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Shaken: Resilient and Redeemed Lessons from Suicidality and Depression – Chris Morris

*NOTE: This is just a heads up that you might want to put ear buds in for this episode as there are topics discussed that are sensitive, and may be triggering. 

Chris Morris has battled depression and suicidal thoughts (and attempts) for most of his life. You may be surprised to know that these problems continued after he became a Christian. But Chris is redeemed, and he has dedicated his life to helping other people see that mental illness does not disqualify you from the love, mercy and grace of God.

Show Notes:

If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call the national suicide hotline at 988.

You can find Chris’ book Resilient and Redeemed, Lessons from Suicidality, Depression and the Psych Ward here:

Check out Chris’ Podcast: Resilience and Other Things

Learn more about Chris’ story and work at or instagram @chrismorriswrites

*Transcription can be found on most podcast platforms.

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