Friend, let us find joy in God’s greatness, regardless of the state of the world or personal circumstances. God is always ready to forgive. Lean on God’s strength in times of weakness and seek joy in your salvation. He gave…
David was being pursued by King Saul, who was out to kill him. Despite Saul’s attempts to kill him, David refused to kill him when given the opportunity. This is an example of the importance to not seek revenge, but…
Trinity Chanel moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career. She battled isolation, loneliness and pressure to compromise her moral beliefs. God led her on a journey that returned her home at just the right time for a “hard…
Can someone walking closely with Jesus still struggle with anxiety or depression? Courtney Devich is open and honest about her challenges with brain health and she joins Julie Lyles Carr, host of the AllMomDoes podcast, for a candid conversation about…
Are you ready for an inspiring story today? Let’s look at Acts 9 and Acts 16. Did you know God can help you if you trapped in sin? He can restore you no matter the journey you’ve walked. If you…
In this week’s All Heart series, we’re focusing on two men and examining our hearts. One man continually turned toward God, and one continually didn’t. Know who I’m talking about? Let’s find out as WE examine our own hearts this…
In our conversation today we’re continuing our heart series and how important it is to guard our hearts. While I’m at it, I’m incorporating my absolute favorite movie, The Princess Bride, at the same time. Why? Well let’s just find…
Today we’ll look at two time-tested classics for introducing young hearts and minds to the lessons and fun of outdoor play, sports and time in nature, as well as how we can begin to step outside with intentional, if little,…
Following your heart can be dangerous advice! This week, we’re starting a new series called “All Heart,” investigating what God’s Word says about the human heart. I’m excited to take a deep dive into this. Let’s jump in!
Gratitude is so important in our everyday life. We’re going to use the idea of Hide and Seek this week to dig deeper into it. We’ll discover how sometimes the things we should be most grateful for are hiding in…