We’re diving deeper into the idea of peace, shining a spotlight on Jesus as the ultimate “Prince of Peace.” He serves up a tranquility that totally overshadows the chaos of the world. That kind of peace is so big. That kind of peace is so much bigger than all the things that happen in this world, and He even overcomes all the ways that we mess up. How amazing is that?
This Week!
Monday Story:
- Jesus came to bring peace between us and God and us and others. Some people thought that when Jesus came as the Prince of Peace, there would be no more wars, that any kind of conflict would stop. One day that may be true, when Jesus comes again. For now, Jesus as our Prince of Peace can remind us that we have peace with God, that our sins no longer separate us from God because of Jesus’s sacrifice for us.
Tuesday Key Verse:
- John 16:33 – I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world..”
Wednesday Prayer:
- God, thank you for Jesus, that He came to bring peace to us. In His name, amen.
Thursday Question:
- What are some ways that Jesus gives you peace?
Friday Fun Fact:
- Q: Has there ever been a time in history with no wars?
- A: No. Historians say that in recorded history, there has always been a war somewhere.
Show Notes:
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