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Keep Letting God Dip His Pen in Your Ink with Brandon Heath

Brandon says he wasn’t used to generosity, but that’s what helped launched his music career (thanks to Bob Goff!). Go behind the scenes into Brandon Heath’s story, how he got to where he is today, and how we can walk with confidence even when the world around us feels crazy.

Special thanks to Northwest University for sponsoring the Passion Meets Purpose Podcast!

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Brandon Heath: People are kind of hurt by the church lately. People are leaving the church in droves, but I’m like, y’all, this is where we shine. As the church we run toward the need. We don’t run away from it. You know, if you show up in a church where there, because we need each other and we need God. And by the way, that’s exactly what he calls us to do is to love each other and to love him.

So if that’s what we’re doing, then that’s why we can walk with confidence when the world is crumbling around us, because it means we’ve got our priorities straight. The thing that’s most important is that we love God and we love each other, and it does not matter what happens around us, because if you focus on that, you’re going to go down with the ship.

Sarah Taylor: We’re just getting started right there with Brandon Heath, our guest this week on the Passion Meets Purpose podcast.

If you’re new, um, the name is self-explanatory. It’s just all about the talent that you have, the things you’re naturally good at, and then how you put that on display for the rest of the world to see. What are you passionate about and what’s your purpose and Brandon’s story falls in line with exactly that. He is a five-time Grammy nominee.

You’re going to hear me kind of botch that one in the interview and quickly get corrected. I like it though. It’s one of my favorite moments, Brandon. Just, he, he brings his whole self and I am so grateful. I do have a disclaimer though. So that’s how we begin our conversation with a disclaimer. Here we go.

Okay, Brandon, we need to apologize to the listener because we’re going to have a lot of Pacific Northwest Seattle references. And that’s what I love so much with your story is how this place, when you land here, it must bring back a lot of memories.

Brandon Heath: It does. I came here for the first time when I was, uh, 16. I was, uh, actually it was the summer I turned 16, so I may have been 15. I have to do some math, but, uh, it was 95, 1995. I was on a plane from Nashville to Seattle. Uh, drove up the coast to a Young Life camp called Malibu, uh, which is actually up in Canada. Um, but for years and years I have, I worked at Malibu and I knew a lot of people from camp, uh, and they all lived here in, in the Pacific Northwest.

So it’s funny to, to this day, People think that I’m from here. Uh, cause this is kind of where my career started. So they will have, they have always assumed that I’m from Seattle, which I’m okay with. Really okay. With. But I’m actually from Nashville, Tennessee,

Sarah Taylor: things that I know about that Malibu story is that your guitar had been stolen.

Brandon Heath: Yeah. Yeah. So, my second summer, so I would work for, uh, I would do four months at a time at Malibu. And actually, I think it was my first summer to do four months. And, um, I left my guitar unlocked in my car overnight at my house though, you know? So, you know, you think in your own backyard, you’d probably find, um, but somebody broke into my car. I mean, took my, took my guitar and then I went to, to camp. Now at that point, I was not like a professional songwriter. I wasn’t a performer, but I was writing and informally sharing with people. But when I was working at this camp, a lot of times people would want me to perform on stage and share my songs. And, um, somebody just heard that I had a guitar stolen and this person, his name was Joe. He was visiting and he had heard that I’d had a guitar stolen and I shared a few songs. And so he left me a card with a check to go and buy myself a new guitar. And so, um, Joby Vash is his name. He lives in Hong Kong now, but he used to live down in, in San Diego, California.

I will, I will always be grateful to him because that was really the first, I mean, it was a, it was a financial gift, but it was also somebody saying, Hey, this is your gift. You need to do it. And here’s enough money to buy a really good guitar.

Sarah Taylor: More than enough! You got an upgrade.

Brandon Heath: I got a serious upgrade. I really did.

I went to, um, I went into downtown Vancouver, and I picked up this guitar that they only made at Vancouver at the time called a Larrivée and today I have a Larrivée with me and my guitar case, so that, so I play a Larrivée, because of my love for this area, but it was also like my first, you know, decent guitar.

Sarah Taylor: And he was a friend of Bob Goff who has written a book called love does. And for anyone who has ever wondered is the Bob who writes this, the Bob in real life, you are a firsthand account because he helped start your career.

Brandon Heath: He did. Well, you know, he was just my friend, you know, and he pursued me for a couple of years. So, Joe and Joe and Bob they’re there, these two lawyers from San Diego and they’re friends, but I did not know them from Adam. So Joe was a guest on Bob’s boat and they were visiting Malibu. So, they left, uh, and, and Bob would come back the next summer and say, Hey, uh, w yes, we love your music, but we love you.

We being his family. Uh, he said, is there a way that we could support you? And, um, I just was not used to that kind of generosity and that kind of investment. And honestly, in my brain, I kind of went to like, Hey, what are you trying to, what are you trying to get out of me? You know, are you, are you wanting to like invest in, you know, financially gain something here?

And I couldn’t have been more wrong. But that was kind of the cynical world that I came from, you know? And I wasn’t, I just wasn’t used to generosity, and I wasn’t, I’d never been mentored before. But Bob would, uh, keep inviting me to come and visit his family until I finally did. And that was where we hatched a plan for me to sign a record deal.

So, so I did, uh, months later, uh, in 2005. And, uh, I will always be so grateful to Bob for talking me into it. Uh, so yeah, that’s how he fits into my story. And if you ever read Love Does, um, Chapter 11, I believe is, uh, the first three words are my friend Brandon. So, he tells a little story about an adventure that we had. And he’s just a, he’s been a great encouragement to me over the years.

Sarah Taylor: So, you get that EP, you get a record deal and, uh, you put, I’m Not Who I Was out to the radio land, and you get a Dove award that year for new artists of the year. And as you walk to the stage, who do you see shoot up out of the audience?

Brandon Heath: Bob Goff. I love that, you know, my story so well. So Bob and his family flew to Nashville, knowing that I was nominated for new artists of the year. And I was like, well, for your sake, I hope I win because y’all spent a lot of dough to come out here and stay, but I did win, and I saw him. Um, and now a lot of people know about him, but back then, like he hadn’t written a book, you know, he was still a lawyer.

Um, but he is every bit, like you mentioned earlier, what’d he says in his book that that’s who he is. He’s, he’s larger than life. It’s hard to describe him, but I did see him shoot up in the middle of the audience, like a rocket. And I couldn’t even look at him cause I got emotional and you can find that clip.

It was, um, Jeremy Camp and, um, Aaron Shuste to presented that award to me. And they lined us up so awkwardly on stage. It was kind of the early days of, uh, American idol and they lined us up American idol style. And I’m ironically, standing next to my now great friend Mandisa who, uh, got kicked off American idol, but they called my name, you know, and Mandisa, I I’ve seen the clip… she leans over to give me a pat on the back. And, but I was just speechless, you know, I just put, I’m not who I was out. Um, and it was a very personal song. So. Um, people connected in a way that that surprised me.

Sarah Taylor: And then let’s bring back some more Seattle references. You aren’t a flight from Seattle, I think back to Nashville where you got your idea for Gimme Your Eyes.

Brandon Heath: True story, true story. Um, which I was literally thinking about this morning because, well, we’ll get to that in a second. So I was, I was on a direct from Nashville to our, from Seattle to Nashville. The first, the first line of the song is looked down from a broken sky. So, I think the, I think the pilots said something on like, well, we’re about to land in Nashville.

We’ve got broken skies, you know, I don’t like writing credits. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That’s where that came from. Just the idea for give me your eyes. So I was sitting next to a guy on the plane and I was touching elbows with him, but I didn’t say a word to him the whole time. And it just was funny that we could be in such close proximity with people, but not talk to them or look at them even. So I was convicted and started that song. And then a few days later finished it with my friend, um, Jason Ingram. And it’s my big hit. It’s my career song for sure. And I’m really proud of it, but yeah, Seattle played a big role. So, to finish my story, I was flying from Nashville to Seattle last night, and I had an idea, I kind of want to play this.

So I, I. I was, I was reading, I was either reading an article or watching, oh no, I was watching a, um, a documentary on my phone. I have, you know, whenever I come up with an idea, what I do is I put it on my voice memo on my phone and it I’ve been writing a ton lately, so I’m getting ideas. So the, the, the word that hit me was breakdown.

So, there’s something about the word breakdown that shimmered for me in that moment, I was like, okay, how can I write about breakdown? Cause I like the name of the word. So, I come up with this, like this melody in my head, but I’m sitting with like in close proximity, we’re all masked, you know? So, this is what it sounds like. It just sounds terrible.

Sarah Taylor: Are you having to be quiet because people are listening so you’re trying to be incognito through a mask on a plane, but not lose the melody.

Brandon Heath: So, I, I have to get the idea, but I’ve got I’ve I’m double masked. I’ve got like an N 95 mask on and a cloth mask. Cause I’m that guy. I do not want COVID I have not had COVID. I do not want COVID. Um, I trying to come up with, I’m trying to get this idea down. I’ve got a little boy who’s watching some like Tom and Jerry cartoon on his, on his, you know, his laptop. And then his dad next to me, and I’m trying to get down this idea. But I get ideas on planes, you know, and you never know when inspiration is going to hit. So, you got to get

Sarah Taylor: Thanks for giving us the exclusive, exclusive first look at what could be a Grammy nominated song. You heard it first. I know you were at the Grammy’s, was it, was it gimme your eyes that got nominated for the Grammy?

Brandon Heath: Yeah, give me your eyes. Did, um, your love did, you’ve had three. I’ve had, I’ve had how many, 5, 5, 5 nominations,

Sarah Taylor: Sorry to shortchange the nomination.

Brandon Heath: Always the nominee, never the winner. You know, so if you’re up, if you’re up against Chris Tomlin or Kirk Franklin, just forget about it. Cause they’re going to win. That’s my that’s my lesson, but I will say that Kirk Franklin, he won the year they give me your eyes was up. He won, he won the award and he called Jason, my co-writer and Kurt Franklin does not sing, but he’s saying our song to us over the phone. He was like, okay, you and I both know that you should have won the Grammy. He was like, but here’s the thing it’s not about awards. He said, keep letting God, what did he say? Cause it was beautiful. He said, keep letting God, uh, dip his pen in your ink. So, isn’t that so cool. So classy, Kirk Franklin. I’ve gotten to meet him several times since then, and just tell him how much that meant to me, because I really wanted that Grammy and I, we had the biggest song that year, and there’s no reason other than politics that we wouldn’t, that we didn’t win it. So that was my lesson. That was my lesson learned. And I just didn’t put as much into awards after that. Thank you, Kirk Franklin for that awesome lesson. It’s not about awards.

Sarah Taylor: Well, you win the class act award because of who you took on that red carpet.

Brandon Heath: Oh yeah. So, I know who you’re talking about. That was my teacher. Uh, Ms. Frost, Bobby Jean Frost. She was 81 at the time. So, uh, she was my music teacher when I was in high school. And, uh, I had just kinda moved out of a really bad school situation, bad grades, but then I started, I moved in with my mom. I was kind of coming out of this really tough time in life. I moved in with my mom, got into music. I started playing guitar and my teacher Ms. Frost, so I was, I was, uh, 14, I guess Ms. Frost saw something in me and, uh, encouraged me to audition for this, this new thing called Grammy in the Schools. And so, there were, uh, programs, music programs all over the country were being pulled out for more academics. And, uh, the recording academy who puts on the Grammys, they were like, no, no, no, no, you cannot pull music out of schools because music is vitally important, not only to our culture, but also to development in our brains. Like. Music is like, I I’ve never met someone, I don’t know about you, Sarah, but I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like music. There’s just something in us. It’s in every culture.

So, I think God planted music in us and there was a big initiative to say, Hey, please, don’t pull music out of schools. And they did that by saying, we’re going to have, uh, 16 kids from around the country, uh, when this contest we’re going to fly them to New York, we’re going to put them on the Grammy stage in front of all their heroes.

I was 14 and somehow, I won and it’s because Ms. Frost talked me into it. And so I’m thrust into being a new musician, into talking to Sting and Trisha Yearwood, all, all of my heroes, I get emotional thinking about it, and that was the moment that I realized I could do this. I could do this, you know. So, it, fast forward, 15 years later, I’m up for a Grammy. I’m taking Ms. Frost with me. So, she was my date.

Sarah Taylor: That picture still lives on the internet.

Brandon Heath: Yeah, I think it’s still there. Did you find it? I think so. Well, I have a picture that I’ve never posted of us. I’ve got my nominee medallion on and she’s stayed in there with me. She recently was recognized actually last year she was recognized, uh, by the state of Tennessee, in teaching excellence, um, and she retired years ago. Um, but she’s still living. She currently has cancer. So pray for her. I saw her just a month ago. Um, but uh, I tell her all the time, yeah, you, you made a huge difference for me that they featured the story in this bio about her and, I’m just so grateful.

Sarah Taylor: We’ll be right back with our conversation, but first a heartfelt thank you to our sponsor Northwest University. Have you heard NU is all in on tech? Got a brand new state-of-the-art technology studio and majors include UX design, data science, video production, audio production, and computer science.

These programs add to an already diverse offering of top programs in business, nursing, education, sciences, communications, psychology music, humanities, and more. Plus, NU has robust scholarships. This is on top of their already low tuition. Ministry majors in the traditional undergrad program receive a 50% scholarship.

Northwest University’s, Christ centered community always stands out. Spiritual vitality is their firm foundation. And with Northwest’s career readiness initiative, you’ll graduate with endorsements in career specific skills that give context to your resume. When you choose NU, you’re choosing a confidence, start to your calling.

In other words, your passion and purpose. Now back to this week’s episode.

Sarah Taylor: All right, my next favorite story. Sorry. This whole thing is just basically me pulling my favorite things out of you. You’re a good sport. Okay. You got to be the wedding singer at…

Brandon Heath: Yeah. Carrie Underwood’s wedding, right?  You were the surprise guest. Now you were a wedding crasher…

Brandon Heath: Not technically a wedding crusher, but uh, yeah. Um, it’s funny. I was telling you about those people that I was on the plane with yesterday. Um, I told the guy my name and he would, he Wikipedia had me and he found the story. So, there’s part of me that wants to take it off of my Wikipedia page because I don’t want that to be a career highlight that I say at Carrie’s wedding.

Sarah Taylor: Honey, I met this wedding singer on a plane.

Brandon Heath: Yeah, exactly. But that is true. I did. And I’m glad you brought it up. I’m glad you brought it up. But it was a cool, like one of those moments where you never know who’s listening. Uh, so because Carrie had said something very kind about me and people magazine and that’s how it kind of hit our radar. Our being my publicist’s, you know, she saw at first. We, my publicist had heard that Carrie, uh, really loved a song of mine called love, never fails, and that they were gonna, that was going to be in their wedding, and they weren’t giving up a lot of information on their wedding.

And so, uh, DJ had asked her in an interview, can you give us anything? Is there a song? Is there, she was like, okay. There is a song it’s called Love Never Fails by a guy named Brandon Heath. So, uh, we had a little meet cute in, uh, Vegas at the ACM awards. And I said, you know, if you want me to come, I can sing at the wedding.

And so, I kind of invited myself. So, she said, well, I thought about asking you to surprise Mike, because her husband is the real fan of my music. He’s the one that introduced her to my music. So he did not know that I was there. So Carrie, and I did not know this, but Carrie hired the string section from my record.

So I show up at this swanky hotel in the middle of nowhere, Georgia. Uh, it’s a Ritz-Carlton um, this place called Reynolds Plantation. And I did not know until the day before where I was flying. So, they, they were like, okay, you’re, you’re flying to Atlanta. Look for a guy with a clipboard, with a smiley face on it to give him this, this password. Uh, like for real, I had to give him a secret password. Uh, my day, um, I don’t remember. I can’t remember. So, we got in a car and then we showed up at this hotel. There’s my string section from the record. Uh, and then I practice with them. And then I play for the reception. So, they walk in. So, so, uh, introducing, uh, Mr and Mrs. Mike Fisher. And so, they walk in and I start playing the song and Mike, he’s like blown away that I’m there playing the song. And they dance and then, you know, of course my, my date at the time, and I could enjoy the night and this is pretty special. Thank you, Carrie for. Pseudo inviting me, even though I kind of invited myself.

Sarah Taylor: Is it just the fact that you’re flying somewhere where you don’t know and you’re looking for a smiley face sign? I just think as a kid there. A moment where you’re like, I hope this is legit.

Brandon Heath: That would be the most amazing prank ever. Uh, if somebody, if you thought you were seeing this high-profile wedding. I will say this I’ve been playing backyards lately. Like what I did during the height of COVID, when all, when all the music venues were closed, I was playing backyards. One of the invitations to play came from like a major influence. And, uh, and so I’m kind of even embarrassed to talk about this, but for a couple of days we thought it was legit. Like we thought we were going to go to this influencer’s house and it turned out to be a complete hoax. Like somebody just thought it would be hilarious to pose as an influencer, whoever it was, if you’re listening, great job. You totally got me. Fool me once. Shame on me. You cannot fool me again on that one.

Sarah Taylor: Actually, wants you to come the second time.

Brandon Heath: If you’re an influencer, you’re going to need to like, you’re going to need to do a better job cause I’m going to be suspicious.

Sarah Taylor: Oh gosh. Okay. So, from Carrie Underwood’s wedding to your own beautiful wedding, I want to talk about there’s a ice cream place here in the Pacific Northwest called Molly Moons and that ice cream place actually played a pivotal role in sort of when you knew that your wife CB was who you wanted to propose to.

Brandon Heath: Um, uh, Molly Moon’s if you, if you have not experienced Molly Moons, I know that there’s a location on Capitol hill. I know that there’s one in U village. Uh, so, and I’ve gotten to meet Molly, uh, in person. Uh, she’s wonderful. And her ice cream is sinful. Shame on you for making something so wonderful so fattening. I love Molly Moon’s. It’s my favorite ice cream in, in the whole country. And I’m a coffee connoisseur and I’m an ice cream connoisseur. My favorite flavor, uh, that Molly Moon’s makes is a ginger ice cream and it’s kind of seasonal for them. But my wife, we were dating at the time, and I told her about my favorite ice cream flavor. She orders the Molly Moon’s recipe book. Makes my favorite ice cream homemade for me, we’re like three months into dating and she surprises me on my birthday with my favorite ice cream. I’m like, if, if you’re not my wife, then nobody’s my wife. Like you are the one. So, so we, I mean, amazing. Also another funny story, my favorite my favorite dessert is, is bananas foster. Do you know this story? My favorite dessert is bananas foster and to cook bananas foster, you have to light it on fire. So, one year she surprised me with bananas foster and literally almost lit her hair on fire because like Siebe has great hair. She does. It’s her crowning glory. It really is. I mean, that’s love. She, she, she knows now she knows.

Sarah Taylor: She goes to, okay. Well, I’m equally as beautiful as Siebe. I have to say your family has won the name lottery. You got Siebe. You got Palmer. You got Ellison. And then you’re over here. Hi, I’m Brandon.

Brandon Heath: I’m just regular old Brandon. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, at least we got to put a little thought into their names. My mom pulled my name out of a romance novel that she was currently reading in 1978. So. Thanks, mom. I’m cool with Brandon. I’ve never, I’ve always liked Brandon. It’s a good name. Do you know one cool thing about my name? Um, Punky Brewster’s dog’s named is Brandon.

Sarah Taylor: We’re really dating ourselves here. People are like who? We’ve lost. We come back everybody.

Brandon Heath: Yeah, just Google that. Google punky, Brewster.

Sarah Taylor: I loved that show. Um, okay. Palmer comes from.

Brandon Heath: Paul Brown petty. So, her name is, um, Palmer brown. So, Paul Brown Petty, my family is the Petty family. They are, uh, from a little town called Waverly, Tennessee, which I want to talk about in a minute, but my granddad was like my hero. He’s my favorite person ever living. And I really, uh, wanted our firstborn to have his name somehow. So, on our honeymoon, we actually picked out Palmer, Palmer Brown. So, she had an uncle named Thomas Palmer, great uncle that died years ago. Um, and so we liked the name Palmer. So, we decided on that. I think it was like day three of our honeymoon. We were like, what are we going to name our kids? You know? Um, so we decided Palmer was a good name for a boy or a girl. And, uh, so we knew what her name was going to be. She’s, uh, she’ll be four in December of this year.

Sarah Taylor: And you said you wanted to talk about where?

Brandon Heath: Tennessee. Waverly, Tennessee. So, I have a song called Paul Brown Petty. It’s about my granddad. It’s one of my favorite songs ever. And, um, one of the things that I loved about him, he built a house for he and his wife and his family by this beautiful Creek called Trace Creek. Um, in Waverly. Waverly’s a little town it’s like hour and 15 minutes outside of Nashville. It was on the news in August of, of 2021, a huge flood hit Waverly. And it took out the house that he built. And that backyard was like my little slice of heaven. There’s Malibu club in Canada. And there’s that backyard. So for me, it was a really tough week a month ago. And, uh, I went and was there the day after the flood and helped to clean it. But I didn’t really have time to mourn the loss of that, that house or the backyard. There was a woman named June. There is a woman named June that lived there, um, that were, were kind of helping to take care of now. We’ve, we’ve gotten her a lot of new stuff. She lost everything. She left on a jet ski. Like she was, she was rescued on a jet ski. It was that kind of situation. So, uh, I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately. I just lost the last piece, that of my granddad that was still kind of around, you know what I mean? The last tangible thing. So, um, I wrote a song last week, just, just thinking about small towns and thinking about Americans who show up, uh, when this disaster strikes. You know, the recently the New Orleans flooding, you guys have had a huge heat wave up here. I mean, It’s crazy. Like, yeah, we got COVID going on, but then we’ve got all this, the forest fires.

Sarah Taylor: It’s a miracle that any of us are even like, sort of functioning each day. Just to let you know, if your, if your own personal family hasn’t been hit by something, then just seeing the news headlines, anyone with a dose of empathy made of it.

Brandon Heath: I think, I think the best way to exercise empathy. Um, is to feel it, but then maybe go be with people who are in need. It was a good reminder for me to be there the day after the flood, but then to go back a week later and, you know, check in to see what real loss looks like and what real poverty looks like.

But when you step into loss in poverty, you see hope like you rarely see it. And it’s because people, and it’s often more often than not, it’s the church. It’s believers who show up first. And that gives me so much pride in the church. You know, people are hurt by the church lately. People are leaving the church in droves, but I’m like, y’all, this is, this is where we, where we shine as the church. We run toward the need.

We don’t run away from it. And so, you know, if you show up in a church, um, where there, because we need each other and we need God. And by the way, that’s exactly what he calls us to do is to love each other and to love him. So if that’s what we’re doing, then that’s why we can walk with confidence when the world is crumbling around us, because it means we’ve got our priorities straight.

The thing that’s most important is that we love God, and we love each other. And it does not matter what happens around us, because if you focus on that, you’re going to go down with the ship. That’s what I think. So, for me, I recently wrote a song called, uh, He Is Not Worried, and that’s become like that phrase for me has become my north star.

If God is not worried, then I don’t need to be worried. Like at the end of the day, like when a storm comes and you, you, you go downstairs because you’ve heard the thunder and lightning and your dad’s up there. And he’s like, Okay, dad, if you’re not worried, then I’m not worried. Or if you’re not on an airplane with turbulence and you look at the flight attendant and she’s totally calm, it’s like, okay, if you’re not worried, I’m not worried. So if like, so ask yourself right now is God worried? The answer is probably, I mean, in my, in my view is definitely no. He’s not worried. So. If he’s not worried that I’m not worried.

Sarah Taylor: And that’s on, is that song on your new record? Are you going to call it good enough?

Brandon Heath: That’s the working title? Um, I wrote he is if he is not worried last week, so I haven’t even recorded it yet. It’s like, it’s, it’s brand new. Um, I’m still, when we’re, when we’re off the podcast, I’ll play some of it. Okay. That’s not fair to everybody.

Okay. All right. All right, Brandon is right now pulling out,

I’m pulling out my work tape. Don’t judge me. This will be on the record. This song is bonkers.

Like what song do I want to hear when I’m in the middle of a crisis or a storm? So, the song goes on like the next verse, because my dad died four years ago, September, uh, I miss my dad. Um, And I can’t call him when I’m upset, you know, but I look to my heavenly father for that and I have some great father figures, uh, that are, are like a rock. But God, my heavenly father is the rock and, um, so it goes on in the last first, you know, my, my kids look at me when things get a little crazy, you know?

And so, my responses will, if he is not worried and I’m pointing to the heavens, then I am not worried. You know? So that’s what I, I, I don’t know. It just came to me one day. He is not worried. And so that’s been really super helpful for me right now. I think that’s what music needs to be, you know, it needs to be what, what, what we, as artists are going through personally, and then we write those songs and then, you know, if people do a deep dive into our music, they’ll, they’ll find those little gems and say, well, that’s my story too, you know? So that’s, that’s my hope. This new season of music.

Sarah Taylor: Oh, it’s so good. Our time is done, but I actually think that’s a beautiful way to end it because you talk about a deep dive. This is why you get the stream, the whole record, right. You know, which working title good-enough, he might change it. He holds the rights to do that.

The new single is called human nature. It’s got the best opening line to a song ever. We are not God’s problem. We are God’s children. So, you might hear that one on the radio, but do the deep dive and especially, cause you just heard it here first. So, um, you have to do like, do you want to talk to someone about like rights and regulations for putting that on a podcast or doing…

Brandon Heath: No, I mean, that’s fine. That’s my work tape that that’s my work tape off of my phone. Like, and I’m I’m so I’m so thankful to be able to do that. I’ve never played that for anybody. So you heard it here first.

Sarah Taylor: Thank you, Brandon. It’s a delight to talk to you.

Brandon Heath: Good to be with you too, Sarah.

Sarah Taylor: Thanks to content coordinator, Rebecca Beckett, producer extraordinary, Scott Karow, and thank you to Northwest University for sponsoring the Passion Meets Purpose podcast. My name is Sarah Taylor and I’ll see you in two weeks.

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