KCIS Morning Devotion
with Mark Holland
About This Program
Program Description
Extended interviews from Mark Holland’s KCIS 630 program in Seattle.
The perfect way to begin your day and be Inspired for Life! Tune in weekday mornings with Mark Holland from 7-9 a.m. in Seattle on KCIS 630 and 105.3 HD-3 to start your day fulfilled. A mix of Classic Christian songs, features, local & national headlines, Seattle area traffic, and Western Washington weather.

About Mark
Since 1989 I have been with CRISTA Media, which owns KWPZ/PRAISE 106.5, KCMS/SPIRIT 105.3 and AM 630 KCIS. In addition to hearing me in the mornings on KCIS, I am also the full time Program Director.
As a native of Edmonds, my personal interests include singing, movies, art and various projects around the home with wife Jennie. We met while both were working at KCMS/KCIS in Seattle and were married in 1993.
You can hear his story featured right here on Purposely.