There’s a word that you might hear a lot in the next few weeks, and that is Advent. And if you listen to the word adventure, you can hear the word advent in there too. Advent means that something’s coming,…
Thanks for spending time this week with me, as Erica takes some time off. For our last episode, we’re talking about how being enough takes faith + action. It’s true that faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by…
This week we’ve confessed that we are nothing without Christ, who is not only enough, he is all in all. We saw that our muchness comes from his enoughness and that it only takes a mustard seed amount of faith…
Note: Sensitive Topics. Bianka struggled with a dysfunctional family full of abuse and poor choices. She was in a place contemplating suicide when God spoke to her in a dream. Jesus grabbed hold of her heart and her life changed…
The Other Side of the Mic: Julie Lyles Carr on Teresa Ann’s Podcast, Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Every now and then, The AllMomDoes Podcast host Julie Lyles Carr finds herself on the other side of the mic! Check out her conversation with Teresa Ann, host of Triumphant Victorious Reminders, both a radio show and podcast.
How do we focus on and contemplate and meditate on the things we do have? Is Jesus actually enough? All this and more as we dive into episode 1 of this new season of Snacks & Good Company focused on…
Are you in stuck in a cycle of doubt? There are three sources to this doubt. There are three ways to get passed doubt. Join Jesse as we look at the lives of seven people in the Bible and how…
Faith is a settled confidence that something in the future, something that is not yet seen but has been promised by God, will actually come to pass, because God will bring it about.
Yesterday, Jen talked about being enough. Today is all about getting honest and believing that God is enough for us, and the concept of “enoughness” and “muchness” when relating it to faith in God.