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Mom to Mom: What Kind of Mom Are You?

It’s here! Snacks & Good Company is live. You may recognize Sherri as the producer of The Brant Hansen show and Brant & Sherri Oddcast! Her first series on Snacks & Good Company is called Mom to Mom. Older moms with adult children talk to moms of young children. The seasoned moms will talk about how they got through it, the beauty on the other side, and how to help our kids love and adore Jesus. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll better understand the kind of mom you are and you will glean wisdom for the journey ahead. If you are a mom or know a mom, please share this podcast!

Special Co-host: Jackie Nickel

Special thanks to Redemption Press for sponsoring the Snacks And Good Company Podcast!

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Speaker 1 [00:00:02] Purposely. Your life. God’s purpose. Listen it at on

Speaker 2 [00:00:10] How old are your kids?

Speaker 3 [00:00:10] 18, 19. 19.

Speaker 2 [00:00:13] Oop!

Speaker 3 [00:00:14] 21 and 22. Yes.

Speaker 2 [00:00:17] So I’m guessing when we were in the toddler and all that, that had been crazy.

Speaker 3 [00:00:23] It really was. What my husband and I like to say is that we ruined them all at once. Nobody got nobody got a do-over parent, like nobody. I told him I was like, when you’re going to go to therapy, everybody just say one, one speech.

Speaker 2 [00:00:49] Hello friends. Welcome to Snacks and Good Company sponsored by Redemption Press. I’m Sherry Lynn and my co-host, Jackie Nickel is here.

Speaker 3 [00:00:57] Hi.

Speaker 2 [00:00:58] All right. So this is very exciting. So basically, older moms, not older, more seasoned moms talking to younger moms about the journey of motherhood, which is very exciting. You are a mom.

Speaker 3 [00:01:09] Mm hmm.

Speaker 2 [00:01:10] I am not your mom. Tell me, kids.

Speaker 3 [00:01:13] Yeah, I have two kids. A girl and a boy. Seven and four. And, um. Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:01:19] Can you tell me why it was important to hear some wisdom from some older moms.

Speaker 3 [00:01:23] I just feel like I’m really in the thick of it right now, and I just. I just love talking to mothers who have already been through it, who might give me some advice I might not have thought of otherwise.

Speaker 2 [00:01:37] Okay.

Speaker 3 [00:01:37] And I feel like I got way more out of this than just any other conversation.

Speaker 2 [00:01:42] I love that. So we do have wise moms that will we will be talking to. And we have not that our young moms are not wise. They are in their own way. But younger moms who, as you said, are in the thick of it. We had a I guess I’d say a roundtable discussion, but we had just like a discussion with like six moms, right. Yeah. Three of my friends, Rachel, Noel and Chelsea.

Speaker 2 [00:02:05] Okay. You were there? Yeah. And then a friend of mine, Zoe. And she brought some friends who are also moms. And so it was just young moms with young kids talking about, like, the ups and downs of motherhood and some of the struggles you guys face.

Speaker 3 [00:02:18] Oh, yeah. It’s totally fun to just relate to each other. Yeah. You know, like, we’re from different parts of the state, but we were able to come together and, like, relate on this thing. We could take away something from that mom or, you know, it’s just a lot of fun.

Speaker 2 [00:02:30] It was. And they all had their favorite snacks, too.

Speaker 3 [00:02:32] Yes. We were all enjoying our favorite snacks.

Speaker 2 [00:02:34] We’ll talk more about why we called it the snacks in good company a little later. But I want to get to the moms talking together. I did an icebreaker that I found on the Internet, so it must be good. So we started out that way so we could kind of get to know each other. So let’s hop into it.

Speaker 2 [00:02:50] All right, guys, I’m going to start with this. This is called the Five Types of Moms. All right. Now, if you’re listening to this on the podcast, I got this from the bump. So if you don’t like it, I don’t know if it’s a reputable place or not. I don’t know what the criteria of any of this was. If you are upset about it or offended, please contact the All right. So, okay. What type of mom are you? And then we’ll go around the table. You can just tell us which one and why. All right. First one is by the book, Mom. Looking at everybody’s faces. All right. This is generally, but not always a first time mom. She knows and the recommended amount of sleep, food, dirty diapers and infant Tylenol, a baby should have according to his age and weight. She knows exactly when the first teeth should appear and in what order. She can recognize cradle cap. What does that mean? Can somebody tell me what that means?

Speaker 3 [00:03:47] It’s whenever. Well, it’s whenever Your scalp is like crusty looking. Crusty looks really dry.

Speaker 2 [00:03:52] Or is it a baby?

Speaker 4 [00:03:53] The baby.

Speaker 2 [00:03:59] And after you breastfeed it, you go and look in the mirror like, Look at my head.

Speaker 4 [00:04:02] Okay, It’s possible. All right.

Speaker 2 [00:04:06] This mom is a fount of useful knowledge, but also tends towards anxiety. So that’s the by the book, Mom. The go with the flow, Mom. This mom is the polar opposite of the by the book mom. She is very attuned to her baby’s needs, usually calm and unfazed by a little rash or unexplained crying or fit. She’s laid back, some say a little too laid back. This is mom is good to have around as a reminder not to freak out. That’s the go with the flow, Mom.

Speaker 3 [00:04:35] That’s my mother in law.

Speaker 2 [00:04:36] That’s your mother in law? Really? Do you like that about her?

Speaker 3 [00:04:40] I mean, I do because I’m all complete opposite. So she. Yeah, I’m a little bit by the book, Mom. Not at all. Go with the flow, Mom.

Speaker 2 [00:04:50] Okay. Now, you don’t go with no flow. No. Okay. All right.

Speaker 3 [00:04:53] She. She helps me go with the flow.

Speaker 2 [00:04:56] Young. Okay. All right, So the martyr mom, this type of mom is very common. In fact, there’s a little martyr Mom in everyone she always puts herself last, whether it’s eating, sleeping, or even basic personal hygiene. I want to encourage that at the table.

Speaker 4 [00:05:16] You know.

Speaker 2 [00:05:17] That her baby is always adorably dressed and clean, whereas she is usually rumpled, rushed in guzzling, lukewarm latte because she didn’t have time to eat. She’s never available for Mom’s night out, though, because she doesn’t feel right asking anyone else to watch the baby. That’s the martyr mom, the guilt free mom … y’all ai laughing any more, some of you must be in there. The guilt free, Mom. In sharp contrast to the martyr, Mom is a rare breed. Guilt free Mom may travel for work, go on weekend getaways with friends, go to the gym regularly, has hobbies. She doesn’t feel the least bit guilty because her very capable husband carries at least half the child raising and household load. When you ask this mom how she does it, she laughs and shrugs. I just do. You would hate this mom if she wasn’t so nice. Okay, by the book. Go with the flow. Martyr or guilt free? We will start. You said Jackie. You said you are?

Speaker 3 [00:06:20] Anxious by the book mom.

Speaker 2 [00:06:22] By the book?

Speaker 3 [00:06:23] I  mean, I think I have a little bit of other parts of the mom in there.

Speaker 2 [00:06:26] But your major part.

Speaker 3 [00:06:27] I’m probably majorly.

Speaker 2 [00:06:30] By the book. Okay. Chelsea.

Speaker 4 [00:06:33] So I’m probably go with the flow mom.

Speaker 7 [00:06:36] She’s the one we hate.

Speaker 2 [00:06:37] Really?

Speaker 7 [00:06:39] I would agree. Yeah.

Speaker 4 [00:06:41] I feel like I’m just pretty laid back and, like, I don’t know, like, when my kids are playing outside, I. I feel like I can go inside for a couple of minutes and it’s okay. But I’m also a teacher, so I feel like at school, like there’s a lot of flexibility. Like you need to have that as a teacher. And so I feel like I carry that in the house too, at home.

Speaker 7 [00:07:02] That’s why I try to hang out with you a lot so that.

Speaker 8 [00:07:05] I’ll agree with that as well.

Speaker 2 [00:07:07] Okay, you guys try to hang out with her because you can pick up on her.

Speaker 8 [00:07:10] Yes.

Speaker 2 [00:07:10] Yes. Yeah. All right, good. All right, Zoli.

Speaker 8 [00:07:15] So I’m like, literally half. I am the go with the flow, Mom. If we were doing, like, a disc mom test, then the go with the flow mom would be my dominant, but then my recessive one would definitely be by the book. Because I just to let you guys know I have an unofficial but official at mom nursing degree. But it’s only for pediatric nursing because like literally the nurses, when something happens, I call them like, Hey, what’s going on? Like, Oh yeah, I did all of that. Now what? You know, so I know what’s going like. So I have things I do by the book, but I’m very much like, I don’t know what time my kids go to sleep at night. So, you know …

Speaker 8 [00:07:56] Four and 1. I’m like, Hey, guys, do you sleep okay? We go to bed when we feel like.

Speaker 4 [00:08:03] I think that’s the title of your mom book.

Speaker 7 [00:08:12] I mean, you have two kids, right? Yeah, I do feel like the more kids you have, maybe correct me if I’m wrong, but I do feel like as you have more, you’re a little more lenient. A little more. Go with the flow.

Speaker 2 [00:08:23] Okay. All right, then. Let’s go to Ryan then. Ryan, you have four kids. I have four kids.

Speaker 2 [00:08:28] Ranging.

Speaker 7 [00:08:28] From age 8 to 9 months. So it’s funny because as you were reading the different Moms, I’m like, okay, yeah, I’ve been that mom, I’ve been that mom, I’ve been that mom. And I kind of rotate depending on the situation. With the first baby, I was definitely by the book, like a by the book. And don’t tell me anything, because I read the whole book three times. The fourth child, I’m like, Here, you can give this book to someone else. He’ll be fine. Just rub some dirt on him. We’re good. So I think you you, you know, you fluctuate. Yeah

Speaker 2 [00:09:01] Okay. Kara, you have one daughter, 13 years old.

Speaker 3 [00:09:05] Yes, I. One daughter. She’s 13. I would say I’m a go with the flow, Mom.

Speaker 2 [00:09:11] Okay.

Speaker 3 [00:09:12] Did you say that, Ryan? Okay, you guys are friends, All right? All right. Yeah, I think we. We’re just making this up as we go along, and I’m just. What? What happened? You know, what went well? What was okay last week? It might be a little different next week and tomorrow. I don’t know.

Speaker 2 [00:09:29] All right. We’re writing a rule book, as we guess, and.

Speaker 3 [00:09:33] And we’re in this thing together, and that’s just it.

Speaker 2 [00:09:36] Is it okay? May I ask, are you a single mom?

Speaker 3 [00:09:37] Yes I am saying.

Speaker 2 [00:09:38] Okay.

Speaker 3 [00:09:39] So I think a little more of that happens. What? My mother was a single mom. I mean, essentially my father was there, but not really. So I think a lot of that is like we just we’re kind of in this thing together. I think that’s how me and my brother felt with my mom.

Speaker 2 [00:09:52] Okay. We’re going to cut in right there. We’ll have more of this discussion with this group of young moms that came together to talk about being in the thick of it. We’re gonna talk about anxiety and when it just feels like too much. But this list I had of different kinds of moms. Jackie Which one did you say you were again?

Speaker 4 [00:10:09] I said I was a mix of them, but I think I favor the by the book one.

Speaker 2 [00:10:14] Okay. And what book like, are you just always getting information? Just trying to.

Speaker 4 [00:10:20] Like, I’m always reading books on like, like basically how to be a mom. Okay. And when they were baby babies, I was always looking things up like, Oh, does my kid have eczema? Does my child have, you know, X, Y, Z? You know.

Speaker 2 [00:10:35] I’m sure you are not alone in that. Like, no, you’re already you already had that kind of. Would you say you’re a Type A personality?

Speaker 4 [00:10:40] Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:10:41] Okay.

Speaker 4 [00:10:41] I think I can confidently say that.

Speaker 2 [00:10:43] Okay. Yeah, well, I ask that because not only do we have wise moms coming into the studio, more seasoned moms, older moms, if you will, coming into the studio to talk to us. We also talk to moms on the phone, right. So called a few moms who, you know, volunteered to give us some wisdom. And this mom, Heather, is her name. She is like a by the book mom. And she said she’s a Type A personality. And I just love what she had to say about how she had to kind of let that go.

Speaker 7 [00:11:13] The freedom that I have found through these 22 years of parenting has come only through. Letting go of my pride in myself as a parent.

Speaker 2 [00:11:31] Oh explain that.

Speaker 7 [00:11:31] Yeah. So I’m very type-A, whatever you want to call it. You know, take it, take a test, that type.

Speaker 2 [00:11:40] You know? You know? I can relate. Yes.

Speaker 7 [00:11:43] Right. Yeah. I want. I want to do things the right way. That has always been important to me. So I get to parenting, and then I had a plan. I was going to have these three kids spaced neatly apart.

Speaker 2 [00:11:56] That didn’t quite work out.

Speaker 7 [00:11:58] And you’re right. Right. God, God continually says, Oh, Heather thinks she’s in control of her life, so I would have a plan. Okay, Now I’m going to learn how to parent toddlers and babies. Exactly right. Mhm. And they’re going to oh, we’re going to have first time obedience and we’re going to, you know, all march through the grocery store, just perfectly. Wonderful.

Speaker 2 [00:12:20] Single file with the line in front of.

Speaker 7 [00:12:23] You. Oh my goodness. You know. Right. Keep your hand on the car, kids. This is what we do, you know, this is how we are. You know, we’re going to sit in the church pew, you know, that kind of thing. And goodness, I mean, it’s just constant failure.

Speaker 2 [00:12:43] Can you relate to that?

Speaker 4 [00:12:45] Oh, yeah, totally. I, I think I was a little surprised when I heard that, too, because I’m like, wow. Like, that’s how I feel now, you know, at least once a day. I’m like, oh, my gosh, is that going to mess Mason or Reace up for the future? Or, you know.

Speaker 2 [00:12:58] It is it that I hate to use those word, but again, have grace with me. Is it that apocalyptic? Like that thing must come up for life?

Speaker 4 [00:13:06] And again, maybe. I don’t think I am the only one that thinks this, but I think that’s how most moms are constantly thinking about, you know, the next. Step or ten steps ahead. Yeah, for their future. And they’re just trying to make sure that whatever we do now.

Speaker 2 [00:13:21] Does it.

Speaker 4 [00:13:22] Doesn’t mess up. Yeah. So I think it was very relatable when she said that. I’m like, Wow, I didn’t realize that moms before us had always felt like that too. Whereas here I think it’s more of just does you just me.

Speaker 2 [00:13:36] Yeah. Okay. That’s why we’re doing this. Yep. When we come back, we are going to talk about anxiety. So the young moms around the table there with their snack ready to talk about when they feel the most anxious. Yeah, as a mom. And then also more about failure. And I know we were like, okay, enough about failure already. But from what I understand, if I’m hearing you correctly and if I heard Heather there, this is a constant thing feeling like you’re failing.

Speaker 4 [00:14:01] Yeah. Yeah. And then after hearing this, I’m just like, wow, I don’t. I don’t think I’m doing as bad as I thought I was.

Speaker 2 [00:14:07] That’s what we want. And hopefully when you’re listening, you feel that way, too. We’ll be back with more snacks and good company.

Speaker 2 [00:14:23] Let me ask you a question, friend. Do you have a book in you? Well, not literally in you like in your brain. I bet you do. Like, have you ever been writing at the end of the night in your journal and then you look back at what you wrote, You’re like. That is the story to tell. Well, why not tell it? Seriously, why not? Redemption Press is here to help you not only find that story, but help you tell that story and then give you a community of support while you’re on the journey. If you have ever felt like you wanted to write a book and I know so many of you have felt that way, you just don’t know where to get started. Redemption Press will help you with that. They have a professional editorial staff. They’re all believers. They’re ministry minded, supportive, trustworthy. Listen. Reach out to redemption Press. What do you have to lose? Find out how you can start telling your story. Right now, your message is their mission. Love that. Check them out right now. All right. I have to say this about motherhood. One of the things that to me makes you all just rock stars. Rock stars. And I mean, I’m not being facetious. I mean, it is the meals every day they have to eat and you have to do it. Mm hmm. Like, even if you have your husband does stuff or whatever. But primarily I’m thinking that falls on the moms. If anyone’s out there and.

Speaker 2 [00:16:02] Like, falling into traditional gender.

Speaker 2 [00:16:04] Roles. Okay, whatever. I’m just going to assume that that’s on the moms. And if it’s not in your relationship, you know, to God be the glory. Right. So I’m thinking every day you have to think about what are we eating today?

Speaker 2 [00:16:17] Three meals a day.

Speaker 2 [00:16:18] Three meals and snacks. Yeah, that’s that’s not a shameless promotion for this podcast, but snacks, too, right? Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:16:24] So what what is just.

Speaker 3 [00:16:28] I don’t it’s it’s a I mean, there are days where I’m feeling super motivated. I’m like, Oh, yeah. Healthy meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. Yeah, I got you. Right, right. And then there’s days I’m just like, I don’t. I don’t even care. Just eat whatever. Because both of my kids are so different. Like, you know, I’m like, Oh, I’m going to make a dinner. They’re both going to love. Mm hmm. And I make it. And like, the ones, like, Mom thanks it’s so great. And then the other one’s like, Oh, what is that? It looks so gross. And I’m like, Are you kidding me right now?

Speaker 2 [00:16:56] Oh, so. So what’s the difference between the two of them is that.

Speaker 2 [00:17:00] I don’t even I can’t even tell you what?

Speaker 3 [00:17:02] They just don’t like the same thing.

Speaker 3 [00:17:03] They don’t like the same thing. They’re just completely different.

Speaker 3 [00:17:05] But do you make two two different?

Speaker 3 [00:17:07] I will. I that’s one thing I refuse to do is make I’m like, whatever. I make what you’re eating chocolate.

Speaker 2 [00:17:14] I’ll give you a pound. Oh, man.

Speaker 2 [00:17:16] That’s old school mom stuff. That’s what my mom. I don’t like. Chicken. Mm hmm. To be sure, I never liked chicken. I ate chicken at least 3 to 4 times a week until I was 18, because chicken is what’s in this house. And so if you’re not eating that, you know. Yeah. And then, like, once I got a job, like when I was 16 or whatever, I could get a little something on my own. But still, she expected us to be family meals and you’re going to eat what we’re eating.

Speaker 3 [00:17:45] I bet you never complain, though, did you?

Speaker 2 [00:17:47] I did not. Yeah, I did not. Now I again, I can hear everyone saying what the child should have. Hey, you okay? Got all of that. But I again, I grew up. We were poor, right? And so we just did not have that opportunity or those advantages to say, Oh, now here, Sherri’s separate meal. That’s what we were. We were grateful to get the one meal that we had, right? So that, hey, we’re all eating this. Yeah. Barring any like I’m just hearing all of these bells and whistles in my head.

Speaker 2 [00:18:18] Like we would have these are you would if you were allergic.

Speaker 2 [00:18:21] Oh, yeah. Okay. All of that. I turned out fine, Right? So everything’s okay? I respect you saying no. We’re going to make. We’re making this meal. We’re eating this meal.

Speaker 3 [00:18:31] Yeah. I mean, it gets to the point where my son’s just like, what if I make it myself? I want to make a sandwich instead of your spaghetti meatballs, right? Like that. I’m like.

Speaker 2 [00:18:39] No, now, okay.

Speaker 3 [00:18:41] What we’re having, what I’m making is what you’re having. You don’t have to eat all of it, right? You know, I. But I expect you to eat.

Speaker 2 [00:18:48] Oh, no, wait. There’s another thing that came from you. That polite bite.

Speaker 3 [00:18:52] Oh, yeah. So they learn that actually in their daycare. Okay. When I was working full time, but that they they were taught that they need to take a polite bite because, you know, they might sit at the table and look at it and say, ooh, that’s gross. But they’ve never tried it, right? So they can’t say that until they take a polite bite and give it a try. And most of the time when they take their polite bite, they’re like, this is actually not that bad.

Speaker 2 [00:19:16] Yeah, I’ve started saying that to myself, actually, because, you know, I’m really regimented in what I eat. Yeah, When I say regimented where I eat, you would think that that would mean that I eat well. And it’s not like I’m regimented and eating whatever I eat. And that’s not always great, right? And so when someone put something new in front of me, I have said to myself, Wow, let’s have a polite bite. Yeah. Yes.

Speaker 3 [00:19:37] How’s that worked for you then? Yeah. You know, and I definitely have respect for the moms that have like the whole meals planned out for the entire week. I gave that a go and that was pretty like easy. I could see why people stick to it. And then I’m just like, you know, I really don’t feel like cooking that chicken nuggets. It is.

Speaker 2 [00:19:55] How long? How long did that last? You’re trying to plan.

Speaker 3 [00:20:00] Like two or three weeks.

Speaker 2 [00:20:03] All right. There’s your a for effort.

Speaker 2 [00:20:04] . Yes. Well done. Yes. How and where can you think? Anxiety shows itself as a mom of little kids or of kids overall?

Speaker 3 [00:20:23] All day.

Speaker 3 [00:20:24] All day?

Speaker 3 [00:20:25] Yeah. Literally, I can sit down at night after everybody is in bed and breathe. Like I feel like I’m holding my breath all throughout the day. Really? Just because mentally you’re trying to make sure you’re doing all the things like all the people are where they need to be, because as they get older, everybody has a different schedule. And I’m a stay at home mom, too. So it’s like, okay, I’m the household manager, then I’m also a chauffeur, then I’m also a chef, then the housekeeper. So it’s just a lot. So then by the time you sit down, you’re like, okay, I can breathe, my mind can rest a little bit, but it never completely rest because then you’re thinking about the next day.

Speaker 2 [00:21:03] So the next day and the next day I knew there was a certain point where I was like, Motherhood for you, Sherry No. And I was okay with that. Like, I know that’s like a it’s a cardinal sin to say that, especially in church culture. Like, well, you.

Speaker 2 [00:21:23] Have to be very you have to have a child.

Speaker 2 [00:21:26] I knew like, I knew it’s that’s not your path and I was okay with it for this reason. I think the level of strength that you I have strength in other areas. I do other things. The level of strength that you all have to have. I I’m not sure. Just because I have a uterus don’t mean I have that built into the uterus.

Speaker 4 [00:21:50] Is the other. Yeah, the uterus with.

Speaker 2 [00:21:52] The tear it’s I mean that comes with the model but that the other stuff is.

Speaker 2 [00:21:57] You know you get a.

Speaker 2 [00:21:58] Car and it’s like, okay, you get car windows, but not necessarily the sun roof. Right? So, okay, so whatever that was, I didn’t have it, but I honor it, right? Because like you said, the next day is coming. The next day is coming. Okay. Anybody else on anxiety? Easily. Yeah.

Speaker 3 [00:22:13] So my why and I think we’d all agree is this safety like or will the what rather the what is safety like just constantly concerned about some aspect of their safety whether it’s you know food even spiritually you know physically you know constantly it’s like, okay, Lord, please don’t let let them, you know, succumb to any violence in the school. Please keep away this. Please keep away predators in school, please. You know, other students, you know, just I mean, everything is very red alert, you know what I mean? So, you know, and it’s really hard to not see the world that way because, I mean, you know, you get on your cell phone couple, you know, swipe left, swipe right, swipe up or down, and there’s some type of violence affecting the community or even if it’s way across the country, Oh, my gosh, you know, this crazy thing happened and you’re like, okay, taking the day off of school. You. Yeah. I mean, so it’s and again, the wise I mean, the when it’s constant, it’s constant. So safety is definitely something that induces anxiety. So like every mom, no matter what faith they follow or regardless of whatever their background is, what they believe or don’t believe, it’s like we all have to have an anchor that keeps us from floating away into the land of worry. To the extent that you can’t even be present for your kids because you’re so you’re like engulfed in what may happen, you know, and how that kind of happens. You do that, and then next thing you know, your kids are in prison and then you’re the one damaging them, right. Because they can’t experience the world. So. Yeah.

Speaker 3 [00:23:44] Yeah.

Speaker 4 [00:23:44] Well, anxiety.

Speaker 7 [00:23:47] Chelsea probably doesn’t have any.

Speaker 7 [00:23:51] I mean, like.

Speaker 4 [00:23:52] Just honestly, like, I am trying to sit here thinking about, like, what causes me anxiety with my kids. And, I mean, I guess if I think of anything, it may be health. I guess that goes along with safety a little bit. Like when they get sick, what is it? Because I don’t know. I’m not a doctor, am I? The closest thing I have is my sister I always call. She’s a nurse and give her all the symptoms. Like, what is this? What could it be? Do I need to take her to the doctor like? And then how far is that going to go? That it’s going to affect them?

Speaker 2 [00:24:20] But every day you’re not kind of living in an anxious kind of state. You’re ashamed to say, no.

Speaker 3 [00:24:27] Teach me

Speaker 4 [00:24:33] So I grew up at a church camp. I like it was I just felt very sheltered from the world, like and everything where I was was okay. Mm hmm. I felt like we didn’t have a lot. There wasn’t a lot of fear. There wasn’t a lot of uncertainty. Like, everything was just fine. And so now that I’m, like, out in, you know, a normal world, like, I just. I’m very naïve about things or bad things happening.

Speaker 2 [00:25:00] Do you feel.

Speaker 2 [00:25:00] Like that kind of. You see that as a mirror in your kids? Like they’re kind of fearless and they just go and do easily?

Speaker 4 [00:25:10] Yeah. Yeah, I think I do.

Speaker 2 [00:25:11] That’s beautiful, though. That is.

Speaker 2 [00:25:13] Yeah.

Speaker 3 [00:25:14] I mean, even when it comes to swimming. So Chelsea has a pool and we go to Chelsea’s pool to swim. And I mean, she was a swimmer and strong swimmer, and her kids are all strong swimmers. And, you know, the little girls in the pool, no floaties on just swimming around. I’m like, Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 2 [00:25:31] I’m like, oh.

Speaker 3 [00:25:33] Like I am a lifeguard on duty. And I’m not telling anybody about it.

Speaker 3 [00:25:38] Like, that’s.

Speaker 3 [00:25:39] Anxiety. And like, you know, her little girl is eating pretzels while, like, diving into the water. And I’m like.

Speaker 3 [00:25:47] Yeah.

Speaker 7 [00:25:48] I think all of us other moms are like this. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Speaker 3 [00:25:54] Just by the look.

Speaker 4 [00:25:56] But I also think, like, I know, like Noelle and I agreed on the type of mom, but I think, like, too, like we are we are very similar, but we’re also a whole each other accountable. Mm hmm. In that regard, like, if we know that each other is going off a little bit on the deep end, we definitely would. Really? Oh, we reel each other end where.

Speaker 2 [00:26:19] Anxiety is concerned. Yes. Okay. Okay.

Speaker 3 [00:26:22] And beyond anything. Yes.

Speaker 3 [00:26:24] Okay.

Speaker 1 [00:26:25] Yeah. I think accountability is super helpful. I as a mom, I call her Ryan, like, sometimes because, again, she’s more experienced than I am, but is really helpful with regards to anxiety, because if you don’t have someone to look out for you and say, hey, you know, it’s okay, they’ll be okay. Then again, you know, you’re in the deep end and it’s really uncomfortable out there.

Speaker 4 [00:26:44] Yeah. Cara I’d have to say I have to agree with Ryan anytime. She’s not in my sight. Your daughter. Anytime she’s not in my sight. I’m. I’m worried about, you know, And it it doesn’t help that at this preteen stage to kind of goofy and and you’re like, kind of like, yeah, they can’t. They can’t think like you want them to, or they just don’t I don’t know if they can’t or they just don’t. But, you know, it’s like some things just don’t make sense. Recently she called me after school and she said, I missed the bus. And I said, But you’re at school and the bus is waiting for you. So how did that happen? I still don’t know. And I was just like, I’m coming. That’s all I can say. It’s just like those things. What happened? Where did your mind go? That you didn’t come out of the school and get on the bus? The same thing you do everday. You have been doing. Right, because you’re in eighth grade now. So this is not new. Well, I know. So it’s things like that. Well, she think well, and I know I get on her nerves. I’m always like, did you do this? Did you remember this? I remember that. Remember? You know, and I know she’s like, all right, you know, But it’s like you say, All right. But I know as soon as I don’t ask you, that’s going to be the very thing. You don’t do that today. Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:28:14] You don’t get to say, All right, we missed the bus.

Speaker 4 [00:28:16] Right, right, right. You know, don’t give me no spark like that. Are you thinking, you know, and it makes me think, like, did I not teach her how to think? Said I’m not teach you how to use your cognitive skills and the, you know, critical thinking and to figure something out, it’s like, girl, if you were in a paper bag, you wouldn’t be able to get out.

Speaker 2 [00:28:38] Is the hard balance, though, Like, okay, how do I give them freedom to learn how to think and how to problem solve?

Speaker 4 [00:28:45] And then you want to just but then.

Speaker 4 [00:28:46] How do I.

Speaker 4 [00:28:47] Still. Yes, I just do it like this is how you do it. But it’s like you want to see them do it, but it’s like you got to go this way, You’re going this way, you know? Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:28:56] So the reason why I love it is because all of you have very different perspectives. And I know people listening right now. We’re in a culture right now that you all are very blessed because here at the table you probably can hear when you’re listening, there are friendships here, people are friends with each other. Overall, our culture is very lonely and people are very isolated. And so that was one of the reasons why I thought this podcast was important, because you don’t know, like when you say, my 13 year old walked outside and literally missed the bus where the bus was waiting, Right? You don’t know how many moms that happened to them and then they don’t have anyone to talk to. And so they’re like, my kid is all the things that you said and that must not be teaching them, right? You must not. But sometimes it’s just it’s just the way that it is. And if you don’t have community and you don’t have wisdom around you, you actually don’t know that. And I think that would induce anxiety. Yeah, because you’re by yourself and you just don’t know what you don’t know. And you would.

Speaker 3 [00:29:55] Internalize that like, you know, oh my goodness, I didn’t teach her how to come out of school and get on the bus. But I I’m I am thankful that I can tell that story to Ryan or Zoli and we could get a good laugh out of it because they know, like, you know, Kara, your daughter is just goofy sometimes, right? And that’s fine. You know, they all are. They all are. I’m sure you have looked at your children and said, wow, You know.

Speaker 4 [00:30:21] Absolutely every day I’m.

Speaker 7 [00:30:22] Not the good wife. That was the choice that she made. All right.

Speaker 2 [00:30:30] That actually is one of my favorite parts of that night. We had was the Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. And there’s some that we didn’t actually put on the podcast of you guys talking about. Wow. If you want to text. No, no. Why don’t you email me Sherri at snacks and Good Sherri at snacks and good company dot com. If you have a moment where you your child did something, you were like, huh, Wow. Yeah. You really had nothing else to say. You can’t believe it. I’m sure my mom is feverishly typing right now to email me the email me about me. But if you have just like a real wow moment and then please in the email, let me know if it’s okay to share or if it’s just like, No, Sherry, this is just for you and Jackie.

Speaker 3 [00:31:14] I cannot wait. Yeah. to read those

Speaker 2 [00:31:16] Yes, please. If you’re just like, you know, my kid did. Wow. Wow. Anyway, I want to get back to our callers. These are moms with adult children with such wisdom, and they’re talking more about failure and feeling like a failure. Because Jackie, hearing from you and then hearing from other young moms, it’s such a common theme that I asked them, like, did you feel this way? I asked every mom that I had a chance to interview. Did you feel this way when you raising your kids? They’re adults now, but did you feel like a failure? Every single one of them said yes. Yeah, all of the time.

Speaker 3 [00:31:51] Which is crazy to me too, because like, I don’t think I a lot of people talk about it. I mean, because a lot I mean, at least, you know, moms my age, you’re when you’re scrolling on social media, it just looks like everyone else has it together. And you’re just like, I don’t think I’m doing enough.

Speaker 2 [00:32:07] Yeah, I haven’t packed a picnic basket and I’m not skipping through the meadows with my kids, and they’re all perfectly dressed and perfectly behaved. Yeah, that’s not happening.

Speaker 3 [00:32:15] It’s not realistic. And I mean, I’m glad I realize that now. It helps a little bit, but, you know, you can’t help but think that sometimes.

Speaker 2 [00:32:22] Hearing older moms say, I felt like a failure all the time. Yeah. Or have they already got through it, That’s even better.

Speaker 3 [00:32:27] Is Yeah, they got through it. Kids are alive. They’re okay. And they’re okay.

Speaker 2 [00:32:33] Everybody’s alive. Everybody’s.

Speaker 3 [00:32:35] Everybody’s alive. And everyone’s okay.

Speaker 2 [00:32:37] Here’s more from LeAnn. She’s talking about she has two adult children, by the way. She’s talking about why she thinks so many moms feel like a failure all the time.

Speaker 4 [00:32:46] Yeah. I think it’s just that feeling of. Feeling responsible for another human being. And what kind of person is this child going to be? And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned more about myself that had I known as a as a young mother, I like to think I would have been better at it. But maybe that’s just part of motherhood.

Speaker 2 [00:33:06] That’s what I was going to say is maybe the answer is because every mom I’ve talked to same thing. The moms who have older kids say, Yeah, I felt that too. Maybe that’s just the feeling because you’re in charge of humans and that that’s that’s that is an amazing responsibility. And maybe just feeling like you’re failing is just the feeling, but you don’t have to let that feeling rule you. Maybe that’s it. Maybe you can just say this is the part.

Speaker 3 [00:33:35] You’re right.

Speaker 2 [00:33:36] Okay.

Speaker 3 [00:33:37] Yeah. And also, I mean, maybe if somebody had told me that as a young mother that all these other mothers feel like they’re feeling, too, and this is normal. But, you know, we don’t we don’t have that. And I’m sure it’s even worse nowadays with social media.

Speaker 2 [00:33:51] That that is why that’s why I’m doing the podcast, because I want moms to hear that you’re not alone. Right. And with social media, they everyone looks perfect because we get to craft a life that we put in front of people right and wrong, and no one sees the struggle. We just see the glossy pictures of you swinging the kid at the park and you’re like, Oh, well, she has it all together. I’m failing where I want them to hear. No, this is this is actually life. This is how this feels.

Speaker 3 [00:34:23] If you care, know, you really care how your kids are growing up and you’re probably always going to feel that way.

Speaker 2 [00:34:30] All right. So that’s LeAnn talking about how feeling like a failure as a mom is basically normal, but it doesn’t have to take over your life and take over your thought patterns. And probably the biggest thing is take over your emotions.

Speaker 3 [00:34:43] Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:34:44] Yeah.

Speaker 3 [00:34:45] I think it’s refreshing to hear that perspective of it.

Speaker 2 [00:34:48] Okay, here’s here’s another. I’m sorry. No, no. Okay. See? See how this podcast is. So it’s so not scripted. We’re talking over each other. All right. Christine, I had a chance to talk to her as well about I asked every mother, every older mother that I talked to, how do you feel or did you feel or do you remember feeling like a failure?

Speaker 3 [00:35:10] Looking forward to hearing this one.

Speaker 4 [00:35:12] I don’t know if you ever get out of that feeling when you’re a mom.

Speaker 2 [00:35:15] Of the feeling of failure.

Speaker 4 [00:35:17] Yeah. Because even like my daughters are, they’re 19 will be 20 next year. The twins. I still feel like when they ask me questions, I’m still like, Why did I do that right? Did I answer that right? Is that what you wanted me to tell them? So I think sometimes we just we just want to be so wonderful and amazing for them and we know our own flaws. So I think that we’re extra hard on ourselves, and our kids don’t know that, but they think, Oh, that’s great. My mom’s wonderful. You know, she’s smart. But you know your own insecurity, you know your own struggles. And I think that is always going to be there. I mean, that’s that’s kind of how I feel. Even at 19. It’s just like a whole new set of things.

Speaker 2 [00:35:55] So it’s always going to be because you’re always going to be their. Mom.

Speaker 2 [00:35:58] Yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:36:00] I love that. Coming up next, we are going to ask, when did it just feel like too much? As a mom, we’re going back to our young moms and the quote unquote, roundtable filled with snacks. When was it too much? And you’re like, you know, I can’t do this anymore. And they have some very, very interesting answers and I think you will be able to relate to. We’ll be back with more snacks and good company. Welcome back to Snacks and Good Company. I am Sherry Lynn and Jackie Nickel is here. All right. So we’re going back to the young moms who have wisdom in their own right. And I just asked this question. Did you answer that? We’ll listen. Well, listen, This is the question. Well, let me I’m going to find out. I’m going to throw it to myself. So let me ask you this. When is the last time you felt like was there? And can you think of, like a specific example or the time like specific example of the time where, like, this is too much?

Speaker 3 [00:37:09] Yeah. I don’t know what the Towel looks like and you throw it in. I don’t know what. But your question.

Speaker 4 [00:37:14] Was how many times a day?

Speaker 4 [00:37:16] No.

Speaker 7 [00:37:18] The last.

Speaker 7 [00:37:18] Time.

Speaker 7 [00:37:19] Did it.

Speaker 2 [00:37:20] Were you okay? Can you give me what that where or when? Or is it just random where that feels like this is. This is just way too much? I just think that if it were me, I’d feel like that every single moment of every single day. But certainly encouraging for those of you who are listening right now.

Speaker 2 [00:37:43] I feel overwhelmed every day now.

Speaker 2 [00:37:47] All right, Jacqui, I’m start with you.

Speaker 3 [00:37:49] I think it’s usually when my kids are fighting and I can’t like and in the moment, I’m just like trying all these different things to, you know, you figure, like, I took Tammy’s advice the one time or the past few times. I’m like, you figure it out or I will. And like, sometimes they do. And then I’m like, All right, that’s cool. And then other times I’m just like, I can’t even stand it. I need to separate you guys. And I. I think everyone needs a break. And, like, those are the times where I’m just like, How am I going to get through the rest of the day? Like, are they going to keep doing this? But yeah.

Speaker 2 [00:38:20] Everyone seems to relate to that. Yeah. When the kids are fighting, how often, how often are fights breaking out? Yeah. Not young kids out here fighting all the time. No kids at battle.

Speaker 4 [00:38:33] All the time. Really? All the time.

Speaker 2 [00:38:35] Lately. I mean, what are the ages?

Speaker 3 [00:38:35] , four and six. And they’re both boys and. Hold on. My youngest is very bossy. He’s going to have a very bossy face. So he’s always trying to boss his older brother around. And it. It drives all of us insane. He’s I mean, he tries to boss us around all the time, too, like me and my husband. It’s. Yeah, but they fight constantly. And I’m just trying to think I’m like, I don’t know what to do. Like, I think it was two mornings, I think. I mean, I texted you and I was like, Oh, it was just a wonderful morning of just constant fighting before school.

Speaker 3 [00:39:06] It was just like 2 hours of them being awake and it was constant.

Speaker 3 [00:39:09] I was like, What is going on?

Speaker 3 [00:39:12] I’m like, You should go to your separate rooms and play by yourselves. And I just ended up, like, back, like, together over and over. I like, I.

Speaker 4 [00:39:19] Don’t I don’t even know. I don’t even know to I know I’ve heard some people were like, if they can’t get along, then they just put them in a room together. I’m like, I’m kind of scared to do that because.

Speaker 7 [00:39:26] Well, look what happened to me the last time I put my kids in their room and what they did.

Speaker 7 [00:39:30] Oh, yeah. You know.

Speaker 7 [00:39:31] I’ll let Rachel.

Speaker 7 [00:39:32] Tell the.

Speaker 7 [00:39:33] Story. Rachel, we’re.

Speaker 7 [00:39:34] Here. We’re here for you.

Speaker 7 [00:39:35] They were fighting, and they were just going at it. And I said, Go to your separate rooms. You got to have some time, like 15 minutes. I’m like Alexa set the timer for 15 minutes. And they always say, Alexa, how much more time do I have on my timer? Well, they didn’t say that. And it was like five, 10 minutes later. And I’m like, Man, they’re really quiet. And I’m sitting in the living room like, This is kind of nice. Just a few minutes of just peace. And all of a sudden I see both of my children running through the front yard of the house. And I’m like, Now what in the world? How you how do they how, how they get out? They snuck out of their windows, they got together and Levi came over and probably said, you know what.

Speaker 7 [00:40:19] We are in place now.

Speaker 7 [00:40:21] They were getting together.

Speaker 7 [00:40:22] They weren’t.

Speaker 7 [00:40:23] Together. They started fighting. Right.

Speaker 7 [00:40:25] So and it’s days I got Make God, you did it.

Speaker 7 [00:40:33] The best part was when the neighbor was watching me chase them through the yard.

Speaker 7 [00:40:36] Then. And she’s just like, what is that?

Speaker 7 [00:40:40] Entertainment?

Speaker 7 [00:40:41] All right. That is such a funny story. I remember she told us that actually, I think we’re eating hibachi somewhere or something. Yeah, she told us that story. That’s your friend Rachel?

Speaker 7 [00:40:51] Yeah, that’s Rachel.

Speaker 2 [00:40:52] You kids, Same kind of same age or.

Speaker 2 [00:40:54] Around the same age.

Speaker 3 [00:40:55] We went through pregnancies and all that stuff together, so yeah, they’re. It’s so funny when I hear her tell stories like that, because my view of them, of her kid, they’re just so sweet, so nice, so polite.

Speaker 2 [00:41:10] You don’t see jailbreaks?

Speaker 3 [00:41:11] I don’t.

Speaker 3 [00:41:12] See jailbreaks.

Speaker 3 [00:41:14] Not at all.

Speaker 2 [00:41:15] All right. Well, we’re actually.

Speaker 2 [00:41:17] Almost at the end of our podcast. Is a feel like that already a first episode anyway?

Speaker 3 [00:41:21] No, I didn’t even realize I was close. to the end

Speaker 2 [00:41:23] it goes so fast. But before we end it, I asked the moms that we called if they had one piece of advice to give you guys. All you guys. that were sitting at that table. What would it be? Man, this is so good.

Speaker 2 [00:41:35] Let’s hear.

Speaker 4 [00:41:36] It. When you think about it, sometimes you’ll think, Oh, my gosh, that was so stupid that I did that when they did that. And my kid won’t even remember. But it was so big to me because, you know, you just kind of move on to the next day. And Mercies are new.

Speaker 7 [00:41:52] Do you love them? Then you’re doing just fine. Hmm. And me? Not from the depths of my heart. And I really. If I had five more seconds, I would say I think it was an Elizabeth Elliott book that I read at some point. Whatever. But her thing. Do the next thing.

Speaker 2 [00:42:16] Yeah.

Speaker 7 [00:42:17] That was. That was real. That was so real to me in that time. Yeah. And it seem, you know, it seems just whatever so basic.

Speaker 2 [00:42:25] All right, So. Mercies are new every morning. Just get up and try it again. Mm hmm. And then do the next thing.

Speaker 3 [00:42:32] Yes.

Speaker 2 [00:42:33] How does that resonate with you?

Speaker 3 [00:42:35] I, I take what I take from that is like you just don’t hold on to the things or the mistakes that you might have made in that that moment. Like, forgive. yourself

Speaker 2 [00:42:45] Are you a person it holds on to?

Speaker 3 [00:42:47] Oh, yeah, I’ll. I’ll go to bed that night and be like, Oh, I could have done this differently. I could have said that differently. But, you know, one of the callers that that said that they’re not always going to remember those things, which is also a relief to me because I kind of hope they don’t.

Speaker 2 [00:43:03] Be like, Oh, Lord.

Speaker 3 [00:43:04] Please. Yeah, Lord, please don’t let them remember that. And that just loving them is is enough. You know, if you are capable of showing that every day, then they are getting exactly what they need.

Speaker 2 [00:43:18] I love what this caller says here.

Speaker 4 [00:43:21] You spend far more time on your knees when your children are adults than when they are children. Oh, wow. Because you have no control and. They won’t listen to you even though you have wonderful things to say. But I can just praise God every day that they all love Jesus. But it was a struggle getting here.

Speaker 2 [00:43:45] So what you’re saying to young moms is these even though it feels hard, these are actually the good years.

Speaker 4 [00:43:53] These are the great years. And I am so envious now that mothers have phones to take these pictures and do these videos. And we have all these wonderful memories of funny stuff that their kids do and places that you go. We didn’t have that.

Speaker 2 [00:44:12] Get the memories. Keep the memories. These are the good years.

Speaker 4 [00:44:15] You are so blessed.

Speaker 2 [00:44:16] Do you feel that like even through the stress and the anxiety and the failure, do you feel like not only these are the good years, but they’re going so quickly?

Speaker 3 [00:44:26] Yeah, I’m so aware of it that I just feel.

Speaker 2 [00:44:29] Because your babies are, what, five and. seven

Speaker 3 [00:44:31] Five and seven and, and like I’m I don’t know if mornings they’re the correct word to use, but you’re you’re mourning the little the baby, the baby years, the toddler years because you know they’re over. And I think I’m just so hyper aware of that that I’m like trying to make the best out of this time that I have with them.

Speaker 2 [00:44:50] That has to be so difficult to have that kind of duality of. This is the thick of it and it’s so hard. But why is it going so fast? Why are they growing up so fast? All of that together. Yeah. See, this is and it’s the most important job in the world. I’ve said that before. I’ll say it again. I stand by it. If you don’t like that sherry at snacks. And good company. Com. Momm-ing is the most difficult job. And the most rewarding job.

Speaker 3 [00:45:15] Yes, most rewarding. The most fun and the hardest thing.

Speaker 2 [00:45:20] All the most.

Speaker 3 [00:45:20] Stressful and stressful. Yeah.

Speaker 3 [00:45:22] All right. The name of this is Snacks and Good Company. We have not talked about that at all. The reason why I named this Snacks and Good company is because those are my two favorite things in the world. In fact, I’m going to start asking callers what are their favorite snacks? And then we’ll come back and say.

Speaker 3 [00:45:38] Okay, yep.

Speaker 4 [00:45:39] Oh, that depends on the day. Okay. If I’m not counting calories or anything.

Speaker 2 [00:45:43] No calories. Calories don’t count.

Speaker 3 [00:45:45] Snickers. Snickers. I love me and Snickers and spearmints

Speaker 3 [00:45:49] Okay.

Speaker 3 [00:45:50] Those are my new favorite things.

Speaker 2 [00:45:51] So if your.

Speaker 2 [00:45:52] Husband came home and got it and handed you a Snickers, you’d be like, This is my man.

Speaker 3 [00:45:56] It’s if I am that way. And he does that of like.

Speaker 3 [00:46:01] Yeah, he’s a.

Speaker 3 [00:46:02] He’s a keeper.

Speaker 2 [00:46:03] Yep. See, and I the reason why is the title of the podcast or the name of the podcast is Snacks and Good Company. And everyone’s like, What does that mean? And I was like, Those are my two favorite things in the world is if I have my favorite snack and I mean.

Speaker 3 [00:46:18] Your favorite people.

Speaker 2 [00:46:19] Yes. And like, we’re just talking and I am eating this popcorn. My life feels so full and rich in that moment. And that’s that’s what I’m trying to.

Speaker 3 [00:46:29] That’s a perfect picture. My favorite snack is absolutely popcorn.

Speaker 2 [00:46:34] Popcorn like. So any kind of popcorn, you make it the buy, we.

Speaker 3 [00:46:38] Make it.

Speaker 2 [00:46:39] You make me make. Is that a thing? Like we have to make our own popcorn and listen?

Speaker 3 [00:46:44] Because buying microwave popcorn for five children not economical.

Speaker 3 [00:46:50] Absolutely.

Speaker 2 [00:46:52] So what what’s what’s the process?

Speaker 3 [00:46:54] Oh, yeah. We have a giant popcorn pot, actually. Now that they’re moving out, that is their first Christmas present. After they move out, they get their own popcorn, pot and popcorn oil and yeah, so we just make this giant pot of it right on the stove, like the old fashioned days. Just call me Laura Ingalls. Now, I’m telling you,.

Speaker 2 [00:47:13] I don’t remember Laura.

Speaker 2 [00:47:14] Ingalls making. popcorn

Speaker 3 [00:47:15] But.

Speaker 2 [00:47:19] Okay, so their favorite snack is popcorn like mine. I don’t know if Laura Ingalls was popping popcorn, but I’ve never seen that episode. But it may have happened, but popcorn is my favorite snack as well in yours.

Speaker 3 [00:47:30] Oh, my gosh. I feel like.

Speaker 2 [00:47:31] Health. We should tell people you’re like a health person, like your healthy snacks. Yeah, the stuff. You’re your fitness person. Yes. Yeah. Okay. All of that. Yeah. So you’re not a person that sit back and have two bags of chips?

Speaker 3 [00:47:43] No one but chips aren’t my thing. But if I’m going to indulge in something, it’s usually like a chocolate chip cookie. And it has a cookie. Yeah, but it has to be the one. It’s not one of the crunchy ones. Like, don’t waste my time with that. This it’s one of those, like, really big like, crispy on the outside. Not, I don’t know, crispy but like, chewy and chewy gooey in the middle.

Speaker 2 [00:48:05] Okay. So it’s the specificity of a chocolate chip cookie. Yeah. The edges are crispy and the inside is gooey.

Speaker 3 [00:48:11] Yes, like that. And like chocolate covered nuts or pretzels.

Speaker 2 [00:48:16] Okay, if you have that. And then, like, just the people you love the most.

Speaker 3 [00:48:20] Yeah.

Speaker 3 [00:48:21] I’m livin like crazy.

Speaker 2 [00:48:22] Yeah, that’s when I said snacks and good company. The reason why I wanted to name it that it was less about the snacks and more about the feeling you get when you have snacks and good company. Like just that. I wanted that open, honest.

Speaker 3 [00:48:36] No judgment.

Speaker 2 [00:48:37] No judgment. UNGUARDED. Yes. No walls up. Yeah. Who has? Voila. When you’re eating ooy, gooey chocolate chip cookie? Yeah. Nobody. All right. Next episode, guys. It’s going to be amazing. I feel like this episode was amazing.

Speaker 3 [00:48:50] It was so fun.

Speaker 2 [00:48:51] The next one, though, is Tammy Hamilton. She is a mom of eight adult children, all of them home schooled, all of them amazing. And she actually was the catalyst for this podcast. And we will talk to her about that in the next episode. And here’s a little clip of Tammy.

Speaker 4 [00:49:09] I really want my kids to talk to me and tell me what’s.

Speaker 4 [00:49:12] Going on, what they’re hearing, what the voices in their head are saying to them, so that I can say that’s not true. I know that’s not true. That’s not God’s voice. That’s not how Daddy and I feel and and try to, you know, get him back on on the track of what is God saying and what is God’s plan.

Speaker 2 [00:49:29] All right. That’s going to be a lot of fun.

Speaker 3 [00:49:30] It’s so good.

Speaker 2 [00:49:31] I learned a lot from Tammy. Yes.

Speaker 3 [00:49:33] So good.

Speaker 2 [00:49:34] All right. So we’re going to talk to Tammy. If you enjoyed this podcast, we sure hope that you did. Please subscribe. We would love for you to do that and also share it with a mom that, you know, maybe a mom who is lonely or feeling isolated or need some wisdom or need some affirmation in her love of snacks. We’re here to provide all of that. Please share this podcast. Also, you can rate us. That helps a lot when you give a rating a nice one and we thank you for that. Ratings Comments. Subscribe Share. All of that helps. This is presented by purposely. It is produced by yours truly, Sherri Lynn.

Sound Design by Lauren Tone Kirkland Music by Matt Mason of Mason Haven Music Art Design by Natori. Marketing Social Media by Janessa Schuller, Multimedia Photography by James Brunson. And we recorded the majority of this podcast in the Christian FM studios in sunny Vero Beach, Florida. Thank you so much for joining us, friends. We’ll see you next time.

About Sherri:

Sherri Lynn has been a radio professional for well over a decade. She has her degree in Communications as well as Biblical Studies. Sherri is a writer, comedienne, and former youth pastor. She wrote and produced a comedy DVD entitled “The Very Funny Church Comedy Show: Together We Laugh”, wrote and starred in the stage play musical “The Bold and the Sanctified” which starred American Idol Winner Ruben Studdard, and authored the book “I Want To Punch You In The Face But I Love Jesus.” She is the producer of The Brant Hansen Show and “The Brant & Sherri Oddcast.”

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