Why worship? What is the point of worship? Today Canyon Hills Worship of Canyon Hills Community Church dives into that question as they look at what the Bible has to say about the reasons for worship, and how we can…
We are so grateful to welcome Canyon Hills Worship of Canyon Hills Community Church to this 5 part series. We are jumping right in to the topic of worship. What is worship? How should we define it? Let’s dig in!
We are excited to be joining forces with Canyon Hills Worship from Canyon Hills Community Church to bring you the next series on Purposely Equipped. We will be looking at worship.
We are moving into the fourth part of our prayer series as we dig into a really important topic. How do we pray when we are at a loss? How do we pray when it’s just really hard? You might…
We are moving into the fourth part of our prayer series as we dig into a really important topic. How do we pray when we are at a loss? How do we pray when it’s just really hard? You might…
We are in the third part of our prayer series looking at “How should I pray?” This is where the rubber meets the road as we look at the many ways people pray, how we keep it authentic and how…
Why should we pray? What are some terrible reasons to pray? What are the right reasons to pray? In the second part of our Why Pray series, Pators Wyatt Martin and Steve Brooks look at what the real and right…
What is prayer? Let’s start simply and go back to the basics. Pastors Wyatt Martin and Steve Brooks break down what prayer is, what the Bible shows us about Prayer, what Jesus does when he prays and how we can…