Continuing in our anger management class this week, Moses and Aaron serve up today’s lesson. Frustrated by the complaints of the Israelites, they acted out in anger instead of trusting in God. This resulted in the consequence of not being…
So, this week you and I are camping out on what the Bible has to say about anger, how we can avoid it, how we can evict it from our hearts. I don’t want my heart to be a hotel…
So, we’re going to be having a little anger management class this week. We’re going to look at what the Bible says about anger. It warns us in a bunch of different places not to be angry, and for good…
Today my goal is for you to feel more loved than ever before. I want to remind you today that you were made on purpose, for a purpose, and God is not done with you yet. You are the opposite…
Do you know why peace is within reach? It’s because God’s hand is within reach. Today we’re reminded in Joshua that the Lord is with you, and with me. He will not fail us. He will not abandon us. Do…
Don’t hang your head when you get lonely. God will never leave your side, and He will never let you go. He will be with you “to the end of the age.”
This week we’re talking about how it’s easy to feel lonely in this world, to feel unseen. In fact, about half of us are reporting that we’re experiencing feelings of loneliness, but you and I are coming together. We’re linking…
If you feel lonely, you are not alone. There’s a new study that says almost half of us are experiencing feelings of loneliness. Half! That said, there is also a real God who says, I will never leave you, and…
The joy of the Lord is your strength. That’s a promise straight out of Nehemiah in the Bible, and we’re going to tap into it today as we dive into Joy Bombs in the Psalms. If you are battling an…
Jesus did something that nobody else has ever been able to do. He raised the dead! Through the story of Lazarus, I hope that your heart is filled with wonder and awe as we consider the fact today together, that…