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Waiting & Trusting God | Psalm 143

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Bible for Busy People Podcast. I’m Hannah, and this week I’ll be filling in for my mom, Erica. We’re going to be looking into waiting and trusting God, and today we’re going to be diving into Psalm 143. Let’s get started!

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Guest Speaker: Hannah Parkerson

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Bible for Busy People Podcast. I’m Hannah, and this week I’ll be filling in for my mom, Erica. We’re going to be looking into waiting and trusting God, and today we’re going to be diving into Psalm 143.

“Hear my prayer. Oh Lord; listen to my plea! Answer me because you are faithful and righteous. Don’t put your servant on trial. For no one is innocent before you. My enemy has chased me. He has knocked me to the ground and forces me to live in darkness like those in the grave. I am losing all hope; I am paralyzed with fear. I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done. I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Come quickly, Lord, and answer me, for my depression deepens. Don’t turn away from me or I will die. Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord; I run to you to hide me. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. For the glory of your name, Oh Lord, preserve my life. Because of your faithfulness, Bring me out of this distress. In your unfailing love, silence all my enemies and destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.”

I got to say it is just definitely not easy trusting God and waiting for something to come to pass or just a simple answer from him. And as I’ve walked with Jesus, I’ve noticed that there have been just so many times where I’ve wrestled with God about his will for my life. I would always have an “I’m going to do it my way” kind of an attitude. I was so rebellious and so stubborn, and I thought that I knew better than he did, and I was always holding tightly to what I wanted instead of just letting it go. And it did feel good for a while, but over time I just began to feel the emptiness just creep into my soul little by little. And it came to a point after many years of being stubborn where I just said, Okay God, with open hands and full surrender. It takes time.

And I have to be honest that this is something that does not happen overnight. And it is definitely not a walk in the park. And I know it’s not easy letting go of what you truly want, but the adventures that God has for us are a lot better than we could ever imagine. When we begin to shift our mindset to God’s, we begin to see the pieces of the puzzle coming together, revealing something so beautiful.

And if you are currently in a season right now where you’re just grasping tightly onto something, in your life, I want you to lay it down before the feet of our King. His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours, and he has something for you, and he’s right there with you waiting for you to take the first step of faith. As my friend Vicky says, we only get a snapshot while God has the whole video. I hope that this encourages you to keep trusting in the one who knows. Thank you so much for listening, and I hope that this encourages you today. See you next time.

Thank you so much for listening to the Bible for Busy People. If you need prayer or you’re ready to go a little deeper in your faith, we’ve posted some resources for you in our show notes. We’d love for you to share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review. It helps us reach even more people with the hope of Jesus. This podcast is part of Purposely, a podcast network designed with practical podcasts to help you find and live in God’s purpose for your life. Find more podcasts that will recharge you at

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