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Unlimited Refills! | John 20:19-23, John 14:1

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today because if you are feeling scared or you are feeling confused or empty, all you got to do is fill up on the Holy Spirit. I believe he wants to breathe new life into you today. So, join me now. We’re going to go back to the first Easter Sunday, beginning in John chapter 20.

Show Notes:

  • Who Is Jesus? Let us introduce you!
  • Have a prayer request? Leave it here.
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It’s always a good idea before you do something scary, like say you go skydiving. That’s something my daughter wants to do. Or before you make an important phone call, it’s always nice to take a deep breath, right? Okay, I got this. I know God’s got me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today because if you are feeling scared or you are feeling confused or empty, all you got to do is fill up on the Holy Spirit. I believe he wants to breathe new life into you today. It’s like when you go to your favorite breakfast place and you know that the coffee is going to keep coming… the Holy Spirit offers the best free refills of hope and faith and courage and whatever is lacking in you today. So, join me now. We’re going to go back to the first Easter Sunday. I know that most of us are pretty familiar with what happened that morning. The stone rolled away and Jesus rose from the dead. It’s an amazing story and it’s true. Just stop for a second today and thank God that that is true. Jesus defeated death, hell, and the grave, and he opened up the doors to heaven so that you and I could walk in, and all we have to do is accept his free gift of forgiveness. To say we’re sorry for our sins and to accept his love. Easter means everything. So today we’re going to the first Easter evening. Join me in the gospel of John chapter 20, beginning in verse 19.

That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said. 20 As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! 21 Again he said, “Peace be with you.

I want you to know today, Jesus is saying that to you right now. He wants you to have peace in your troubled heart. Jesus actually says in another part of the gospel of John chapter 14 verse one.

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.

He wants us to trust him and that’s when the peace comes in when we can just unclench our hands. When we let go of the things that we’re holding on so tightly to because we think we know best. When we can trust, that’s when the peace comes in. That’s where the deep breath comes from. It’s like, okay, God, I know you’ve got this. Alright, continuing on now in our passage, we’re going to pick it up in verse 21.

Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” 22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

Okay, let’s just take a moment here. Let’s imagine what it felt like to be one of the disciples in this room. They were hiding behind locked doors. They were afraid of the Jewish leaders at the time, and here comes Jesus. And he stands in the midst of them, in the midst of the fear. I bet it was so strong you could smell it in that room. And he says, peace be with you. And then he breathes upon them. And I just want you to sit with that for a moment because this same Christ comes to you, and he stands with you in the midst of all of your fears. He can smell them. You know what I mean? And he says, I’m here. Peace be with you. You can almost imagine him taking his nail scarred hand and placing it on your heart, and all of a sudden your heartbeat isn’t racing and all of a sudden your heart isn’t racing and you’re just feeling the peace that comes directly from him. This is what Jesus does, and then he breaths on them. What was that like? It makes me want to be a Rembrandt or one of those great artists that captured so many Bible stories so beautifully. I want to paint that even though I have no talent in the area of painting, what did it look like for God’s son to breathe on the disciples, and what does it look like now? Because the same Holy Spirit that Jesus gave the disciples is the one he gives to you and me. We can come to him. And he comes to us and we can be filled. That’s the beauty of this story. I actually had another plan. I thought we were going to go to Romans today and talk more about the Holy Spirit, but I’m going to roll because I think that God’s spirit is moving right now in this moment that you and I have together. Sometimes we go to Jesus and we say, “Help! Fill us up.” And sometimes Jesus comes to us and he enters the space. He goes past the locked door of our heart that is shut toward him at times, and he enters and he brings his peace and he brings His Holy Spirit and he says, I’m here. And I think so often you and I don’t get quiet enough to pick up on his presence and his invitation, but today I feel as if the Lord is wanting us to do that, to just take him up on his invitation to be with us. So I just want to sit in this moment together and treasure it. For where two or three are gathered. There Jesus is. He says, in the midst of us, he’s here. Lord, I want to respond to you in prayer.

My friend and I, we are in awe that you come to us. Recently, we talked on this podcast about how you’re also willing to wait for us. You wait for us to come to you so you can show us your love and compassion. And you come to us and stand in the midst of all of our fears and uncertainty, and you just breathe on us. You give us your peace. You give us your Holy Spirit, you strengthen us, you fill us, and we praise you. Again, Lord, we take the air in our lungs and we use it to praise your holy name. We praise you Lord Jesus, and we stand together, my friend and I who’s listening right now, and we say, we will trust you. We trust you, oh Lord. We know that we don’t have to be afraid because we trust in you. Glory to you Lord Jesus. Praise to you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Oh, I hope you’re feeling filled. I feel so much peace right now. Glory to God. Alright, until next time, you are really loved.

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