There are people in our lives who are challenging to be around. People who rub us the wrong way, people who are hard to love. With that in mind, we’re going to see what the Bible says this week about…
I picked a couple of Psalms with Selah in them, so that we can have an opportunity to continue to practice the pause in our lives. One Psalm I’ll never forget that has impacted me in times of fear is…
We’re going to dive into the source today, the Word of God, and talk about gratitude, and about pausing to give thanks in our lives, because it really will make all the difference.
Jesus does not condemn you. If you are in the middle of living a sinful life, stop and sin no more. Take a pause, turn away from that sin and turn toward the Lord. If you are trying to deal…
Today, you and I are going to study the power of pausing to rest. Jesus did this beautifully over and over in the gospel, so join me in John chapter four, beginning in verse one, and we’ll find out more.
God gives messages to His people, and I also believe He does something else… He puts dreams on our hearts, in our hearts, however you want to say it. Those desires of your heart are known to Him, and I…
Today, you and I are going to meet Jacob and spend some time with him. His father was Isaac, and Isaac’s father was Abraham. Today we’re going to talk about a dream that Jacob had. This was a really important…
A setback is a setup for a comeback. You know, Joseph is really the Rocky Balboa of the Bible if you think about it. The dreams God gave Joseph, the ones we read about last time that provoked his brothers…
I’m so glad you’re here as we continue our series on Dreams this week. Last time we met, we studied the dreams of Joseph, the man God called to raise His son Jesus, along with Mary. Today, you and I…