We are excited to be joining forces with Canyon Hills Worship from Canyon Hills Community Church to bring you the next series on Purposely Equipped. We will be looking at worship.
Takeaway Verse: Acts 9:41 – He gave her his hand and helped her up. Then he called in the widows and all the believers, and he presented her to them alive.
Takeaway Verse 20: And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, ‘He is indeed the Son of God!’
Being present matters. Today’s conversation is an extension of Tuesday’s, with three examples that help us connect what we learned about friendship to our own daily lives.
Takeaway Verse 17: Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, Who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you might regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Takeaway Verse 29: The Holy Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go over and walk along beside the carriage.’
In marriage, two become one, but that is definitely a process. Some would call that process “from me to we.” Rhonda Hollins shares her profound “me to we” journey of love. You will hear how a painful dating experience affected…
Takeaway Verse 4: But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went.
Are smartphones and social media the new cul de sac? Do our children need to be online in order to have friends? In today’s podcast we take these questions head on and talk about what it takes to make a…