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Five Ways to Keep Tech Healthy on Rainy Days

What can we do to ensure our tech stays healthy even when the weather is bad? I live in the Pacific Northwest, and our rainy season isn’t set to stop for another three months at least. It’s easy to pick up some bad tech habits, and make excuses about them because the days are so long and the weather is so poor. So what can we do instead? Today we’ll talk through five great alternatives to build healthy, resilient tech habits with our kids and make the most of our rainy days.



Get some Analog Adventures in: (Bake, Play, Draw, Build)



  • Build something — (yes, these cost money)
  • magnatiles – Amazon has lots of great knock-offs
  • legos – buy it and then resell it!
  • Crunch Labs boxes are fun (but pricey)



  • Option #2: Puzzle! – get yourself a puzzle-table so you don’t have to move it!
  • we love Buffalo games puzzles (like this SW one, $20) 
  • we also have really enjoyed diamond art (like this one of Starry Night, $20 on sale)

Want help talking healthy tech? Check out Nathan’s online workshop: Family Tech Framework

Anna’s devotional to help us focus on Christ, not our tech: The Graceful Disconnect (Amazon or

Nathan’s resource for families to connect the hope of the Gospel to their daily tech lives: Gospel-Centered Tech (Amazon or

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