We are going to read the greatest story ever told, and it’s a hundred percent true. It’s a story about a rescue mission. It’s a love story. It’s God saying, I want to know you. I want to save you.…
You and I, we give and receive many gifts at Christmas time, but just like God’s peace is different than the world’s peace, God’s gifts are different than the gifts in the world.
Today, we’re making room in our hearts to discover who Jesus is to us, and what the Christmas season truly means. Let’s dig deeper into the different names of Christ and how He brings His perfect joy & peace to…
Thanks for spending time this week with me, as Erica takes some time off. For our last episode, we’re talking about how being enough takes faith + action. It’s true that faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by…
This week we’ve confessed that we are nothing without Christ, who is not only enough, he is all in all. We saw that our muchness comes from his enoughness and that it only takes a mustard seed amount of faith…
Faith is a settled confidence that something in the future, something that is not yet seen but has been promised by God, will actually come to pass, because God will bring it about.
Yesterday, Jen talked about being enough. Today is all about getting honest and believing that God is enough for us, and the concept of “enoughness” and “muchness” when relating it to faith in God.
Do you wrestle with feeling not good enough in areas of your life? Grab a cup of coffee and soak in the truth that God has for you regarding this, focusing on God’s existence and life-giving nature.
All this week we’ve been giving thanks for some unusual things. Things that don’t usually make it to the top of our gratitude lists in life like, we’ve been thanking God for our breath. He fills our lungs every day.