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Introducing Gospel Tech – A Podcast To Help Families Love God + Use Tech

Purposely is so excited to welcome Gospel Tech as part of its network of podcasts. Gospel Tech exists to help parents as they are raising their kids in a tech world. Nathan and Anna want to help you intentionally use the tech in your life in a God-honoring way. Jesus changes everything: even our use of tech!

Nathan has put together some of their most popular past episodes to get you started! Jump in as we all learn to partner the Gospel with our tech use.

Listen to “124. Crash Course #1: Gospel Foundation” on Spreaker.

Listen to “125. Crash Course #2: Video Games” on Spreaker.

#3 will be launch starting on Tuesday, July 19th and then every Tuesday after you can catch a new episode wherever you love getting your podcasts or right here on Purposely!

Subscribe or follow so you don’t miss a single episode!


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