Jesus loved Peter when he was getting it wrong, and when he was getting it right. It’s the same with you and me, and that’s why I’m super excited to go on this journey with you. The road is going…
This is the day you and I set aside to celebrate the goodness of God; to remember you and I were made to praise him. And you know what? He is so worthy of our praise and our thanksgiving, so…
Easter is coming and we want to come alongside you with a meaningful resource. Join us as we walk In HIs Steps. Whose steps? The steps of Jesus! As he travels from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, PNW pastors will…
The choices we make in our lives can follow us for years or a lifetime. Do you ever feel like you carry shame for a past decision that you can’t overcome? Through the cross and Jesus you can start again.…
Early on Sunday morning while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. We’re opening our Bibles and walking through the stories that increase our faith.…
This is a special episode focused on the Pacific Northwest. We know that the Seattle freeze can be a really thing. What is God up to in the PNW? How do we see God working? Soak in encouragement and hope…
How do you raise a kid who loves Jesus? Moms from all walks of life join Sherri and Jackie as they go head first into this topic. What are the things we can do to help our kids cling to…
It’s why He lived a sinless life – So that He could die on the cross and pay for my sins and your sins and open the door to heaven for us to restore our relationship with God. It’s why…
With a career in television and a growing family, Jillian Benfield’s goals were on track. But when the unexpected happened, it was more than just her circumstances that changed. Jillian joins The AllMomDoes Podcast Julie Lyles Carr for this insightful…
Today I want to address what it means to be someone who is gifted with the time, talent and opportunity to work in the tech world. What does it mean to be a Christian in the tech space? You’re in…