By working together, ants can dig huge nests, use their bodies to form rafts or bridges, sew leaves together, and can feed up to 306 million members of their colony! The colony needs all the different jobs in order to…
In today’s conversation we’ll cover what it takes to ensure a new tech is a good fit for your family. Today’s verse: Luke 16:10-12: “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who…
Jesus calls himself the bread of life. We are picking up with our third episode Harvest Series in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. We are reminded that God provides ALL we need. Be encouraged today with this news.
Whenever Tammy went in for cancer treatment she put a butterfly sticker in the room to remind her of new life. That simple gesture ended up influencing others and you’ll hear how that sparked something incredible. Today we look at…
At just the right time you will reap a harvest of blessing if you don’t give up. Today we kick off a Harvest series. Erica reads Galatians 6 and shares a story about how Charles Schultz persevered in the creation…
Welcome to The Bible For Busy People. Takeaway Verse: Acts 13:52 – And the believers were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
Why worship? What is the point of worship? Today Canyon Hills Worship of Canyon Hills Community Church dives into that question as they look at what the Bible has to say about the reasons for worship, and how we can…
Talk about a big season in a parent’s life! Whether your kid started their first day of preschool this year or if you dropped off your youngest child for their freshman year of college a few weeks ago, our kids…
Welcome to The Bible For Busy People. Takeaway Verse: Acts 13:38-39 – We are here to proclaim that through this Man Jesus there is forgiveness of sins. Everyone who believes in Him is made right in God’s sight—something the law…
David Leonard is a singer, songwriter and producer. Today this conversation is a good reminder to go. What is a dream that you have on your heart that you want God to bring to fruition? What does God have for…