I recently saw a butterfly release! Dozens of painted lady butterflies getting ready to spread their wings into the big wild world. They were excited to begin this new journey but it was easier for some than others. It’s a…
You and I have been living out Psalm 46, verse 10, Be still and know that I am God. We are safe, we are protected. The God of angel armies is watching over us, and looking after us. Beautiful things…
We’re talking about how God is real. Join me in 1 Kings chapter 18, and get ready for a big standoff that’s about to happen… and God is about to show up!
Is God calling you to take a leap of faith with something right now? Or maybe you are in one of those dark nights of the soul. Well, I’m here to tell you that He is right there. He is…
Are you walking through a difficult time? Maybe you’re walking through a fire today and somebody is turned up the heat of anger and conflict. I want to remind you, Jesus is with you. Just as He walked with Shadrach,…
God cares about me and the smallest details of my life, and he cares about you and the smallest details of your life. I believe He wants me to pass this message along today so we’re jumping into Ephesians to…
We’re going to be talking about the importance of focusing on Jesus as the problem solver in order to unlock joy and gratitude in life. Seeking Jesus leads to finding joy, just as David did in the Psalms. Satisfaction and…
You and I are studying joy this week. It’s like a big jigsaw puzzle in front of us, and by the time we put them all together, I believe you and I are going to have more joy in our…
We’re studying joy this week and we’re putting together all of the pieces of the puzzle that we find in the Bible. During episode one, we talked about how the joy of the Lord is our strength. Episode two, we…
You and I are putting together the puzzle of joy this week. What does joy look like when we receive it, when we choose it in our lives? Because so often we have to choose joy, right? Our circumstances are…