You are not an accident. You were created on purpose, for a purpose, by a God who loved you enough to think you up, and then came to die for you so that He could take away your sins and…
When you and I show selfless love to others, we’re saying to our Father, “I see that love you’ve given me. I can draw some out of the well of my heart that You put there, and pour it on…
I don’t think anything touches God’s heart more than when we love other people.
This is like a long drink of cool water for your spirit. So here we go. Psalm 62, beginning in verse one, take a breath…
Hope is real because God is real. Maybe you’re feeling tired today, kind of like a flickering candle whose flame is about to go out. Well, you are not alone.
Hope is planting a seed in dirt where you know it’s going to get enough sunlight, and believing that seed is going to turn into a beautiful flower.
Hope is the thing to hold onto, because when we grab a hold of hope, we’re grabbing hold of Jesus. He calls Himself the God of hope. Doesn’t that just warm your heart up?