Our freedom in Christ isn’t license to make excuses, but rather a declaration of our need and the chance to see real, spiritual freedom come even into our technology.
We can show our children how to use the best tech by bringing it intentionally into our homes.
Today we’ll discuss how the gospel of Jesus helps us address unhealthy tech as a heart issue and build our relationships with our children as we seek to serve and lead them in the way they should go.
Should your child play Roblox? Is Minecraft a safe choice for a child? How do we go about handling YouTube? Today, we’re putting our tech conversations to work and looking at all three of these to assess…
Today we’ll give you the tools you need to answer in hope, not fear, and ensure that you give your child all the best tech and none of the tech that will harm or distract them for their full potential…
Today we’ll discuss why location matters and what we can do to ensure that our families use best tech in the best ways.
Tech has a way of creeping into the nooks and crannies of our lives. Today we begin our series on the three boundaries we all need around our tech, and we start with time.
Today we discuss what to do with hidden sins: why they matter, how to address them, and how to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ to the darkest and most hurt areas of our lives.
Today we’ll walk through the process of making the most of our gaming time, and in building a conversation that supports what is most important with graceful firmness.
Today we discuss three changes we can make, starting today, and three additions Nathan has made to his life recently.