Purposely Presents
The Bible For Busy People
with Jenn Schultz
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About This Podcast
Podcast Description
Do you find the chaos and noise of the world getting you down? Time to turn up the voice of God in your life! Join Jenn Schultz for a mini-bible study podcast each weekday. In 7 minutes or less, you’ll dive into God’s Word and come up refreshed and ready for the next thing on your to do list. We know you can find 7 minutes a day to stop and soak in God’s truth! You can totally connect with Jesus on your commute, during your lunch break, in the school pickup line, while you’re doing the dishes, or at the coffee shop with earbuds and your favorite latte. We’ve got you covered with a Bible podcast for your busy life!

About Jenn Schultz
I’m Jenn, and I’m a wife, mom to three, author, Bible deep-diver, and word lover. I grew up knowing God, but still feel like I’m only beginning to understand who he is and the compassion and grace he extends to us.
One of my favorite verses Hebrews 10:14: “For by one sacrifice he made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” As a recovering perfectionist and approval-seeker, I love that God has already taken charge of the hard work of making us who we are meant to be in him. And I appreciate that he welcomes us as we are–imperfect and fearfully and wonderfully made.
My first book came out in 2023: She’s Not Your Enemy, on tackling our insecurities so we can become who God calls us to be and cheer each other on along the way. I love to write empowering women to find their God-given identities and callings and to know him better.
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