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Should Your School Go Phone Free?

School is starting and smartphones are at the center of the conversation. Should our schools ban smartphones? Today we’ll talk about how parents and schools can take steps to ensure the best possible outcomes for students and staff, while including the best technology possible for health, growth, and learning.

Show Notes:

Our books come out today!

A great book to jumpstart this conversation in your school: The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt

Some useful stats:

1.Tech impacts mental health. Two hours a day on Drool Tech increases the likelihood of depression and suicidal ideation (Twenge et al, 2017)

2. Tech impacts school. Smartphones in the classroom: -Reduce attention span (Mendoza, Body, 2018) -Decrease academic success (Beland, Murphy, 2015) -Cause brain drain (Ward, Duke et al, 2017) -Disordered screen use can negatively impact cognitive abilities. (Moshel, Warburton, et al, 2023)

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