They’re each married to guys who are passionate about duck hunting. Find out how Duck Dynasty stars Kay and Lisa Robertson have made their mother-in-law / daughter-in-law relationship into a friendship that has endured on this episode of The AllMomDoes…
In this episode, we’re talking about Jericho and how Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land. Was there ever a time in your life you were anxious? One of the things I struggle with is anxiety. It can feel…
Has your spouse or roommate ever stumbled upon a private addiction and confronted you? What if you were a young and new pastor who loved working with kids? Today’s guest walks us through how his secret porn addiction was discovered,…
Sam, a high schooler set to graduate in May with aspirations of becoming a filmmaker, was inspired to name the story that Judie not only wrote, but lived.
We’re doing a series called Victory in Christ and in this episode, we’re going to look in the Book of Exodus and see how Moses trusted God through uncertain times. When I had ulcerative colitis, I was uncertain of my…
This past week I got a chance to speak with a group of graduating seniors about what it looks like to trust and follow Jesus in a tech world. I want to remind these students, as well as any parents…
This week’s series is being brought to you by Erica’s son, Joshua, who is filling in for Erica this week! You may have heard Erica share about Joshua’s battle in the past with ulcerative colitis. He understands challenges and as…
It’s possible to give kindness like God does; Niagara Falls style. Kind people are my kind of people, and I want to be one too.
Okay, let’s just say life is a closet. God is about to show us the kind of clothes He wants us to wear, as you and I continue to see and to study what kindness looks like from God’s perspective.…
Best-selling authors and friends Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer join Julie Lyles Carr for an honest, funny, and insightful conversation about what they wish they had known, what they’ve taught their kids, and what they’re still learning about marriage,…