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The Gift of Presence | James 1:17-18, John 14:27, Matthew 11:28-30, Psalm 16:11

You and I, we give and receive many gifts at Christmas time, but just like God’s peace is different than the world’s peace, God’s gifts are different than the gifts in the world.

Special thanks to Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, for bringing us the Bible For Busy People this Christmas season!

Show Notes:

  • Who Is Jesus? Let us introduce you!
  • Have a prayer request? Leave it here.
  • We’d love for you to leave a review. We know most of our listeners come from Apple podcasts and if that is you, please take a moment to rate the podcast and tell us what you loved about this episode. It helps us reach more people!


Imagine you’ve just walked into a cozy log cabin. A pot is bubbling on the stove in the kitchen, and a nostalgic blend of orange peels, clove, and cinnamon is wafting through the rooms. Cookies are baking in the oven. Your favorite kind. A wood-burning fire, crackles, spicing the air with spruce and pine. On the sofa is a soft blanket warmed by the fire, monogrammed with your initials. A mug of your favorite drink, mine is gingerbread coffee right now, is steaming hot, inviting, waiting on the end table for you. The steam swirls up to join the instrumental version of Oh Holy Night playing from a speaker somewhere up above. The whole space is designed just for you. It’s a place where you can go to find rest, and it’s a picture, an outward manifestation of the gift I believe Jesus wants to give you, wants to give me, this Christmas. The gift of rest. I’m talking deep soul rest, a respite for your spirit. Doesn’t that sound good? Isn’t it beautiful that there is a place like that, a haven for your soul and mine, for your spirit and mine?

Hi, it’s the Bible for Busy People. I’m Erica, your host, and all this week you and I are making room in The Inn of our hearts. Remember when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem to be counted for the census and Mary was about to deliver the savior of the world Jesus, but there was no room for them. This Christmas, you and I are saying “We are making room. We’re making preparations, Lord Jesus, for you to come and bring your peace.” We’re welcoming the prince of peace. That’s one of the names of Jesus into our hearts this Christmas. We’re laying the foundation of the holiday season with peace, His peace. Remember Jesus says, in the gospel of John, I’m leaving you with a gift; peace of mind and heart, and the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. By slowing down, by focusing on what matters, by leaning into the presence of Jesus in our daily, crazy, chaotic lives, we are extending our hands, extending our hearts, and receiving his gift of peace.

You and I, we give and receive many gifts at Christmas time, but just like God’s peace is different than the world’s peace, God’s gifts are different than the gifts in the world. Listen to James chapter one beginning in verse 17.

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.

Just how many stars are up there? The moon, the sun, the planets. Think of everything he made. He created all of that and he created you to shine a light in this world as well. We are also lights that he made. Isn’t that beautiful? Okay, back to the Bible now.

He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. 18 He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.

Wow. You are his prize. You’re a pearl of great price. The Bible says you’re the apple of his eye. I want you to just feel His love this holiday season. Reach out and accept his gift of peace and rest too. Join me now in Matthew chapter 11, beginning in verse 28.

Then Jesus said,

And imagine wherever you are right now, hopefully you’re still mentally in that log cabin. Imagine Jesus speaking this to you. You are on that couch wrapped in that soft blanket. The fire is crackling and Jesus says to you,

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Don’t you want to RSVP to that holiday party invitation? Can’t think of a better party to attend? Jesus says, come to me. Are you weary right now? Are you carrying heavy burdens? He says, I’m going to give you rest. I will give it to you. Let me teach you, He’s saying. Isn’t he wonderful? Rest comes from being in the presence of Jesus. Peace comes from being in the presence of Jesus, as does joy. Maybe your joy tank is low right now. Maybe this holiday season is heartbreaking for you this year. I want you to know where to find joy. Join me in Psalm 16:11.

You make known to me the path of life.

The Psalmist writes,

You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Are you making note of all of these? I wills. I will give you rest, right? You will fill me with joy. God wants to give you peace and joy and rest. I looked up the definition of presence. Take this in: A person or thing that exists or is present in a place but is not seen. There is joy and peace and rest in the presence of our Lord Jesus. We can’t see him.

Boy, I keep a flat Jesus. That’s what I call him here in the studio where I work, and he’s just this smiling little mini flannel Jesus, and I love it because it reminds me that the real Jesus, the one who is the prince of peace, who’s joy is my strength, is in the room with me at work all day and he’s with me everywhere. He’s Emmanuel, God with us. He’s with you, he’s with me. But Jesus wants to give you the gift of his presence, and in his presence you’ll find all you need to give your spirit and your soul a deep rest this Christmas season. Oh, he’s so good. He loves us so much, and Lord, we love you back. Alright, until next time. Yep. You are really loved.

Thank you for making space to study the Bible with me today. If you feel something stirring in your soul, that’s the God who made you, saying, I love you and I want to know you. It’s what Christmas is all about. Jesus came for you so that your soul would know its worth. He came to bring joy to the world, and to your world. It’s the most beautiful love story ever written, and it’s true. It’s the greatest rescue mission in history, and it was for you. If you want to respond to that stirring in your soul, to know Jesus a little better, please take a moment and check out our show notes, where you’ll find lots of hope and encouragement for your journey.

The Bible for Busy people is brought to you this Christmas season by Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission. Every day and every night, their team is on a mission to share the good news with our neighbors who are homeless. Like the angels who came on the night, Jesus was born. They make sure that every person who walks through the doors of the Mission knows that there is hope because Jesus came, and how much He loves them. Every person they meet on the street encounters the love of Christ through a friendly smile, a warm blanket, a cup of cocoa, and an invitation to take that next step toward healing from addiction or mental illness. If you want to be part of making sure every soul knows its worth in Seattle this Christmas, volunteer or donate at Thank you and Merry Christmas.

This podcast is one branch of a Christmas tree called Purposely, a network designed to connect you with life-giving conversations, and to inspire you to find and live out God’s purpose for your life. If you’ve got a pulse, you’ve got a purpose.

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