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Teaching Our Kids About Praise and Worship With Lauren Chandler

We often share our spiritual walks with our kids by making sure they know their Bible verses and big stories in scripture. But what are we doing to intentionally teach them the power of praise and worship in their relationship with God?

Author and ministry leader Lauren Chandler joins Julie Lyles Carr with ideas for helping our kids discover their own way to connect to God and explains what praise from the heart is like on this episode of the AllMomDoes podcast.

Interview Links:

Find Lauren Online | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Lauren’s Book: Praise Him


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Julie Lyles Carr: Today on the AllMomDoes podcast, we are in a series on spiritual growth and development. And one area that we really wanna do a deep dive into is not only our own spiritual development, but that of our children. And I have somebody today who is gonna help us talk through all of that. She’s an author, she’s a praise and worship leader. She’s a wife, she’s a mom. She’s gorgeous. Her name is Lauren Chandler. Lauren, thanks so much for being with me today. 

[00:00:41] Lauren Chandler: Thanks for having me. And what a very generous intro. Thank you so much. 

[00:00:46] Julie Lyles Carr: You’re looking good friend, you’re looking good. So tell listeners where you live in the world, husband, kids, life, passions, hobbies, all the things.

[00:00:54] Okay I’m a Texas girl, born and raised. I’m originally from East [00:01:00] Texas, which we just have extra pride in being from Texas. I’m pretty any Texan, but grew up in East Texas and currently live in Flower Mound, which is a suburb of Dallas. We’ve been here over 20 years. My husband’s been the pastor of The Village church; coming up on 20 years.

[00:01:23] I was eight months pregnant when we came to the church with our firstborn, and she is 19, she’ll turn 20 in February. And then our second is a boy, our only boy. He’s almost 17. And then our youngest is 13, and yeah, I’m a pastor’s wife. I love to lead worship as well. I lead worship at our church, The Village.

[00:01:47] I also lead worship wherever I’m invited to. And I also have written bible studies. I’ve written a trade book. I have now written two [00:02:00] children’s books and that’s probably my favorite. I’m really enjoying the children’s books. I love anything in nature. I love to be outside. I love sunsets, sunrises, any kind of beauty in nature I’m all about. I’m an amateur bird watcher. I have a little set of binoculars by my kitchen window, kitchen sink, and I have the bird app, Merlin ID bird app so I can figure out, if I don’t know that bird, I can figure out what it is. I’m like an amateur bird watcher and I love it. And yeah that’s me in a nutshell, I guess in a nutshell.

[00:02:41] Lauren Chandler: I would say that I’m also, I’m not as highfalutin as you yet on the amateur bird watching. I do have a passion for it. I am a very skilled squirrel watcher. I just am. 

[00:02:54] Oh, yeah.

[00:02:55] About squirrels and I’ve made the mistake of bringing the squirrels in too close to the house with all [00:03:00] kinds of feeders and things like that, and, squirrels wanna come live in your house if you do stuff like that.

[00:03:04] So that’s a tip. Don’t feed the squirrels right at your door. That’s an issue. But I love the bird watching. That’s amazing. That’s amazing.

[00:03:14] Yes. I love it. 

[00:03:14] Julie Lyles Carr: Tell me how you became interested in ministry in general. Was that something that you always thought you wanted to do when you were a kid?

[00:03:21] Or when did that first start really growing in you? This idea that you wanted to be part of a ministry team. Yeah. And part of a ministry lifestyle. 

[00:03:30] I 

[00:03:30] Lauren Chandler: wasn’t sure that I wanted to do ministry until right before I met my husband. And I definitely, I loved music. . I loved singing at church, so that was something I enjoyed.

[00:03:45] I loved creating and writing. I loved observing beauty, but I didn’t know how that was all going to work itself out, as a career. But I met my husband when I was 17, [00:04:00] so that’s pretty early in life to meet your husband and he was in ministry. But I would say right before I met him, the Lord did a work in my heart.

[00:04:11] I was a girl who grew up in a Christian home, became a believer at a young age. I think I was like eight or nine. And always had a sense of who God was. And then my mom led me to Christ and then I was in youth group. I was at church all the time and slowly awakened to the depths and the dimensions of the gospel in my life.

[00:04:35] I would say through my teen years, and gosh, even still I’m waking up to all the beautiful implications of the gospel and the love of God in my life and the lives of those around me. But right before I met Matt, I just had this distinct feeling that the Lord was going to use me. Not just, I believe we’re [00:05:00] all called to ministry no matter what we do, no matter if a church pays our paycheck or not. But I just had a distinct memory of just okay, I’m going to be doing this for a living somehow and maybe it’s to come alongside my husband eventually. I was not looking for a husband at 17. It just happened . But it was God’s according to God’s plan in God’s timeline.

[00:05:33] And we’ve been married 23 years since. And I was 19 when we got married, so young bride. But so that’s the Lord called me separately from Matt, but then showed me that I would do it alongside him, once I met him and knew we would get married. That’s how I found myself in, vocational ministry.

[00:05:59] Julie Lyles Carr: [00:06:00] I love that you designate that you were around 17 at the time, that you began to really hear God’s voice for yourself in a sense. To really feel that pull. Because as moms we get really burdened and I think at times and understandably so, want to see what we perceive as faith moments in our children, and the earlier the better because it makes us feel like we sealed the deal.

[00:06:26] We did all the things. We sat at the fire, we spoke about it when we were walking and when we were driving the carpool and all the things. And I do think there’s such a beauty in hearing someone who has dedicated their life to ministry be able to say, yeah, I was in my late teens before that all really started gelling.

[00:06:46] I know people who hit their twenties or their thirties before they really have that sense of what their call is supposed to be or what their purpose is or feeling like they get to hear God for themselves. So why do [00:07:00] you think we can sometimes wanna push it when it comes to our kids, when they’re really young?

[00:07:06] in terms of the things that we think we see that are assurances, that they’re getting this faith thing. 

[00:07:12] Lauren Chandler: Personally, it’s usually fear. I want to protect them and I know that ultimately, God, a thriving relationship with the Lord is the best thing they could have in their life. Like he is the only solid rock, the refuge, our stronghold in times of trouble.

[00:07:32] Like I wanna know that they know who he is personally. And so I think fear can get a hold of me and think I can be like, okay, I need to make sure that I see this in their life. And it needs to look a certain way, or maybe it’s the fear of man where I’m like, okay, did I do a good enough job? If I were to, look at this other parent and look how their kid turned out and they’re already leading a Bible study and [00:08:00] whatever.

[00:08:01] But the Lord’s been really kind to speak to me in those moments and be like, you don’t know what I’m doing, like in the secret place with your kiddos. You don’t know how I’m gonna use even the hard things in their stories. And we have one kid in particular that there are really hard things in that kid’s story that I believe the Lord is going to use and I believe is already using in this child’s life right now.

[00:08:29] And I think that’s what we want something, sure. We want something that makes us feel good about their safety and their eternal safety. And then we also want to make, have something that makes us feel good, that, okay, we did a good job as a parent, we did it. We, check, don’t have to worry about that anymore.

[00:08:50] When really the reality is the, like it is a handing them over to the Lord, doing what we can to be faithful, like you said, to talk about on the [00:09:00] way in carpool to show them what our life of faith looks like. But then ultimately it is the Lord who has them, who knows what’s going on in the interior life of those souls and I have to continually give them over to him.

[00:09:23] So that I don’t operate in fear because I think a lot of times what that does is backfires, it backfires on us and that we try to manage and manipulate .And sometimes that’s to the detriment of their own relationship with God, because then they don’t know to have how to have their own relationship with God without you.

[00:09:44] And maybe they’re doing it to please you and not necessarily to have an actual relationship with the Lord. It’s a fine line. It’s a fine line to be intentional in discipling your kids, but then not [00:10:00] being like the helicopter mom and making everything okay and checking all the boxes so that you feel okay about yourself and your kid.

[00:10:09] Julie Lyles Carr: That really resonates with me and when I think about the ways in which we often are equipping our kids for a life of faith, depending on the denominational background, maybe we grew up in, whether we’re trying to emulate exactly what we grew up in or we’re saying, I’m not gonna do it that way, , I’m gonna go 180, whatever the drive is in that direction.

[00:10:32] There are several key elements that I don’t know that we always distinguish very clearly, and this is not to make the ways in which we lead our kids formulaic. This is to say, is this something that I’ve considered? Is this something that I’m modeling for my child, or I’m leading out in or I’m explaining what we’re doing.

[00:10:49] Because while I do love the phrase and I believe it more as caught, than taught, I do also think there’s still placed for taught, for teaching. [00:11:00] And so when I think about my own childhood and then what I was trying to also carry over into my children’s childhoods when it came to faith and introducing them to faith, I was very focused on scripture, which I think is great.

[00:11:13] I was very focused on behavior. Okay, now this is the behavior that God likes and this is the behavior that God doesn’t, and this is sinful behavior, and this is Godly behavior and very focused on the Bible’s stories. When it came to praise and worship, I gotta be honest, Lauren, I just felt like they were gonna absorb that by being within the church environment and they did to a certain point.

[00:11:38] But I have to tell you in my own life for the way I’m wired, for the way God interacts with me, it’s times of quiet, personal praise and worship that sometimes have the greatest impact on my own heart. And I realize that, I don’t know if that’s something that my kids really saw [00:12:00] modeled other than maybe me playing some music that was important to me, or a song I wanted them to hear. So how do we begin to talk to our kids about their own relationship in terms of worshiping God, praising God and yes, holding space for the experiences in children’s church and big church and all the things, yeah, that are awesome, but really making sure they understand that there’s also a personal component to it.

[00:12:24] How do we talk through that? . 

[00:12:26] Lauren Chandler: Yeah. I think one of the ways we can do that is just like you said, giving them an example by us doing it, and even just letting them in on, hey, this is how today went for me. and it started off rough but I know God is there and he cares.

[00:12:56] And I poured out my heart to him [00:13:00] believing he is good and he has me. And I just, It was a time of prayer, it was a time of praise that maybe I wasn’t actually singing, but I was like, Lord, I trust you in this. I know you’re good. I know you love me. And so just letting him into that, that secret place that we have and then just with them. Maybe on the ride home from school when it was a hard day or they were tired and something came up and I feel like it’s those times for me.

[00:13:41] Sometimes I can forget to praise God when it’s good. I’m like the opposite of maybe most people, and it’s when it’s hard, I’m like, okay, I need to praise him now because I am not gonna make it if I don’t praise him in the hard. And [00:14:00] a lot of times it’s sitting with them. , they’re in the front seat with me and talking through their day and pointing out where God met them and letting them pour out their hearts first.

[00:14:16] I think that’s important, like not trying to shove anything down their throat in the moment, but in particular, my youngest just letting her pour it all out with me. And I’m trying, listening, trying to just wait. Just edit, don’t say anything yet. And then letting her come to the place where she can receive just me helping her see maybe what’s happening underneath, maybe what God wants to show her about her, about him, about others, and how she, that just kinda lifts her eyes to look to him.

[00:14:55] And then just thanking him, for [00:15:00] how he sees us and he cares and he knows. And a lot of times praise looks like thanksgiving. Worship basically is praise and thanksgiving and I think praise and thanksgiving can hold hands pretty closely. And yeah, just encouraging her in that. And then I actually wrote a song that is the precursor to this book called Praise Him, where I wanted to give my kids something to remind them to praise the Lord in every part of the day and every season of life. 

[00:15:39] And so I wrote this little song, almost a lullaby. So it’s really simple but it’s a reminder to praise him when the day just begins, when everything’s full of promise. And then to praise him when the day’s just either mundane or hard or it didn’t turn out like you thought it would.[00:16:00] 

[00:16:00] To praise him in the middle of the night when it’s scary and remembering that he sees us the dark is as day to him, as light to him. And then praising him when at the very end of our days that he holds us, he has us, he knows that we’re frail. And then the chorus talks about how it’s a call to our own souls to praise the Lord.

[00:16:32] Oh my soul, praise the Lord. And we see that in the Psalms where God, where the psalmist David sends of chorus say, tell their own souls to praise the Lord. Cuz sometimes we need to remind ourselves, okay, praise him right now, Soul. Praise the Lord because it is good. It is fitting, it is pleasant.

[00:16:55] And so that was one way. There are times that [00:17:00] I helped them through, like in the front seat and then there are times I’ve given them this song to hopefully listen to and remember, these are the ways you can praise him. And no matter what’s going on, you can praise him. I think my teaching is more caught than taught, but they’re, I’ve tried to give them at least tools to use.

[00:17:29] And then the song ultimately turned into the book that I wish I’d had when they were little. Now I get to hopefully put in their hands. Well I will put ’em in their hands and hopefully they’ll read it . And you remember this is what it looks like to praise the Lord. It doesn’t have to be fancy or eloquent.

[00:17:51] It’s just like a lifting up your face to him. Looking for him, looking to him, looking for him, [00:18:00] and in not resulting in some kind of response to God. 

[00:18:06] Julie Lyles Carr: Beautiful and the book, the new book is called Praise Him. So we’ll make sure and get a link in the show notes so that, listener, you can check that out for your own kids.

[00:18:14] Lauren, I love that you have equipped your kids with this tool of understanding what praise and worship is in that it is turning our thoughts to God and remembering all of the amazing things that he is, is the Great I Am, and I don’t want this to sound a judgey kind of a thing, or a technicality or legalism, but it dawned on me a few years ago that some songs that I called Praise and Worship, that were some things that I ran to.

[00:18:44] I gotta confess Lauren, A lot of times they were a whole lot more about me, or they were Anthems of Faith, which was a great thing, and tenets of faith, right? But they weren’t actually praise directed to God. So how do we evaluate that? Because again, [00:19:00] I don’t wanna get in some ditch where I am just combing through and wagging my finger at somebody’s lyrics.

[00:19:05] But it’s been pretty fascinating since I began to really distinguish, okay, wait a minute. What am I doing here? Am I reminding myself or building myself up? Which, that can have some value when we’re feeling low, but am I really taking the time to directly praise God? How do you wander and work through all of that?

[00:19:27] Lauren Chandler: Yeah. I think it’s important to just pay attention. And like you said, there will be seasons where, gosh, I just need to know that I’m loved by God. Like I can remember after I’d had my third child going on a run and more of a jog for sure, just trying to get outta the house. And How He Loves had just come on the radio and it washed over me and I cried like a baby, and I needed that in that moment.

[00:19:59] But I [00:20:00] think we can get stuck in it being all about that and we can forget. Like Psalm 147:1 says, praise the Lord for it is good to sing praises to God for it is pleasant and a song of praise is fitting. Like God made us to praise him. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and not being able to do anything but gasp.

[00:20:30] That there are good things for us to do like that with the Lord, where we stand in front of him and we gasp and we say, God, you are so good. You are so much bigger than anything I’m facing. . It’s a good recalibration of our perspective to look to him and appraise him for all that he is and all that he’s done.

[00:20:57] But man, just. For who he is is [00:21:00] good. It’s good for our hearts because he made us to do it. He, if you think about it, standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, seeing a gorgeous sunset, we’ve had amazing sunsets the last week or so, cuz we’ve had lots of clouds and all those storms. Oh my gosh.

[00:21:17] It’s been, yeah, I don’t know if y’all have too and like the sun was setting and it was reflecting off of every cloud, like in the eastern sky. It was just stunning. And everyone that I saw had that, posted on their social media, that lived here. And I was like, we were made to share that and to praise like it, for us to have it stop in us, we couldn’t, we can’t do it.

[00:21:41] It feels good to let it go and to be, oh my gosh, isn’t that amazing? Isn’t that beautiful? And those clouds are just a shadow of what we were meant to do that towards. We are meant to do it towards the maker of the clouds to say, you are so beautiful. Look at what you [00:22:00] are, who you are, what you’ve done, and that it does something really to heal our hearts and to put ’em in the right place and perspective.

[00:22:10] And it’s good for us and it’s pleasant and it’s fitting, it makes sense for us. 

[00:22:17] Julie Lyles Carr: I know that one of your heartbeats is to help our kids understand how to worship from the heart to really hit that place of what we would call true worship. And it can be tricky, right? Because we totally, in a lot of our modern churches today have become very, physically demonstrative in our worship, and I love the freedom for that.

[00:22:38] But we can interpret all kinds of things. You can have somebody sitting down the aisle from you who seems by their physical posture and their physical response to be really into it. And there can be somebody sitting next to them who looks kind of demure. And you’ve probably been part of church services or conferences I have too when there’s this command from the stage saying, come on, [00:23:00] everybody on your feet, everybody do this, that and the other. Almost as if by forcing a physical posture, we’re gonna force a heart response. I’ve seen parents praise their kids for their kids responding physically in a certain way, in a worship service and telling them, oh, they’re just, they have such a heart of worship.

[00:23:22] We don’t know. We don’t know. So how can we be cautious to, of course, create a space where our kids feel the freedom to worship God with a lot of freedom in that. But at the same time, not just reward, if you will.

[00:23:40] Lauren Chandler: Yeah. 

[00:23:41] Julie Lyles Carr: Those who may be naturally more physically demonstrative. How do we get to that core, that kernel of them really understanding that place in the heart where you’re really speaking to God? 

[00:23:54] Lauren Chandler: I think just reminding them that the Lord sees the heart and [00:24:00] that we see it in the Old Testament where he talks to his people like, you’re doing all the right motions, but your hearts are far from me.

[00:24:10] And so I think it can be as simple as maybe if you’re in a worship service and there’s someone really demonstrative and then someone demure. Just if, maybe if the kids comment on it . Or I don’t know it could be a teaching moment where you say actually we don’t know. What if the demure person is the one that’s just getting her or his heart with God that the appropriate position for him or her right now is to be still, and that maybe God’s working in them. That’s something we can’t see. And the demonstrative person, maybe they are, rejoicing and they are that on fire for the [00:25:00] Lord. , But don’t be so sure you know that we can trick ourselves sometimes and thinking that the outside is what counts when really the Lord sees the heart.

[00:25:13] And I, with my kids being pastors’ kids, and not all PK’s are like this, but mine are not gonna be as demonstrative because it’s something they’ve done, all their lives standing in the front, on the front row usually not always. But so I’m always excited when I see a little lifting of hands cause I’m like, oh good.

[00:25:37] They like feel more comfortable. But I also know like I said earlier, I don’t know what the Lord’s doing in their hearts. I’m praying for them and just encouraging them to not just read the words on the screen. And not just be moved by the notes [00:26:00] that they hear playing, but to really think about, what are they singing? What are they saying to the Lord?

[00:26:08] And that it’s their heart posture that matters to him, not necessarily their body posture. 

[00:26:20] Julie Lyles Carr: Lauren, why do you think that we are commanded to praise God? Because we know from scripture that if we don’t do it, the rocks will cry out. That , that all of creation sings out to him.

[00:26:33] So it’s an interesting thing, right? That it is part of our spiritual walk. That it is part of what we know that we want to do in obedience. So what do you think the purpose of praise and worship is? 

[00:26:50] Lauren Chandler: One, I think it’s to just agree with what’s true. To agree that God, [00:27:00] our creator, he is God. He is the I am who I am and he deserves our praise. So it’s good for us to agree with the truth, not just in our hearts but outwardly. Two, our outward agreement with that, has an effect on others. And it shows others, wait there’s something beyond me. There is something beyond this. There is a God who is good and loving, and who created me and gave me purpose.

[00:27:36] And who wants me and loves me and who God the father sent his son to die for me. So it’s also somewhat of an evangelism tool. And then three, it’s just good for us. It’s like [00:28:00] having an operation manual for something and only using the first two gears and never getting to the third gear, it’s okay, we were like that, we were made for this.

[00:28:12] And if we’re only gonna be in first and second gear, we’re not gonna be able to go as fast as we were made to go. We’re not gonna be able to do all the things that we are made to do if we’re not looking at oh, I was made to pray. So let me enter into that and do everything the Lord has created me to do. And so we’ll probably feel like we’re in second gear all the time because we’re not operating in every aspect and every gear that the Lord’s given us to operate. And we will fill that. We will. In some ways it’s selfish. It’s selfish that, that praise. It says it is pleasant. And I believe it’s pleasant for God to hear. [00:29:00] It’s pleasant for others to hear, and it’s pleasant for our souls to do. It feels good. It feels good to praise him. 

[00:29:11] Julie Lyles Carr: Talk to me about praise and worship preference and what I mean by that, is, some of us may have been raised in backgrounds where there was a certain style of music and that was the style and you never deviated from it. Some of us have been part of contemporary churches where we have no memory or recall of hymns or traditional types of music and liturgies from the early church, but we are very attached to the forms and the styles that are used in the contemporary church. So I think that, I’m not saying preference is a bad thing. I do think I’m always struck with that there’s so much beauty and wisdom and heart and experience and story in looking [00:30:00] across a multitude of preferences and styles. . So how do we make sure that we’re not worshiping the style? And we’re open to what else people have noticed and said about God and effective ways of communicating with him. How do we do that? 

[00:30:20] Lauren Chandler: Yeah. I think being willing to look in other, or other places and other styles and learning from other people that are writing worship songs. And also looking back at some old, old hymns that maybe we don’t know the melodies anymore, but we can read the truth and beauty of the words and see them see praise and worship articulated a little bit differently than how maybe we would say it now. And even borrow some of that and make something new out of it.

[00:30:57] And so I think just being willing to [00:31:00] dabble in different genres of worship and, but always looking for worship that tells the truth about God and about us. And like you said, not being too focused on us having a good mix of, okay, this is praise and adoration. Okay, this is Thanksgiving.

[00:31:21] Okay this is me acknowledging all that he has done for me. This is acknowledging this is what’s true of me because this is what he says is true. And being willing to look for that. Personally, there are different seasons where I need to hear different time types of worship, where right now I’m in a season where I am listening to this album in particular that is just the Psalms, Word for word.

[00:31:54] It’s not the whole psalm, but maybe just like a section of the song that’s just focused on. And [00:32:00] it, I needed it. I just needed the word of God sung over me in this time. And that’s what my heart needed. Other times it’s been, celebratory songs. I’m like, I’m dancing around my kitchen.

[00:32:14] Like I’ve done that where I’m like, yes Lord. And then there’ve been times where I’m like, what I just need to hear. Like when I went out on my run and I heard how he loves us, I was like, I need to be reminded that you love me and that love is not predicated upon my performance and what, how well I feel like I’m doing, but just because you love me and you sent your son Jesus for me, like that is love.

[00:32:42] And so I think that’s how we do it. Be willing to listen to different genres and listen to different types within that genre. And learning that, praise and worship can be expressed in all kinds of different ways. And that there’ll be different [00:33:00] seasons that will need it, and I think that’s what’s important.

[00:33:06] And then I think, as far as a church goes and what kind of worship a congregation has. I think that has a lot to do with who your worship leader is and I think there are certain churches that have a sound. We do like we; we have a sound and we’re willing to break out of that mold sometimes, but we also want to stay somewhere in that just to make it accessible for most people. Because the point for us is not a performance, but it’s for people to join in worshiping with us worshiping God. And so we don’t wanna put too many hurdles in front of our people.

[00:33:51] And we know, okay, this is what they’re comfortable with, we can push the boundaries a little bit here but we [00:34:00] want them to be able to sing with us. We don’t want anything too complicated that then they are lost. And then, we’ll, if there is a complicated song, we put it in a place that’s more of a, we’re gonna sing this over you. If you wanna join in, you can, but this is more like a song, a prayer that’s being sung over you.

[00:34:20] I answered those like personally and then corporately personally just figuring out what’s out there, remembering the truth, knowing we need different songs for different seasons. And then corporately just knowing your people, and knowing, being able to push the boundaries a little bit, but also recognizing, okay, these are the kind of people that God’s brought us and we just want them to be able to enter into worship with us.

[00:34:48] So whatever that looks like to make it easiest for all of us to enter into worship, that’s what we’re gonna do. 

[00:34:54] Julie Lyles Carr: I love that. Such a great way of thinking about it. Both those things that speak to us personally and the things [00:35:00] that we should be looking at corporately. Such a beautiful way of seeing that.

[00:35:04] Lauren, I’m so excited for the new book. It’s a great tool for you listener to be able to guide your child in specifically this area of praise and worship. And it shows them how to keep things simple, how to get to the heart, how to look for moments where God is interacting in their lives, and to speak about that, to sing about that, to pray about that. Lauren’s such a great resource.

[00:35:25] Where can listeners go to find out more about you, to connect with you, to find out all the things about the different books that you have? All of that?

[00:35:33] Lauren Chandler: You can go to, and I think right now I have a popup where you can join my email list. I’m hoping to start putting stuff out through that.

[00:35:44] And then also, Instagram’s my favorite social media, and it’s @LaurenChandler. Super simple.

[00:35:50] Julie Lyles Carr: All right, great. We’ll have Rebecca get all that into the show notes, listener. Be sure and check out the show notes cuz there’s all kinds of good stuff there for you. Resources, links, all the things you wanna go there.[00:36:00] 

[00:36:00] And hey, would you do me a solid, I know that this interview is gonna mean so much to you and I bet you have a friend in your life who would love to hear a lot of what Lauren and I have talked about today. So if you would send that link out to a friend, that is such a huge blessing to us and really helps get out those pieces, those episodes, those moments of wisdom that can really help. So I’d really appreciate it if you would do that, and I will see you the next time on The AllmomDoes Podcast.

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