We’re diving into the importance of faith and trust in God, even in the face of adversity and unanswered questions. This week we are going to study some of the biggest questions in the Bible and perhaps draw closer to…
One of the things I love about David is that he pursued God. The Bible says he was a man after God’s own heart, and so I want you to keep your ears tuned for two words today. You will.…
Today, you and I are about to meet Joshua, one of the bravest heroes in the Bible. He was Moses’ successor… Can you imagine following in his footsteps, walking in his sandals? But God always knows what he’s doing. He…
I don’t know about you, but sometimes my life feels like a soap opera, like I’m caught up in a whirlwind of drama some days. So my bold prayer for you today is that you would feel remembered and seen…
Being bold and being filled with faith go together. Faith is defined in the dictionary as complete trust or confidence in something, or in our case Someone. And then being bold is defined as showing an ability to take risks,…
You and I have been making decisions all week and have decided to trust God, to believe what he says in His Word. We’ve decided to obey Him and we’ve decided to listen with an open heart and with open…
You and I… We need to DECIDE to listen. I want to be so tuned into God that I hear Him, and we’ve got to get quiet don’t we? We’ve got to open his Word like we’re doing right now…
We have decided to trust the Lord. We’ve decided to believe that the Lord has our best interests at heart, and today, you and I are going to DECIDE…to OBEY. Today, we’re going to be spending some time with Abram…
Every single day this week, you and I are going to figure out what God says to do in the Bible and we are going to decide to do it. You’re not alone. I’m right there with you, working on…