Sometimes it can be really hard to make space for grace, isn’t it? And yet it feels really good when somebody doles out grace to us though, right? Rahab’s story in the Bible reminds us all about embracing our flaws,…
We are in a new series called “Footnotes”, and it’s about taking a look at people in the Bible who don’t always get the spotlight. Don’t always get the big notice, but who did some amazing and important things when…
When God calls you to do a task, he equips you for it. That’s what takes it from mission impossible, to mission possible.
How many times has God protected you and you haven’t even known it. Think back over your life. Perhaps from the wrong job or the wrong relationship. Today we look at God’s protection in the book of 2 King’s chapter…
When you’re raising teens, it can feel like maybe the best person to talk to is an acclaimed hostage negotiator! We got you! Karleen Savage, mom, TEDx speaker, and crisis negotiator Karleen Savage joins AllMomDoes host Julie Lyles Carr for…
Don’t you love it when words take on new meaning? My prayer for you today is that you’ll never hear the words except and only the same way. Let me tell you why…
Have you ever said these two words together, “But Lord!” What we’re really saying to the God of the universe is, don’t you understand that’s not a great idea? What we’re talking about is the concept of obeying God’s commands,…
Today we discuss what it means to ask for, and receive, good gifts from loving parents. In the process we recognize that sometimes the most loving answer is “no”.
Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to join me on a journey through God’s Word this week, as you and I remember something very important: that impossible is God’s starting point.