Christmas is coming, and so are those hangouts with family and friends who aren’t in your usual rotation. These are the times when new tech can show up, and intentional conversations and boundaries can help our children and family stay safe with their tech use.
We’ll start in the true spirit of A Christmas Carol and give people the benefit of the doubt. This we begin by expecting others to:
- Use safe tech (tool, accountable, no browser or app store)
- Give tech that is appropriate for their children this season (healthy RESET)
- Check the fruit that tech produces (a la Gal. 5:19-23)
But what if that’s not the case? Start there! If there is tech you know is unsafe (like an unaccountable smartphone), then that is where your conversation begins.
If the above is all good, then our job as loving parents is to ensure we’ve:
- Talked tech expectations with our family and with those we are going to visit
- We’ve put our Wi-Fi / device hedges up (Bark Home & Covenant Eyes)
- We’ve made a plan for fun beyond our tech
Want more ideas for great Analog Adventures this Christmas? Check out the show notes from two weeks ago (ep. 242) “Analog Adventures for Christmas!” Lots of links and great resources offline and real world adventures.
Want help talking about healthy tech? Check out Nathan’s online workshop to learn how to Talk it Out and Walk it Out. (
Anna’s devotional to help us focus on Christ, not our tech: The Graceful Disconnect (Amazon or
Nathan’s resource for families to connect the hope of the Gospel to their daily tech lives: Gospel-Centered Tech (Amazon or
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