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CRISTA’s Foundational Ministries

As CRISTA continues to grow and expand, their family of ministries starts to take shape. Episode 5 will tell a series of stories illustrating how different parts of the ministry began, from a rest home for the elderly where seniors heard about Jesus—some for the very first time—to the oneus for King’s Schools in the spring of 1950. Wondering how CRISTA got to be what it is today? The Martins take us back to the early days here, showing exactly how each member of this family of ministries got its start, and, like countless other aspects of the BY FAITH story, God’s hand in every area. A few friends of the ministry were there as CRISTA began to expand into what it is today.

Show Notes:

Learn more: CRISTA Ministries: King’s Schools | CRISTA Camps | CRISTA Media | World Concern | CRISTA Senior Living 

*Transcription can be found on most podcast platforms.

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