We are starting a new series today on the Purposely Equipped podcast digging into church. Mark Holland welcomes Tyler Clark from Table of Hope church to discuss the topic: What is church? Let’s jump in while we unpack what the…
Pastor Alec Rowlands discusses the history of revival, focusing on the Second Great Awakening and its impact on society, in Part 2 of A History of Revival.
Pastor Alec Rowlands joins Mark Holland to discuss the History of Revival. What is it? What isn’t it? And how does God use it to change people and society for the better? Listen to Part 1 of the conversation.
Now What? We’ve walked through the Holy Week looking at the journey of Christ from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. With all this….how do we respond? How do we apply it to our lives? How do we take what we’ve…
Listen as Mark Holland talks with Ryan Bunbury of Calvary Christian Assembly about why the resurrection is essential to the Christian faith and why we all need to pay attention to all the evidence that the resurrection happened and changes…
The disciples have been traveling with Jesus for 3 years. They’ve just witnessed the crucifixion. And suddenly on this Silence Saturday they feel like all hope is gone. Not only that but it feels like God has gone silent. What…
It’s a big day. As we look at the power in Good Friday Nick Waldsteadt of Gold Creek Community Church dives into why Good Friday is considered Good, why it’s a part of holy week that shouldn’t be rushed, and…
This day is packed with meaning as we look at scripture and what was happening on this day. The Last Supper is an important meal Jesus shares with his disciples. As this meal begins, we’ll see the ceremonial washing of…
In order to reflect on the betrayal of Judas, we need to look back at the story of Jesus as he spends time with Simon the leper. Pastor Greg Janke of Sonlight Community Church unpacks Matthew 26 for us as…
We found out yesterday that Jesus curses a fig tree. Why did he do this? What does this illustration show us? What deeper spiritual problem does he point to in the story he tells? Journey with Mark and Riley Taylor…