Today on the Bible for busy people, You and I are going to continue our tour through the Hall of Faith. You and I are exploring some of the most faithful people who ever lived. Are you ready to dive…
What does it look like in the lives of the people who lived in Bible times? What does it look like in the life of one woman, who lived in a concentration camp during World War 2? So are you…
I believe one way you and I can trust the Lord is to give him the benefit of the doubt. Assume he’s up to something good and deep down know that he always is. When our trust in God grows,…
The feeling of anticipating something is often as wonderful or even more wonderful than the thing you’re looking forward to experiencing. There’s joy in the waiting and joy in the receiving. If you’re a believer, and by the way, everybody…
Sure, we love to look like we’ve got it together. But what if it takes being broken to truly know how to be brave? Author, podcaster, and all-around amazing personality Toni Collier joins Julie Lyles Carr an honest conversation about…
How do you and I keep our joy when the going gets tough? The hunt for joy continues in Acts chapter 16, beginning in verse 16. We’re going to jail.
Jerry Dugan while deployed to Kuwait, wrote to his wife and family, the “in case I die” letter. His whole hard life had led to this moment. You will see the wonderful way the Lord changed him and his family,…
Today we’re going to build the base for this conversation and equip you with everything you need to answer this question well. Whether its an app, game, device, show, or album, you will be empowered to do more than win:…
Today we’re going to a funeral, but don’t be sad. Spoiler alert, Jesus shows up and it literally turns into a celebration of life service.
Joy is something you and I can partner with God to find on the daily. Does that sound appealing to you? Well, come on. Let’s go to the most famous wedding in history.