It’s such a privilege to talk with you about what Jesus did in this world when he was here. Today we’re going to talk about the miracles that Jesus did, and he did many. Many of us could use a…
Jesus rested. He carved out time to chill out. He carved out time to spend with his Father in prayer. And He wants to be that rest for you. Rest from your worries. Rest from your problems. Rest from your…
You may have heard the phrase or seen the bracelets, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?). But what about WDJD… What Did Jesus DO?! Today we’re going to be talking about the fact that Jesus hung out with sinners. Did he…
Thanks for being with me this week! Today we end our week of exploring biblical heroes with one of my favorites, Peter. Throughout the gospels, Peter’s interactions with Jesus, and the disciples, reflect a leader who is impulsive, ambitious, self-assertive,…
Job was an upright God-fearing man who shows us what it is to have faith in the deepest, darkest of times.
Nearly everyone knows how David defeated Goliath with just a sling and a stone. He was a strong, smart, and loyal leader, but he still came up against some pretty significant personal struggles. Let’s find out more.
Today’s hero is Moses, a man who shows us how to faithfully obey, even in times of doubt.
Jen Ervig is filling in for Erica this week, and she’s bringing heroes of the Bible to you! Today is all about Joseph. Despite being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and falsely imprisoned, he remained faithful to God.…
This week we’ve been studying the book of Ruth, and jumping out of this study is the word redeem. You have a Redeemer. Jesus came to redeem us from death, by dying on the cross for us, for our sins,…
God writes the best love stories. He writes yours and mine, and he definitely wrote Ruth’s. Today we see how God redeemed the lives of Naomi and Ruth, and how God brought Boaz into Ruth’s life and redeemed her. You…