Remember, we were talking last time about how sometimes the Bible exposes the sin in our life, but it’s okay to bring it into the light. Another safe place to do that is in a community of people you trust,…
All this week, you and I are studying four things that we need to thrive as human beings. Today you and I are going to talk about God’s Word. What is the Bible? Why do you and I take about…
Last week you and I studied the four things we need to survive as humans; air, water, food, and light. This week, you and I are going to dive into the four things we need to thrive as human beings.…
What a privilege it is to study the Word with you and to remember that God provides everything you and I need on this planet. Air, water, food, and light. He provides these things physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. He is…
Jesus says, I am the light of the world, and so even though we go through dark times in our lives and walk through dark valleys, we may feel like we’re alone, but we are never alone. He is right…
You know when you eat and you feel sustained, you feel full and strengthened? This is what Jesus came to do for your soul to give you life. Today we’re digging into John chapter 6 – Let’s sit down together…
As human beings, we need four things to survive, air, water, food, and light. Technically, I guess coffee falls under the water category, but do you realize Jesus provides all of these things for us every day? He is the…
Hey, are you ready to go into battle with me? Today we are going to pray a very powerful prayer with King David. So, let’s armor up and seek the Lord in prayer today! You’re going to find that there’s…
You and I are on a battlefield every day, aren’t we? It’s called life. There’s a battle between good and evil. There’s a battle between good and bad choices, right? You and I are always making decisions as we interact…