We're diving into the concept of "spiritual temperature" today. There are five often-overlooked keys to spiritual fervor: awareness of one's spiritual state, surrender to God's…
It can be all too tempting to think that we'll come into our full purpose once we're out of a particular season, once the kids…
Today we're tackling one of the most difficult passages in scripture in my opinion, one I still can't really explain or fully understand, especially as…
If you had to start all over again with a brand new name, who would you pick to give you a name? Probably somebody who…
Video games can be amazing, but many young gamers struggle with balancing their digital adventures with their real life opportunities. Today I’ll answer three questions every parent needs to ask about video games.
We're starting a new series on the Names of God! What's in a name? Names are often carefully chosen and hold special meaning. It matters…
Because I'm a writer, I have what's called an agent. She encourages me in my writing and in my messages. And she's also someone who…
I've pulled together a whole bunch of different verses for you on how God loves you, and I just want them to sink in for…
Today we're going to look at another scripture on love, Psalm 139. It's a reminder that God loves every facet of you. Before you’ve done…
Avoid the traps of giving up, self-pity, anxiety, and resentment in your faith. Sin can entangle us, but we can draw inspiration from persevering and…