You and I are going back to school this week, Bible school that! I thought it would be fitting since our kids and grandkids, nieces and nephews are going back to school that hey, you and I can go back…
Let’s crack open God’s Word together and continue this idea of the Lord Jesus saying to us, “Look at me every day of your life.” I want to have my eyes gazing at Jesus and glancing at everything else. How…
Today we’re going to talk about the time God looked away from Jesus as He took upon himself the sins of the world. He came to sacrifice His life for us on the cross. He was beaten mercilessly. The Bible…
Let’s crack open God’s Word together and continue this idea of the Lord Jesus saying to us, “Look at me every day of your life.” I want to have my eyes gazing at Jesus and glancing at everything else. How…
One of my favorite ways the Bible describes God is that He’s the lifter of your head and mine. The other day, God lifted my head and I believe that today He wants to lift up yours as well. No…
It’s time for Joy Bombs in the Psalms, and more time to just stay and abide with the Lord. So often life gets busy and crowds out the presence of God. Our worries can often do that, but this is…
Yesterday when we gathered, we talked about how abide means to dwell. God wants to abide with us. Isn’t that beautiful? Today, I want to tell you what abide means in the Hebrew.