You ever just see a meme that stops you in your tracks, and you stop scrolling and take a screenshot because the words are so powerful? Listen to what stopped me in my tracks the other day. Jesus treated Judas…
There is a pharmacy where all the prescriptions are free because the promises, and the one filling them, fulfilling them in your life, is the great physician Jesus, the one we worship. Happy Friday – It’s time for Joy Bombs…
It’s a privilege to go through God’s medicine cabinet with you, finding the prescriptions of His promises that never expire, and might as well have your name printed on the bottle. They’re just that personal. We all go through scary…
This week we are looking at God’s prescriptions for the things that ail us. And maybe you are feeling hopeless today… You don’t have a feeling of expectation and desire. You don’t have a feeling of trust. I want to…
We’ve got God’s medicine cabinet open again today. I love how the Bible describes God as the great physician. Whatever is hurting you today, whatever is making your heart ache, God has something for that.
Prayer and focusing on God in times of feeling overwhelmed is where we’re at today… Let’s go!
There are so many things we deal with as humans, but in the Word of God, we find remedies. We find comfort for everything that comes our way, and the thing about God’s prescriptions that I really love is that…
One of the things I always quoted to my kids when they were growing up was Mr. Churchill. I would say, what does Mr. Churchill say? And they would dutifully, “Never give up mom”. We are continuing our series called…
Sometimes our heart and spirit get sick… Our hearts get out of alignment with God. It can cause us to feel like a bad person. Those feelings are real, but you know what you got to do? You’ve got to…
If you are feeling lost on the trail of life today and you’re looking for breadcrumbs that will lead you back to remembering that you are actually found, that everything is okay, I’m so glad you’re here. There is a…