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Shaken: Walking Through Fire – Vaneetha Risner

One question that we can’t answer is why does God allow so much more suffering in some people’s lives than others. Vaneetha Risner had polio as a child, was in and out of the hospital for years, was bullied in school, went through a divorce, lost a child, and now has post-polio syndrome which is a degenerative disease; And yet her relationship with God is as strong as its ever been.

Show Notes:

  • Vaneetha’s memoir is called Walking Through Fire: A Memoir of Loss and Redemption is available here.
  • Find her Bible study Desparate For Hope: Questions We Ask God In Suffering. Loss, and Longing here.
  • Her book The Scars That Shaped Me: How God Meets Us In Our Suffering is here.
  • Vaneetha is also a blogger at Desiring God.
  • Connect with her at

*Transcription can be found on most podcast platforms.

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