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The Teddy Bear Exchange | Acts 3:1-11

Takeaway: Verse 6

…Peter said, ‘I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!’

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Welcome to The Bible for Busy People. I’m Erica Parkerson. This is the place where we meet up to read half a chapter of God’s Word together and remember how loved we are. Jesus extends an amazing invitation to us in the Bible. He says, come to me and I WILL give you rest. This is us RSVPing: Yes!! to that invitation. So, take a deep breath and let’s get started.

Today’s episode is called, “The Teddy Bear Exchange”. Have you ever seen that famous meme? There’s a little girl, and she’s holding a little Teddy Bear. And then there’s Jesus standing in front of her and he’s holding this big, huge Teddy Bear behind his back and she can’t see it. Clearly, he wants the little girl to give him the little Teddy Bear, and he’s gonna give her the big one. It’s a picture, I believe of what God’s plans look like for our lives. They’re always bigger than we could ever imagine. The word actually says, he’s always gonna do infinitely more than what we could ever ask or think. It’s who he is, it’s what he does. So before we dive into Acts chapter three, join me in a word of prayer, cuz we’re gonna talk about this today. 

Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus. We know that you always have something good in store for us. Your plans are always good. Lord, you plan good things for us. So, Lord, we give you this time. Please open our eyes and our hearts to what you want us to see and understand in your word today. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Okay. This is a really good story. We’re gonna dive into the book of Acts chapter three. Luke, the doctor, continues to testify of the good works that Jesus did before he died, and what went on after. “Peter and John went to the temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. As they approached the temple, a man lame from birth was carried in. Each day he was put beside the temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money.” So, here’s a man who was set aside, cast aside, and he was expecting to live out another ordinary day. Here, come more people. I’ll ask him for money. I’ll try to survive, one more day. 

“Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, ‘Look at us!'” Imagine the man probably didn’t even feel good enough to make eye contact with these passers. “The lame man looked at them, eagerly expecting some money. But Peter said,” this is our takeaway verse. “‘I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, get up and walk!’ Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk!”

This was no ordinary day. “Then walking, leaping and praising God, he went into the temple with them. All the people saw him walking and heard him praising God. When they realized he was the lame beggar they had seen so often at the Beautiful Gate cast aside, they were absolutely astounded! They all rushed out in amazement to Solomon’s Colonnade, where the man was holding tightly to Peter and John.”

Isn’t that such an incredible story. God wants to do more than we could ever think, ask or imagine in our lives. Are you familiar with the story of Charlotte’s Web? It’s all about a spider who endeavors to save the life of Wilbur the pig. It’s an incredible story, and my daughter really wanted the part in the play, of Fern who’s the little red-haired girl, and my daughter has red hair, so this was very important to her. And she was hoping, hoping, hoping. She tried out to get the part, but she got the part of Charlotte, the spider, the most significant role in the play! She was praying for Fern; God gave her Charlotte. 

So often, that same story gets repeated in your life, and in my life. We ask God for something and we’re so disappointed, but then we realize, oh, as a little time goes by, he actually had something better for me. I love thinking about this because there are things I’m praying for right now, actually for my daughter. And it reminds me, that’s right, God’s plans are always gonna be better than mine. He’s so much smarter than me. Aren’t you relieved. Okay. Until next time, remember, you are loved. 

Thank you so much for listening to the Bible for Busy People. If you need prayer or you’re ready to go a little deeper in your faith, we’ve posted some resources for you in our show notes. We’d love for you to share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review. It helps us reach even more people with the hope of Jesus. This podcast is part of Purposely, a podcast network designed with practical podcasts to help you find and live in God’s purpose for your life. Find more podcasts that will recharge you at

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