it comes to mind because we both recently were attending his celebration of life, is a man named Steve Strout. and I’ve known him for almost 20 years.

Tauren Wells: Wow.

Sarah Taylor: And his wife, AJ… because…

Tauren Wells: So, y’all went to preschool together? That’s sweet. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. The preschool.

Sarah Taylor: Yep. I remember, so he worked on the label side of things, and so, sometimes we would track songs, but it’s usually he and his, aJ and I would talk, and we went through all three of our pregnancies together. Our kids are the same ages. And so, when he was diagnosed with cancer it hit home to me because I almost put myself in AJ’s shoes.

Tauren Wells: Mm-hmm right. Yeah, of course.

Sarah Taylor: And I want you to talk a little bit about the legacy that he leaves, not just with his family, but in your life. Talk about how you know him. And then I just wanna share a couple of mutual thoughts about what an incredible husband and father and secret of Jesus that he was.

Tauren Wells: Yeah. I love that you bring it up to cuz it, it also goes back to the valuable versus visible. You know the name, Steve Strout, probably doesn’t mean anything to most people listening. However, you would quickly realize through conversations with some of your favorite artists, or authors, or other podcast host, that he had incredible influence in our industry, and was an amazing champion of people. And, you know, there are some people that make you feel special. Like you’re the only one that they believe have believed in. That was certainly the case with Steve. Like, man, Steve thinks I’m dope. That’s so crazy believes in me. All these other poor little people that’s too bad for y’all. Y’all need to get a champion like Steve. And then after his passing, all these stories started to populate on social media, and then at his Memorial service as well, of people who had the exact same story I did. And I realized that Steve was so gracious with his belief in people. So generous with his energy and his time. He was actually my first manager for my solo, little career that we got going here. And he was really close with some people at K-Love and also brought the idea of the K-Love fan awards to the table and, and, you know, helped steward that and produced the show and all of that.

And so, they thought, yeah, it’s a conflict of interest. You can’t manage him and maybe the headliner every single time. Yeah, exactly. Which what’s wrong with that. But then I realized, man, he’s been believing in so many people for so long. And it, it really inspired me hearing his son speak at his celebration of life and it put some things in tremendous perspective for me, because there may be some other parents out there who, you know, are ambitious and wanna pursue what God’s called them to do and live in your purpose and all of that. And, or maybe it’s even not as glorious as that. Maybe it’s like your job just demands your time. It demands your attention, effort, and energy. The intention that he placed on giving his children time and belief. Like, if I was championed by him, these kids, I mean, he just believed in them so much and created space for their dreams and their success. And I realized, man, that is at the very top of the list of what is really important. And so, he continues to inspire even from his, his his place in eternity. So, we’re grateful for him.


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Sarah Taylor: Their family even had a mission statement.

Tauren Wells: Wild. Who does that?

Sarah Taylor: Do you remember that?

Tauren Wells: Uh-huh.

Sarah Taylor: Oh, and, and they, they put it up on the screen and I’m trying to go by memory; one of the, one of the pieces was it was, I think it was, we, we will live life optimistically. It was something about, that they will carry joy despite their circumstances. And that was the very first one.

Tauren Wells: That’s crazy.

Sarah Taylor: And they would use that as a filter for all of their decisions, and I was definitely very inspired by that. So yeah. Thank you for honoring his life with me. Yeah.

Tauren Wells: And I think it, it, it motivates all of us toward the goal of being gracious with people. Believing in people. Speaking life over people. A lot of people know what they’re doing wrong, and they know where they fall short. So, if we’re gonna err on the side of something, let’s err, on the side of that Steve trout, like you can do it. There, you there’s potential in you there’s possibility in your life and you never know where your words could take someone.

Sarah Taylor: Let’s talk more about the power of words. Let’s talk about how we can speak life, or you can sing life, into someone with clearly… you’ve chosen, you could have taken any lane with your music. You chose a lane that delivers the message of the gospel.

Tauren Wells: Yeah. To me, that’s all that’s worth it. You know, John Foreman said, if I’m gonna leave my family to sing these songs, I better believe in what I’m singing. And so, it’s not enough for me to go out and just make flimsy pop music. Now I respect the craft and all of that. That’s a conversation for another time. I think Christians are way too critical of people who don’t make faith-based music. But on that particular subject, I just realized that music has the power to move people in a supernatural way. It was designed to do it. And if I’m gonna move people, I wanna move them toward God, and toward one another. And so, that’s where I’ve been creating from. This new album, Joy in the Morning, was definitely written from that place. And I think it’s important that we give context and insight to our relationship with God through music. But I also think we have a big responsibility as believers to give a template for how we handle the rest of life, because all of life is actually holy.

I’ve been really, I guess, challenged by this book that I’ve been reading. And in it, the author makes this amazing statement. He says that if the work that we do has been sanctified in our hearts toward Jesus, then we can do no common act. Whether you’re showing up at a office. If you are walking into a classroom. If you are a personal trainer. If you’re working in post cereals in Battle Creek, Michigan. If you have sanctified that work unto the Lord, it is no longer common. It’s holy. And we love to create this division. There was, there was a troll on my YouTube channel that was critiquing my song afraid with you. And afraid with you was written from this place where my wife and I are at and have been, where I’m trying to learn to be more empathetic. You know, instead of rushing in with all the tools to fix all of the problems, just to sit there and say, I hear you. That I, I got you. You know, I don’t quite understand the full spectrum of emotion you’re feeling, but I’m with you in it. And this guy goes, and he is like, well, this isn’t a worship song. Christian radio station should not play it. It should not be marketed as a worship song. And, you know, although the premise of it is sweet or whatever, you know, biblically, there’s a lot of problems with it. If you’re dealing with fear, God’s not giving us a spirit of fear, but a power love and a sound mind. And you know, if there are voices in your head, you need to go to counseling… and all of these. And just completely destroying the song. And he was treating the song as if it was a scripture, that he was trying to do an exegesis of the song, which means to go line by line and give context for it.

The problem with that line of thinking is songs are subjective, not objective. Pieces of art. They are not scripture. So, scripture is not subjective. It is authoritative. You can believe whatever you want about the scripture, but the scripture says what it says. It is what it is, and its truth cannot be added to, or taken away from. With a song it’s open to interpretation. If I have a line that says, I’ll listen to the voices in your head. That doesn’t necessarily literally mean that there are audible voices speaking. It could mean voice of negativity, the inner critic, the coach, or the family member that told you can’t. And what I’m saying in that song is, I, I’m there for those feelings, for those thoughts to be with you and comfort you in them. I know the scripture but I, I think… my point in telling you that story was that no one can disqualify even the very act of writing that song as worship, because I sanctified my songwriting to the Lord. So, that, it’s no longer common it’s holy. And although it doesn’t say Jesus, doesn’t make it belong to him any less.

And it’s the same thing with whatever you’re doing. An architect drawing designs, or a dentist cleaning someone’s teeth. If you have sanctified the work. Now, it’s not all equally significant, but it is equally valuable to the heart of God. It’s equally pure. And I think it’s important that we teach people that the reason why, Sarah, is because so many of us have given the church, has given people the wrong idea that if you’re not in ministry, if your work doesn’t happen in a church building, or is the work of an organization of 501C3, then it doesn’t count. It’s not holy. It’s not, God’s. Furthest thing from the truth. We need therapists and counselors and mechanics and electricians who do their work unto the Lord. And just in that, it’s holy. What you do is significant. It’s special. It means something. And yeah, that’s…

Sarah Taylor: I just had three flight attendants that have sanctified their work to the Lord. Because when I was coming back from momentum, which is a big Christian radio broadcaster event in Florida, I, I had a heart rate that wouldn’t go down on the airplane. Mm-hmm and that’s never happened to me before. And anyways they said, well, why didn’t you come lay down in the back of the plane? And once that happened, it actually made it worse because then I saw them get on the phone and I’m like, they better not land this plane in Iowa. I’m having a, I wanna go home. I’m having a mild panic well, no, not just me. The rest of the plane. Like I’m having like a mild panic attack there. Not so much over me, but like, please don’t. Please don’t take us to Kansas City. Yeah. Like these people wanna land in Seattle. I’m like, I’m fine. I’m fine. I might not look fi… I’m fine. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. So, anyways, then they did the whole, is there a doctor on the plane? Now I got three people back there looking at me on the floor. Whole thing. Yes. The three flight attendants, a hands on me, praying out loud, big, bold prayers. Yeah. They didn’t even know I was a believer yet. Yeah. I, they learned my name and they were all of a sudden just, Jesus, the power of the holy spirit. You just fall upon Sarah right now. And I was like, yes, squeeze in hands. I’m like, they don’t even know. Yes, it was exactly what I needed in that moment. And yes, I thought how bold of them. They, like I said, they didn’t know yet that we shared a common belief, but they were gonna pray. Cuz they knew that that is what they were supposed to do.

Tauren Wells: Yes. And that, and Lord knows we need more holy ghost filled people at the airport than anywhere in the world. God, could you touch the TSA folks? They need the joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Okay. Touch ’em Lord. Why am I randomly selected every time, and I’m precheck. I don’t understand. Give me back my shampoo. So, it, it is true. And I just wanna encourage people that you don’t need a microphone. You don’t need a stage. You don’t need a platform. You don’t need a CD. You don’t need a book. You don’t need a, a theology degree for what you do to matter, and to be holy that’s.

Sarah Taylor: Right. Yeah. You say something about the theme of this album. You wanna realign our, the horizon of heaven.

Tauren Wells: Oh, you better go ahead and quote it. That’s right. I, I really just felt that sense of, and this has been since the citizen of heaven album. The, the ache for eternity, you know? And I love my life, you know, I’m, , I’m not trying to rush the process at all, but I have just had to lean on the reality that this world is not our home. I repeat. News flash. I know CNN got you feeling away. I know Fox news. Got you feeling away. I know MSNBC got you feeling away. I know it feels like this is all there is, and its doom and gloom, and there are so many tragedies. Our hearts can’t even handle the amount of tragedy that we are exposed to. And yet we happen to all buy into the mindset that this thing called America is the only kingdom. That this, this economic system that we live in is where our hope is. And I just have to continue to encourage people, lift your eyes a little higher. Lift them higher than your computer screen. Higher than your TV screen. Higher than your Twitter feed. Higher than the office of president. Higher than the rule of the Supreme court. There is a king who is on the throne who cannot be pushed out of power. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. He is sovereign. He’s present. He knows the details, and not once has he gone, oh boy, I don’t know what to do now. Our whole life is moving towards something, and it is this thing called eternity. I think we have to be reminded that it’s real. And so, that’s the, the spirit of joy in the morning that we would not be overwhelmed by these temporary afflictions, is what Paul calls them. That, he said that these temporary afflictions, this momentary suffering is not even worthy to be compared to the glory that is to be revealed. That there is a heaven for believers to look forward to. And I think so many of us, and maybe Christianity’s done the worst job at making people believe that we’re gonna be fulfilled on this side of eternity. The promotion’s probably not gonna fulfill you. The getting the, the dream card, the dream spouse, the dream … It’s not really gonna fulfill you. There’s this dude, Solomon in the Bible who had all of that. Unbelievable wealth. Jeff Bezos can’t even compare to what Solomon had in the bank, to what he had in the bedroom, to what he had out there in the world. There was no comparison. And he said there is a void in the human heart so vast, that it could consume the world and still be hungry.

So, we will not truly be fulfilled. We will not breathe with a sigh of relief until we get into eternity. In heaven with Jesus, and we realize this is what I’ve been waiting for. This is what I’ve been hoping for. And I, I hope that it helps people who are grieving. Who have had unbelievable loss in their lives. And you start to think, I’ve lost so much. I’ll only ever lose. I I’ve failed so much. I’ll only ever fail. I’ve been rejected so much. I only ever… that’s not true. That is, it may be true and real right now, but that’s not the only truth that exists. We have to pull back our perspective and see that there’s more to this story. And that weeping may endure for a night, but there’s a joy coming for those who have placed their faith in Jesus. There’s a joy coming. He sees your tears. He collects them. He, he’s with us. I, I, I would say this last thing, this is a podcast that we can talk as long as we want to. Right? So, I’ve had to for myself and encourage others to lean into the character of God. That sometimes coffee, cup, cliches, and bumper stickers don’t actually do it, when you’re walking through something really difficult. And what I’ve learned about God is that he is, he’s big. Which the word we would use, like some people smarter than me would use, and me trying to sound smart would use is transcendent.

So, he’s above, beyond, away from, higher than, over… but he also has this thing called imminence. That’s a core quality of his DNA. That means he’s close… with… near… beside, and that’s the beautiful thing about God, is, it was enough for him to just be God and seated on his throne, in the heavens and using the earth as his foot stool, so small, but then he got small. He robed himself in flesh and he stepped into our existence. Before he was the God, the God beyond pain. Then he chose to step into. He was the God beyond fear. And yet we find him weeping in, in the garden. He was the God beyond death, but he would submit his life to death itself. So, he could feel what we feel, and experience what we experience. That’s what gives me hope in Jesus and in Christianity. Is that it’s not some, all wise, all powerful God. Just that it’s that he’s the God who’s with. He’s the God who’s near. And if he can be present here and now, in this reality, and be present in a reality beyond, then it has to leave my heart toward understanding. There is a reality beyond this and that’s what we have to live our lives toward. So, doesn’t satisfy all of our doubts. It doesn’t answer all of our questions, but it does give us the hope that we’re not alone now. And we never will be

Sarah Taylor: Our enormous thanks to Tauren Wells for being today’s guest. Of course, you can always check out his podcast. I think it’s called the high note. A high note, the high note. Just search Tauren Wells. Thank you so much to Capitol CMG and Elizabeth Brock for bringing you our way. Thank you to Rebecca Beckett, our content coordinator, and Luke Swanberg, also now involved in the podcast. Thanks to our producer, Scott Karow.

And I would love to hear your feedback. Are you enjoying some of these episodes more than others? Are there certain guests that you want to hear, or maybe you even want to be on this in the future? You know how to get ahold of us. Of course, thank you to you for listening to the Passion Meets Podcast. You can follow Purposely Podcasts on Instagram, and we will link up to in the show notes for the best ways to get a hold of us.

Again, thanks so much. And I’ll see you in two weeks.

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