The Bible says, be careful who you entertain for some have entertained angels without knowing it. Isn’t that cool to think about? Today an angel is paying a visit to Joseph. Let’s dive in!
Don’t be afraid. Let those words soak into your heart today. The angels said them often when appearing to humans in the Bible. Find out more!
Angels have purpose just like you and I do as human beings. They are warriors. And they are messengers. So, let’s meet the first angel of Christmas!
Seek Jesus and you will find His love and compassion in everyday life. Jesus’ love and sacrifice for humanity is what Christmas is all about. He came into this world to save the world. To save you.
Oh friends, I encourage you to come to the light, accept Jesus’ forgiveness and love, and be born again. Jesus’ sacrifice was for you and for me, bringing great joy to the world. It’s available to you right now.
Today, we’re going to study the life of another person who deliberately sought the Lord. Join me now in the book of Mark.
If you are hungry and thirsty to know God, He will give you the Water, the Living Water that Jesus talks about in a dry and weary land. If you search for Jesus, you are going to find him. That…
Maybe you’re on a journey this Christmas. You are looking for hope. You’re looking for faith, for joy, for peace. I want you to know all of these things can be found when you find Jesus.
What was it like inside the belly of that whale? We can only imagine. But this is how Jonah responds.
Have you ever felt like maybe God tapped you and you’re like, I think you’ve got the wrong guy or gal? I’ve been there before. Oh man, it’s hard sometimes, but as my husband told me once, I never forgot…