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What Your Teachers and Coaches Are In Charge Of (WHO’S IN CHARGE)

My volleyball coach was not a nice person. What did she have the authority to say…and what didn’t she? This week we’re looking at the significance of God’s ultimate control in our lives.  His love and guidance are always present, even in the middle of life’s unpredictability.

This Week!

Monday Bible Story:

  • Your teachers, your pastor, your coach are in charge of helping you learn well and do well. That doesn’t mean that can do anything they want. (Elijah and Elisha, how Elisha learned from Elijah)

Tuesday Key Verse:

  • I Peter 2:13 – Respect the authorities, whatever their level; they are God’s emissaries (people on a special mission) for keeping order.

Wednesday Prayer:

  • God, put teachers in my life who help me, who guide me to do what is right and good and protect me from those who don’t. In your son’s name, amen.

Thursday Question:

  • Who is your favorite teacher/pastor/coach? What about them inspires you?

Friday Fun Fact:

  • Q: How many people say a teacher had an positive, important role in their lives?
  • A: 88%!

 Special thanks to George Fox University for sponsoring the God on the Go Podcast!

Show Notes:

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