I’m so excited to keep gardening with God, and with you this week! Jesus is the perfect gardener. He’s the master gardener and He never allows anything into your life or my life, until it passes first through His nail…
Without Christ, you and I can do nothing. Nothing worth doing that is. But with Him, the promise laid out here in God’s word is that we can do everything. Somebody once said, you and I become most like the…
This episode almost didn’t happen. I rewrote it three times. I had to fully record it twice. I pray it’ll be useful. I want to talk about whether our tech is helping us love God well, but at the heart…
This week we are doing some gardening with God. He is always working in the soil of our lives. Do you have your gloves ready and your old jeans? Let’s pull out the weeds we don’t want and get started.
You and I, in studying birds, are remembering that our God is going to provide for us and take care of us. And that’s why I chose Psalm 84 today. Join me as we consider that in order for us…
we continue to go bird watching together and see what God has to say about these creatures with wings that sing and build nests for their families, and show us on the daily that if God is going to take…
Are you feeling weary and powerless today? Are you feeling weak? God promises in his Word to give power to us who feel weak, and strength to us who feel powerless. That’s beautiful.
Justin Pavey returns to the show for a third time to talk all things parenting, digital, and raising kids in a nerdy house with Jesus at the center. Today we discuss how we handle kids and video games, how we…