We are going to practice some peace today as we wrap up our beautiful week together. Let’s find some joy in the middle of our busy morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are. The Lord is present with us right…
As we continue our series on fish out of water today, we’re going to see Jesus turn water into wine. Let’s talk about it!
Before Emily Hutchinson became known as the baker behind The Hutch Oven, she suffered the loss that a parent fears more than any other. Jenny, her beautiful baby girl died suddenly. She tells the story of how God pulled her…
If you want to be like Jesus, that means you want to be like a fish out of water, because Jesus is truly the King of an upside down kingdom…
Jamie & Donna Winship are always our most popular guests. We are excited to bring you this special extended interview from our Intern Audrey! Intern Audrey takes the mic – and shares with Jamie & Donna Winship about Original Design.…
Today, Dr. Emina and Julie Lyles Carr discuss how to talk about mental health with kids, how we as people of faith should walk alongside those grappling with thoughts of suicide, and how we can support our mental health through…
Have you ever felt like you were between a rock and a hard place? Maybe that’s how you feel right now. So today, if you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, look at it this way…
Summer is here, and our children have a lot more time on their hands. How do we help them navigate the tech that helps vs. hurts?
I want to invite you right now into our brand new series. It’s called Fish Outta Water because as grownups, we feel a little bit out of place in this world, don’t we? Sometimes having faith in the world we…