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Why Worship: Why Should I Worship?

Why worship? What is the point of worship? Today Canyon Hills Worship of Canyon Hills Community Church dives into that question as they look at what the Bible has to say about the reasons for worship, and how we can apply that to our own experience with worship.

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Kobe: In a congregation there’s different types of people in the room, and you might be really struggling, but the praise of the person next to you will be an encouragement to you. I think that’s one of the reasons why we come together as a body. God is worthy of it. God wants to hear it. He loves hearing his children sing to him, but also there’s a level of community and encourage that we feel.

Narrator: Welcome to Purposely Equipped. We want to help you go deeper in your faith by learning truth from the Bible. Our new series, Why Worship, will help us discover what the Bible has to say about the importance of worship in building a relationship with Jesus. Canyon Hills Worship will be joining us for this five-part series. No matter where you are on your journey, this is a topic that can greatly impact your walk with the Lord.

Kobe: All right well here we are. I’m Kobe and here at Canyon Hills worship with Michael, who’s also with Canyon Hills Worship. And Andy, who is also with Canyon Hills Worship.

Michael: So, this is a great intro. You’re like, I’m, you’re doing really good.

Kobe: I feel like as these episodes are compelling, I’m getting better and better.

Michael: Yeah, it definitely is. Definitely is.

Kobe: All right. So, Michael, we’ve heard a little bit from you, I believe last week, is how the order of these things are coming out. Andy? Mm-hmm. You were not there with us this first, that first podcast, so, just kind of asking each person in a very, Short and succinct way, kind of who are you, how’d you get to what you’re doing right now? And you’re interesting because you are our technical director actually here at the church.

Andy: Yes.

Kobe: Technical ministry director, but you’re also one of our worship leaders, so I’d love to hear about…

Michael: Stop giving it away, dude.

Kobe: perspective of the worship. I’m just trying to clarify from the perspective of the worship leader. Who are you, how do you get here? And then what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you on a platform?

Andy: From perspective of a worship leader, I started out singing in church when I was really young, like five, five years old. I started kinda singing specials in church and my mom was the mom that carried tapes, backing out cassette tapes, she carried tapes in her purse, so that even when we’d visit churches that we had never been to, somehow, she would volunt-tell me to sing a special the first time I’d ever been at a church. And my mom is apparently very convincing because it would happen. I’d go, I’d, Oh, come on up and sing a song. So, I grew up singing specials in church mainly. And then honestly, I never led worship until college. I played in worship teams and played like drums and various other instruments on worship teams. And then in college I started really leading worship. I, I started leading like a high school group at a local church near the college that I was at. And yeah, just kind of went from there. And as you mentioned, I’m our technical arts ministry director here at the church, so I’ve always had my kind of hand in tech and recording. And when I was in college, I really thought I was gonna go to the direction of, I’m gonna live in Nashville, I’m gonna be a producer. And I just got really focused myself. Not that there’s anything wrong with doing that, but I got focused myself on money, thinking I’m gonna be rich, I’m gonna make all this money and I’m gonna do all this, that and the other thing. And God really convicted me. And sometime in college, I surrendered myself to saying, Okay, God, even if, and to me, this was the worst thing that could happen to me at the time, so no offense, but I was like, Even if you just want me leading worship for the rest of my life…

Michael: gosh, that’ll suck.

Andy: …I’ll serve you in whatever you want me to do. And yeah. So, I’ve been doing that and its leading worship is a real privilege and, and an honor to serve God’s church that way. So, but at that time I was so immature that I didn’t think of it that way. I thought of that as a pauper’s route. That I’m never gonna be rich because really,

Kobe: Well, that part might be true.

Andy: Well, that part’s true, but my god that I had at that time was money and wealth. And so, that’s what I was seeking. And when I actually surrendered my heart to God for real, then those things started to fall away as being the most important thing to me.

Michael: That’s cool. That’s really cool. Also, listeners, Andy is the voice that you hear on Gloria hallelujah. If you listen to our music.

Kobe: Yeah, well, I was just gonna say,

Michael: he’s got a really cool voice.

Kobe: He’s got a great voice and kind of the evolution there of, Andy didn’t used to work at the church, but we started having him mix records for us.

Michael: Yeah.

Kobe: So, there was a connection there ahead of time of him like just mixing these things.

Michael: I don’t remember what the first one was.

Kobe: I think starting with as long as I live, I think

Michael: Oh wow.

Kobe: As far back as that and yeah. And so then now Full Circle is funny to go from back, I feel like

Andy: I remember the first song I ever mixed was We Lived Your Name. Oh yeah, that’s right. Overall. That’s right. That for the mission’s week, I remember that one. Oh.

Kobe: So yeah, so that’s been, so that’s been years. So he started just mixing stuff that we had sent to him and then, yeah, we’ve been trying to get him to come on staff for years and it finally worked out. And now we didn’t even expect him to be part of the worship side of things. Yeah. But there’s just so clearly a gift there. It’s been cool to to see do that.

Andy: Yeah, it’s been awesome.

Kobe: Funniest thing that’s happened on stage?

Michael: Or most embarrassing.

Andy: Yeah, most embarrassing thing.

Kobe: Funniest for us.

Michael: Yeah, Funniest for us that we can…

Andy: on stage well, like that we can pretty recently when I was leading worship, I was talking to the congregation. And whenever you’re talking, that’s when the most embarrassing.

Michael: It’s dangerous. It’s dangerous, Dangerous off script.

Andy: Typically, better to just be singing and watch the, sing the lyrics on the screen. But I was just talking about how I was so excited to have, be in heaven and oh man, it’s gonna be great. I remember this. And then I’m just like, I’m just like, And then we’re gonna be like David, and I just shout it, started shouting out names of people in coherently. Names of people from the Old Testament that I was excited to meet, but somehow, I wasn’t connecting the thoughts that were happening in my head to what I was saying. So, it just, when you listen back, it just sounds like I’m incoherently screaming out names of people that will be in heaven, that I’m excited to talk to.

Kobe: Well, the funny thing was, if I remember, cause I think I was standing next to you on stage and did that, it wasn’t even David. It was like some obscure name that nobody else is excited to meet heaven. Who hasn’t, I can’t remember. Can’t remember. But remember thinking I that. Sounded or, Huh? That was interesting. Oh, that’s just me.

Andy: My face kind of turned like, What is wrong with that guy up there? Can he start singing again please? Also just,

Kobe: And then we really will get to meaningful things. My favorite story so far has been Andy does a, a wicked national anthem, and he volunteered to sing the national anthem for like a, it was like a 4-H.

Andy: Yeah, Like a horse competition or something.

Kobe: Horse competition, that’s what it was. And so, we all went to support him, and he got up there and sang, and he did, He did a killer job. But the funniest part was the next weekend in church, I was on the greeting team and some family walks in and is, they’d never been there. So, I walked me the auditorium and she goes, “Now is that nice man, Andy singing today?” And I was like, Andy, well, he’s our technical director. So, he’s here, but he’s not on stage. He goes, Well, gosh, we heard him sing the national anthem at the four H Show, and we thought we should go to his church and see what, to see what that’s like. So, wow.

Andy: Incredible spreading the gospel with the National Anthem at a horse show. It’s pretty great.

Kobe: All right, we better turn a corner, otherwise we’re gonna hit 15 minutes and have talked about nothing of eternal importance. So, today’s topic is, Why should we worship? I’m realizing, I don’t think I said that at the top of the podcast, so, hopefully people start, is start that this long. Here it is. Why should we worship?

Andy: And just a clarifying question, Is it why should we worship God specifically or why should we worship in general?

Kobe: Well, God specifically. Cause I, I would argue we’re always worshiping all the time. Yeah. Exactly. But specifically, again, corporate worship. Why do we come together in the congregation to sing songs? Because my observation has, in years and years of ministry, worship seems to be viewed as an optional participation. If I like it, I’ll show up for it. Maybe I’ll walk in 20 minutes late with my Starbucks in hand. But if I made it for the message, then I’ve made it in time for church. Worship isn’t seen as a necessary, I’m not saying this for everybody. I’m saying there’s a, there’s a component of the congregation and of people that see worship as this, Eh, if I, if I get around to it, I’ll do it. It’s not necessarily a negative.

Andy: If they play the songs, I like, I’ll be in there.

Kobe: If it’s at the right volume, if it’s, you know, if it works for my schedule, I’ll do it. But otherwise, it’s not a big deal if I miss it.

Michael: But let’s not pretend that we’re not guilty of that as well. Cause like, cause I know for myself I’m guilty of that. Like even Yes you are. Dude. Even in, in my own church here, like I, what I have been guilty of that. Walking in on a day that I’m not on. Yeah. And it’s really, it’s sometimes really hard to engage in worship. Like it is a conscious,

Andy: it’s just so bad effort. Like kidding.

Michael: They’re doing such a bad job.

Kobe: Michael’s like that. I’m not stage, I’m not on stage. So sad.

Andy: A precipitous drop off in quality.

Michael: You guys notice too, huh?

Andy: But you make a good point though, because. If we worship because it feels right or it feels good, then we will make the mistake of when we don’t like it, we won’t worship. But instead of recognizing that worship itself is a command from scripture specifically to worship corporately is also a command in scripture. And so, whether we like it or not like whether we’re enjoying it or not. The question is, is God still worthy of worship? Does he still demand our worship, and should we still give him our worship? Whether we’re happy about the circumstances of the music or not?

Kobe: Yeah, because I think that’s the question. And then I’ll, I’ll pose a question and I’ll stop talking, but I think that is the question of, is there, when it comes to worship, is it an issue of subjectivity or is it an issue of obedience? Are there expectations laid out that regardless of who you are and what season of life you’re in, is there an expectation that worship corporately, be a part of our lives? Right, right. So there, there it is. There’s the question. Who wants to go?

Michael: Michael?

Andy: Are we just saying names now? Well, I do think kind of when I was thinking through this, I thought through the corporate element of it, but also just thought about, you know, what are some quick quick reasons why we worship God in general. And I, I, I just have a list here, and like outta Genesis 1:1, he’s our creator. You know, he’s all powerful. John 1:1-3, in the beginning was the word, and the word was God. And the Word, the word was with God, and the word was God. He was God in the beginning. And through him all things were made. Without him, nothing was made that has been made. That’s an incredible thing to think about, that he is, he’s all powerful. He can do whatever he wants and then you know, he sees us and knows our needs. Is just amazing thing to think about. That God, this all-powerful creator, you know, an Exodus 4 31, it says they believed in God, and when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them, and had seen their misery, they bow down and worshiped. Like, that’s pretty cool. Like whatever struggle you’re going through, whatever struggle you have gone through, whatever struggle you will go through, the reality is God is not only all powerful, but he actually sees exactly where you are, and he’s concerned about your need.

Kobe: That’s cast your anxieties on the Lord because he cares for you.

Andy: Yes, totally.

Kobe: That’s profound thought.

Andy: Like that is an incredible thing. His great mercy, his great love, his love that’s demonstrated to us through Christ, that he’s justice. He’s a God of justice. I take great comfort actually that like people who are doing wrong things that seem to be getting away with it, they’re not getting away with it. Either Jesus will take their punish on himself and there will be justice, or they’ll pay for it. And in the end, that’s comforting to me because I know that when it seems like evil people are getting away with evil things… Even David says that in his lament’s multiple times. These people that are doing evil things, they seem to be getting away with it, god. But not so. They’re not actually getting away with it. And then he’s worthy. You know, out of Revelation five 12, it says an allowed voice. They were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and praise. I mean, that’s, that’s the Jesus that we worship. So, he’s worthy of those things. So, then the question is, He is worthy. We should worship him for those reasons and many more. But are we supposed to do it corporately? And I’d say yes. I think that we can look at the well, we can look at all of the Old Testament and see that the Israelites did worship corporately. They sang songs together. But even in the, the New Testament church, it said that Daily they got together, and they worshiped in the synagogue. They sang together, they ate broke bread together, they did all these things. And then throughout the epistles we actually see commands to not forsake the gathering of God’s people. And part of that, traditionally speaking throughout all of church has been, what does church consist, consist of? Consists of prayer. And this is one of the things we do here at our church, is that kind of the pillars of our services are we sing together, we pray together, and we sit under the teaching of God’s word. And then in addition to that, the church dispenses the sacraments. You know, like we, people get baptized in church and we celebrate communion together. So, Yeah, it’s not just in scripture, it’s commanded, but all of church history kind of seems to indicate that this is what God’s people have done, and this is what they, it should do, and it’s good to do it.

Michael: Yeah. I like on the, on that subject of like, why is he worthy of worship? I like the, the idea of like gratitude, right? It’s like, I just think that’s, that’s one that’s been resonating with me a lot lately. Just thinking like even it’s, it’s just so crazy to think Jesus was a real person who actually died for me. Yes. That is like awesome. Like that is a truth that like if you’ve been in church for a long time, you’ve heard a million times, but like once in a while it just hits. Hits me like, wow. He was like literally a guy that was on earth, that died for me.

Kobe: It’s not just something you read about in a book, it actually happened.

Michael: That is true. A crazy thing to think. And like that is such a gift. And I just think of how, how much I love gifts. Like, I love, like that’s My love language is gifts. Right. And my wife knows that. And like, I, I just feel so, I just feel so loved by them, and like, so I feel so much gratitude for stupid little things like a shoe. Two shoes usually at the same time,

Kobe: preferably to it at the same time would be great.

Michael: And I’m just thinking like, How much greater is that gift? Like how, how can you not feel so grateful to the point of tears. Of singing, of yelling, of dancing, of like, how can you not? How can you not worship by that? Why should we worship? Like he’s giving you everything he’s giving your life eternity.

Kobe: Yeah. Like, yeah. So, what about, what about for the person though… so all of those things, you laid those out, Those out. God is worthy. And I think this is where it’s, this is a bigger topic than just the worship piece, but kind of what plagues the modern church, we are very quick to agree that something is true, and yet refuse to actually let it affect the way that we live our life. So, I’m thinking about the person as a pastor that I’ve looked out in the congregation or someone who might be listening to this podcast who goes, Yep, I totally agree with you. I agree with all those things. God is worthy. Why wouldn’t we worship, worship him? But I just don’t like doing it in the congregation. Like, I’m just not that kind of person. I’m not, I’m not a singer. That’s kind of not my thing. I think of like, and I don’t mean this in a, in a demeaning way at all, but like a lot of times the idea of singing isn’t something you attribute to the manliest of men. Right? Like the trucker who’s in charge.

Michael: Come on, dude is like, Well I’m not, Yeah, Johnny Cash. Are you kidding me?

Kobe: Fair, Fair. This guy can’t believe it. But you know what I’m saying? Like for the person that looks in, it’s like, that’s not my, not my thing. What would you say to the person who doesn’t disagree with your premise, but maybe is not bought in on the practical outworking of it.

Michael: It’s not about you. Right. It’s just, it’s not, it’s not about you. Like worship isn’t, It is a personal thing. It is something that is between you and God in a lot of ways, but like in a congregational setting, like it’s, it’s, it’s not about you. It’s what we’re commanded to do. Like you were saying, like, don’t forsake the, the gathering of saints. Like, that, that that’s, it’s just a command. It’s like there’s things in your job sometimes that you don’t wanna do. Like, and that thought that maybe that’s a bad example. I could see where that could be a problem. Yeah. Yeah. That, I think that analogy breaks down, but it’s, it’s not about you, it’s about, it’s about God. It’s about, it’s so much more. I don’t know. Maybe that’s, I think there’s terrible,

Andy: There’s no, I think that is a good answer. I think it’s not about you. And then to me it’s a question of submission and it’s a question of pride. Hmm. Like I think many people like think, for if you just take singing for instance, you go singing, like you said, Oh, it’s not a very manly thing. Well Jesus probably sang, and he was a man, and I don’t think we’d say Jesus wasn’t manly.

Kobe: But Well, I mean, it says he led them in, In singing hymns.

Andy: In singing hymns is right. Yes. And so, I think the question is, are you gonna set down your pride of what other people think of you, and only care about what your father thinks of you?

Michael: Yeah, that’s a way better way than I said. That’s really good.

Andy: Like, I just think of like with my kids God just teaches me a lot about his heart for us, through my children. And when my kids want something from me, when they want to thank me for something, it doesn’t matter who’s around. You know, I mean, Kobe, you know you have kids that they’re gonna scream and talk to you. They’re gonna pester you, they’re gonna poke you. They’re gonna do stuff until they get your attention. They are really happy that you gave him that ice cream or, man, this ice cream is so good. And especially if you try to do a good job of teaching, like what you said, Michael, this gratitude of like everything that we have, God didn’t have to give to us. But because he’s good father, he lavishes good gifts upon us, and we should be mindful of that. And to me, a person who says, Well, I’m really grateful to God, but I, I just can’t really bring myself to sing to him. That seems really shameful. Then I’m like, You should get more ashamed. You should experience some shame then because God deserves you setting aside your pride. Is your pride more important than God’s worthiness of praise?

Kobe: And that which, which is interesting on two fronts. Cause I think also like, I think it’s Zephaniah 3, where it says about the Lord sung over, sang over his people.

Andy: Yeah. So, the Lord himself. Yes. In that saying, the thing that convicts me, even as a worship leader, I find myself conscientious of what other people think. Yes. Is this too much? Should I do? And I just remember reading about the life of David and thinking this man is the manliest version of every aspect of life.

Kobe: Oh dude. He like sling bears and lions with his bare hands, Goliath king, poet, all this stuff. And yet he’s the one that danced unashamedly before the Lord. It’s like, man, if that guy, I mean, I’m a musician. If that guy, the warrior king, can submit himself in that way. Yeah. Like I probably should be open to that as well.

Andy: Yeah. And I think the other thing that’s really powerful about congregational singing in particular is I, I think on a previous podcast or another one that will be releasing, you’re talking about that in. Congregation there’s different types of people in the room. And you might be really struggling, but the praise of the person next to you will be an encouragement to you. I think that’s one of the reasons why we come together as a body, is God is worthy of it. God wants to hear it. He loves hearing his children sing to him, but also there’s a level of community and encouragement that we feel. Like when you hear God’s praises being sung about, God can do anything. God can overcome any circumstance, and you yourself are in what seems like a circumstance that you can never overcome, that that is a faith building exercise. And for you to then go, Man, all my, all these people are singing, I should lift my voice as. It builds your faith in a, in God.

Michael: Yeah. It’s bearing with one another. I love it.

Andy: Yes. And so, there’s something really special I think, about people coming together and singing songs that are true, but maybe not everybody in the room even knows they’re true yet, but they need to know.

Kobe: Well, that’s like I kind of wanna work on. So, I had kind of three things that I thought, and that’s actually the third one. So, maybe we’ll work our way backwards through that. Yeah. But I think like the most meaningful moment of worship that I think I have ever had to date was here at the church. That week I just talked to my little sister and we’re on the phone and that was the moment that she shared with me that everything that she had said she’d believed her entire life, she never believed that she desperately wanted the God of my God and the God of my parents to be her God, but she just didn’t believe it. And in this, the course of this conversation, I was realizing that my little sister was desperately, desperately lost. And there were no words that I had for her. And so, As the Lord would work it out, we had that conversation, I believe on Saturday, like this is how close the turnaround is. We go into Sunday, and we were singing the song, oh, Come to the Altar. Which those lyrics come to the altar. The father’s arms are open wide, forgiveness is bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. And I remember getting to, you know, those verses, Are you hurting and broken within? Overcome, by the way you’re saying. And I remember starting to sing that verse and just losing it. Like, Yeah, thinking in my head, starting to get a little down, thinking in my head. God, I so desperately want this to be the song that my sister would sing. Because it’s true. The father’s arms are open wide. Yes. And it was one of the coolest ministry moments because I lost it and I backed off the microphone, and our congregation knew that song so well, that a thousand Voices just kept singing. And I, for, for a good two minutes, was on stage playing guitar as the congregation was just singing and they had no idea that what my soul so desperately needed in that moment was to be reminded that the father’s arms are always open. I don’t know how they felt about that song. I don’t know what they needed. Yeah. But had they not been obedient in that moment, I’m the one that would’ve missed out on a blessing. And how often do we find ourselves in church and there’s people all around us that we don’t even know are suffering. And the Lord and his sovereignty orchestrates it in such a way that we get to sing truth that they need. Yes. That’s not necessarily what we need.

Andy: Yeah. So, what was the other two things that you were working about? Working back? Where are we working backwards towards?

Kobe: Yeah, working backwards. So, I think there is an element of it that is a blessing to other people. I also think it is a blessing to us. Yes. Like when we go in worship is meant to be that moment of calling our hearts and minds back to what is true. And I just think of how many of the Psalms David writes, these big laments, but then he always ends in worship. Like he always ends because worship is meant to be that thing that, that says, in spite of everything I’m experiencing in this moment, yes. I’m gonna say out loud what I know is true. Yes.

Andy: Yeah, I agree with that. And I think that that’s, when you read those prayers or those psalms, it’s often that David’s start, he doesn’t always even start with his problems. He’ll start with some form of praise, and then go into his problems and then end with some form of praise. And what I kind of think that David is doing there is framing up his position in the world, in the universe. That when you realize about how big God is, and then share your problems, and then go back to how big God is… It helps put us in the proper perspective that our problems are not maybe as big as our God is.

Michael: And his problems were big. So, like, Yes. Just to make

Kobe: David being like running from his, for his life, from his children. Big. Yeah. Yeah.

Andy: Yes. And I, I, but I think that that’s helped, like whenever I pray and just like a quiet time by myself, I try to spend as much time as I can talking about who God is. I try to, I, I’m, I really like to think about like the universe and those like recent pictures, you know, of the, the universe that we’ve seen.

Michael: So, so cool.

Andy: And they’re so cool. But see, I, I spend the time thinking about like, God, you made our sun, and our sun is not even a big sun. Yeah. If I got close to the sun, I’d be, I’d just, I’d evaporate into nothingness, but you made that. All the power that’s in the sun, all the potential in our sun came from you. And I tried to like, like really put myself at how insignificant I am in comparison to God’s power. And yet going back to what we said before that he, he knows me. He sees me. I’m so insignificant, but to him, I’m, I’m significant enough that he sent his son for me. And that help helps me. It’ll frame my problems up correctly.

Michael: Yeah, that’s really good.

Andy: It’s not that my problems aren’t there, right? And that’s not that they’re not real. But in light of him, they’re they pale in comparison. And to a God that can do that, to, to a God that can create all of this, What are my problems to a God like that? Yeah. You know, all he has to do is speak the word and those problems can go away. And sometimes he says no, you know?

Kobe: But that’s, we, we even say within our own worship ministry here, we say our mission statement is creating atmospheres of worship that are Jesus focused and eternity minded. What we just what you just talked about, that’s the heart behind it, right? Yes. Of recognizing when we come together, the function of corporate worship is to put our eyes back on Jesus. To remind us that we’re not the point. This world does not revolve around us, though it may feel like at the times, and then to remember that today’s not all there is. Like we’re living for an an eternal glory, not a, not a temporary one. Mike, you looked like you’re about to say something.

Michael: I wasn’t. You always think I am.

Kobe: We just got that look on your face. All right. We gotta land this plane cause we’re running outta time. The last thing, I just think this is low hanging fruit that we have alluded to, but never said out loud. The last reason is the Lord just trade up, commands it. Like, I think a Psalm 96, Sing to the Lord a new song. I always think it’s hilarious. There’s never really any room in the Psalms for like, sing if you feel like it. Or sing if it’s a good day, it’s like, nah, just do this. For no other reason. Just be obedient.

Andy: And even the sing to the Lord a new song. I mean, I, I like it when, I mean, this happens in so many areas of life when people think the world started turning when they were born. Yeah. So, people think, Oh, well the new songs, those aren’t good. But the older songs, those are the ones Oh, you mean the ones that were written 2000 years after Christ died? Or, Or the ones that were written 3000 years before Christ died, which is what those songs are actually referencing. The ones that David wrote, you know? Like you’re just talking about, the command is to sing songs, period. And sing new songs. And so, it’s just funny when people get so wrapped up and you guys know me well. I do get caught up in lyrics. I want them to be doctrinally sound. I want all…

Michael: to be fair. So do we.

Andy: I, Well, by now, I hear you saying I’m, I’m hypersensitive. We all want that, but I’m like hypersensitive to that. But I would never go to the extreme of saying, and that’s why we should never sing new songs. Only sing songs in the hymnal. That is so historically ignorant that I could just never bring myself to say that because cuz that’s not what scripture says actually.

Kobe: So, and I just think that that general attitude, and here’s kind of where, where we’ll land it, the general attitude really, i, I think it also just reflects a little bit of a, the general attitude that can be found towards worship. It’s a, it’s a, there’s a selfishness and there’s a worldwide unaware how many people would love the opportunity to gather with other believers and sing songs out loud. Oh yeah. Like I think of how many places around the world where they can’t do that. Where they can’t do that. I mean, we just had all of our missionaries back not that long ago. Yeah. And just how many of them during worship just stood there weeping? Cuz they’d been worshiping around Spotify with one other person for the last three years. And we are like, Hmm, I don’t know. I’m not sure I like this song that much. Yeah. You know, like just the reality that we have such a privilege to be able to do that. Nick Ripkin wrote this book called The Insanity of God and one of the quotes of one of the, the martyrs, one of the persecuted in that book just said, Don’t ever give up in your freedom what we would never give up in our persecution. And I just think, Gosh, I don’t want us to be a people or a church that ever opts out of an opportunity to worship.

Andy: Yes. Because if those opportunities were ever taken away, you’d miss it. Yeah. Yeah. And you’d, you’d need it. Yes.

Kobe: All right. Well, that’s all we’ve got time for. Andy, thanks for jumping here.

Andy: My pleasure.

Kobe: Andy thinks this is, Is Andy’s one of those people that doesn’t matter what you talk about, he’s ready and able to contribute. And I brought this up to a while ago, and I think your response was, You’re so dumb. That’s not true. And then I was like, Oh yeah, Andy. How does an incandescent light bulb work? And you look at me and you’re like, All right, well, it works like this… so, thank you for using that gift in this moment.

Andy: Pleasure.

Kobe: Next week we’re gonna be looking at the topic of how we are to worship. And so, hopefully you’ll tune back in and give it a listen. But thanks for joining us.

Narrator: Again, special thanks to our hosts for this series, Canyon Hills Worship. Don’t forget to check out their music on Spotify or Apple Music, or anywhere you listen to music digitally. Thank you for downloading Why Worship; a Purposely Equipped series. Let’s keep growing in our faith together. Purposely Equipped is part of Purposely a podcast network with practical podcasts, to help you find and live in God’s purpose for your life. Find more podcasts and faith resources at

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