How do we focus on and contemplate and meditate on the things we do have? Is Jesus actually enough? All this and more as we dive into episode 1 of this new season of Snacks & Good Company focused on…
Are you in stuck in a cycle of doubt? There are three sources to this doubt. There are three ways to get passed doubt. Join Jesse as we look at the lives of seven people in the Bible and how…
Faith is a settled confidence that something in the future, something that is not yet seen but has been promised by God, will actually come to pass, because God will bring it about.
Yesterday, Jen talked about being enough. Today is all about getting honest and believing that God is enough for us, and the concept of “enoughness” and “muchness” when relating it to faith in God.
A “nerd” is anyone with a niche passion, which can be in the analog or digital world. While technology can be a tool for expressing your passion, it can also distract from the reality of God’s presence if you let…
Over the next 13 episodes we will be talking about these characters and their importance in the Christmas story. We hope it will help you shine fresh eyes on Christmas and the beauty of how God wove it together. Let’s…
Do you wrestle with feeling not good enough in areas of your life? Grab a cup of coffee and soak in the truth that God has for you regarding this, focusing on God’s existence and life-giving nature.
Today we’re testing our memory of previous episodes on gratitude! It’s okay if you don’t know all of the answers! The bonus in going over this will help you remember all the good stuff we’ve been talking about the last…
Even followers of Jesus experience things in life that can make a firm foundation feel kind of well shaky. I will be sharing stories of people finding hope, joy and even humor under difficult life circumstances. The common denominator in…
All this week we’ve been giving thanks for some unusual things. Things that don’t usually make it to the top of our gratitude lists in life like, we’ve been thanking God for our breath. He fills our lungs every day.